Menopause Matters Magazine

Menopause Matters Magazine

Past Articles

stress"Menopause and Stress"

How self care and compassion can help mitigate the stresses of midlife.

» See the full Menopause and Stress Article here. (PDF 6.2Mb)

myths"Busting Menopause Myths"

We debunk some of the misconceptions that women and others seem to cling to.

» See the full Busting Menopause Myths. (PDF 71Kb)

taboo"Vagina and bladder symptoms - still taboo?"

Past and recent surveys on women’s experience of vaginal and bladder issues reveals some interesting results.

» See the full Vagina and bladder symptoms - still taboo Article here. (PDF 3.7Mb)

heart"Everybody loves a healthy heart"

Understand more about the causes and impacts of cardiovascular disease.

» See the full Everybody loves a healthy heart Article here. (PDF 869Kb)

simple"HRT, keep it simple and keep it safe"

HRT Facts and Myths

» See the full HRT, keep it simple and keep it safe Article here.

men 1"Putting the men into menopause"

Why husbands, partners and co-workers are embracing 'the change'.

» See the full Putting the men into menopause Article here. (PDF 405Kb)

simple"Listen to what the men said"

The results of our website partner survey

» See the full Listen to what the men said Article here. (PDF 136Kb)

simple"Menopause and men"

Meg Mathews explains her experience in relation to men and menopause

» See the full Menopause and men Article here. (PDF 200Kb)

simple"HRT, keep it simple and keep it safe"

HRT Facts and Myths

» See the full Keep it simple Article here.

brainfog"Menopausal brain fog"

Could lifestyle changes and a brighter outlook make your midlife brain less fuzzy asks Kerry Dolan?

» See the full Menopausal brain fog Article here.

mytsleephs"Improving sleep"

To celebrate National Sleep Awareness Month here's some tips on how to get the best night's sleep.

» See the full Sleep Article here.

myths"Menopausal Myths Busted"

Make sure you're in the know and help debunk some of the misconceptions that many women and others still seem to cling to.

» See the full Myths Article here.


Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a brief, non-medical approach that can be helpful for a range of health problems, including anxiety and stress, depressed mood, hot flushes and night sweats, sleep problems and fatigue.

» See the full CBT Article here.

thispass"This too shall pass"

From Issue 65, Autumn 2021
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, often presented as mild or severe worry and, or fear. It's an emotion experienced by everyone.
With links to relaxation videos in the pdf.

Download the full article as a PDF (477Kb)
» "This too shall pass"

nutrition"When our relationship with food can change"

From Issue 63, Spring 2021
Eating disorders are often seen as a problem of girls and younger women. It may then surprise you to know the most common profile of diagnosed eating disorder sufferers are women in their 30s or 40s with Binge Eating Disorder.

Download the full article as a PDF (223Kb)
» "When our relationship with food can change"

periods"Those periods in our lives"

From Issue 62, Winter 2020
We all have them, some more than others. So, what's that got to with menopause - apart from them disappearing?

Download the full article as a PDF (386Kb)
» "Those periods in our lives"

ageing"Scrapping the rulebook on ageing"

From Issue 61, Autumn 2020
Kerry Dolan shares some thoughts on facing the future without fear.

Download the full article as a PDF (275Kb)
» "Scrapping the rulebook on ageing"

meltdown"Avoiding Menopausal Meltdowns"

From Issue 60, Summer 2020
Kerry Dolan offers some calm in troubling times and some exercises that might help.

Download the full article as a PDF (419Kb)
» "Avoiding Menopausal Meltdowns"

vaginal estrogen"Confusion around vaginal estrogen"

From Issue 59, Spring 2020
Lack of estrogen can cause dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissues making intercourse uncomfortable or even painful.

Download the full article as a PDF (1.8Mb)
» "Confusion around vaginal estrogen"

"Understanding Obesity and Menopause"

From Issue 58, Winter 2019
Dr Daisy Mae writes about a weighty issue, close to many women’s hearts.

Download the full article as a PDF (592Kb)
» "Understanding Obesity and Menopause"

"Sex After the Menopause"

From Issue 57, Autumn 2019
The menopause can affect female sexuality and our relationships as we age.

Download the full article as a PDF (177Kb)
» "Sex After the Menopause"

"Joint Effort"

From Issue 54, Winter 2018
Joint pain and stiffness can be experienced by up to 50% of all menopausal women. So, why is that and what can help?

Download the full article as a PDF (212Kb)
» "Joint Effort"

"Celebrating Menopause - Should We Drink to That?"

From Issue 51, Spring 2018
Menopause and alcohol.

Download the full article as a PDF (106Kb)
» "Celebrating Menopause - Should We Drink to That?"

"Let’s Talk About Xenoestrogens"

From Issue 50, Winter 2017
What are Xenoestrogens and can they help?

Download the full article as a PDF (111Kb)
» "Let’s Talk About Xenoestrogens"

at work"Menopause at work"

From Issue 47, Spring 2017
Coping with menopausal symptoms at work can be tough and some women are, understandably, reluctant or even afraid to talk to their employer about it.

Download the full article as a PDF (314Kb)
» "Menopause at work"

"How to be Middle Aged without Going Insane"

From Issue 47, Spring 2017
Self-confessed ‘Grumpy Old Woman’ and comedian Jenny Eclair talks about her menopause.

Download the full article as a PDF (118Kb)
» "How to be Middle Aged without Going Insane"

testosterone"Testosterone: The magic extra - or is it?"

