I’ve just found this & sent to husband
To be honest he as been great & always try’s to reassure me things will get better.
I always think he must be bored of hearing me but he isn’t
He said he feels helpless that he don’t understand it & that this is one thing he can’t fix & that frustrates him
As it does me .. I was naive and expected to stop periods and maybe a few flushes. Shock to the system for me
I know I’ve changed but one thing about me and husband is we have always spoke about things.. we are open and up front even if it’s not what we Wanna hear
All our mates say they have never heard us slag each other off to people .. because we always tell each other rather than a middle person.
He is a good man as I’m a good wife to him & he said no matter what we do this together
but I know and can see it bothers him seeing me go from happy go lucky to a bag of nerves & non existent
I know he will read it as he is that kinda man , we was lucky to find each other and we will be lucky to get through this together
Lucky for him I’ve not experienced anger yet 😂😂😂