From Issue 55, Spring 2019
A specialist menopause nurse explains about this special hormone.

» Read the "Testosterone" article here

» Download "Testosterone" as a PDF (2.4Mb)

laugh"Let's Laugh Not Leak"

From Issue 56, Summer 2019
Wetting ourselves and pelvic floor exercises are not a funny topic and it is an intimate issue but Elaine Miller is using comedy to change the world, one vagina at a time.

» Download "Let's Laugh Not Leak" as a PDF (514Kb)

BMS"BMS Conference 2018"

From Issue 53, Autumn 2018
HRT and Beyond - Highlights from 2018’s British Menopause Society Conference

Download the full article as a PDF (331 Kb)
» "BMS Conference 2018..."

sleep"Tips for Improving Sleep Long Term"

From Issue 53, Autumn 2018
Are you sleeping easy or counting sheep?

Download the full article as a PDF (88 Kb)
» "Tips for Improving Sleep Long Term..."

BodyTalk"Body Talk"

From Issue 52, Summer 2018
Makeup artist Jo Menneer explains what menopausal women have taught her about self-belief and feeling more sexy in your own skin after losing weight.

Download the full article as a PDF (206 Kb)
» "Body Talk..."

vits"Are you making the right vitamin connection?"

From Issue 52, Summer 2018
We all need small amounts of vitamins and minerals for our bodies to work properly and to stay healthy.

Download the full article as a PDF (170 Kb)
» "Vitamin connection..."

megs"Meg's Menopause"

From Issue 52, Summer 2018
Dr Heather Currie has given me the confidence to stand up to the critics of HRT and let me make my own choices. It’s my body, my life, and HRT has given me back a quality of life I thought I had lost when I hit the menopause. This is my story.

Download the full article as a PDF (351 Kb)
» "Meg's Menopause..."

diagnosis"How a diagnosis saved our marriage"

From Issue 49, Sep 2017

Download the full article as a PDF (1.8Mb)
» "How a diagnosis..."

survey"Our Survey said..."

From Issue 49, Sep 2017

Download the full article as a PDF (147Kb)
» "Our Survey said..."

Truth"The Truth about HRT"

From Issue 49, Sep 2017

Download the full article as a PDF (391Kb)
» "The Truth about HRT"

Myths"Menopausal Myths Busted"

From Issue 49, Sep 2017

Download the full article as a PDF (148Kb)
» "Menopausal Myths Busted"

food"Food to help you feel good"

From Issue 49, Sep 2017

Download the full article as a PDF (125Kb)
» "Food to help you feel good"

bioidentical"Bio Identicals"

From the magazine, winter 2016

Download the full article as a PDF (49Kb)
» "Bio Identicals "

Mobile friendly version PDF (59Kb)
» Bio Identicals (mobile)

info"More Information Needed"

Survey results, sex life, NICE Guideline 2016

Download the full article as a PDF (40Kb)
» "More Information Needed"

indiaReflections from India.

Taking part in the Indian Menopause Society Conference, Spring 2016

Download the full article as a PDF (40Kb)
» Reflections from India

gsmGSM - genitourinary syndrome of the menopause.

The ultimate guide for painless sex

Download the full article as a PDF (78Kb)
» GSM - genitourinary syndrome of the menopause

image by babasteve. Creative common licenseVaginal atrophy - the taboo subject

Following an online survey, 88% of women said they had a problem with vaginal dryness. Dr Heather Currie and Professor Grant Cumming examine the findings and give advice about treatments.

Read the full article:
» Vaginal atrophy - the taboo subject

latestHRT - What's the latest?

Many women remain confused and worried about the use of HRT for menopausal symptoms. Dr Heather Currie examines the latest findings about this treatment and discusses the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice.

Download the full article as a PDF (125Kb)
» HRT - What's the latest?

Perils of the PerimenopausePerils of the Perimenopause

The perimenopause can be a stage of changing periods and early menopausal symptoms, changes which can often vary from month to month causing confusion and unpredictable inconveniences.

Download the full article as a PDF (115Kb)
» Perils of the Perimenopause

suits youSpecial Report - Bleeding.

Some women reaching the menopause often have trouble with their periods but most celebrate the “freedom” from this monthly cycle. However, argues Dr Heather Currie, is there any need to put up with them at all?

Download the full article as a PDF (125Kb)
» Download Special Report - Bleeding

suits youSuits you ma'am?

Bioidentical hormones: what are they?

The use of bioidentical hormones to control menopausal symptoms is gathering momentum as an alternative therapy to HRT. Dr Heather Currie examines the value of this treatment and whether it deserves the celebrity attention it is receiving...

Download the full article as a PDF (1Mb)
» Download Bioidentical hormones: what are they?

sex toysSex Toys

Sex toys are no longer sleazy, tacky or sold in back street shops; you can get them now literally gold-plated. Nor are they only for the lacking, lonely or weird - a huge proportion of women (slightly fewer men) use them and research suggests that those who do are are more, not less, likely to have good sex lives and solid relationships.

Download the full article as a PDF (108Kb)
» Sex Toys

bladder problemsIs your bladder ruling your life?

Bladder control problems can be worsened at the time of the menopause. Dr Heather Currie examines the types, causes and explains treatment options available.

Download the full article as a PDF (148Kb)
» Is your bladder ruling your life?
» See the archived page on the main site here

breast examBreast cancer: risk factors and treatments

Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring female cancer in developed countries but earlier diagnosis and improvements in treatment are resulting in the majority of women surviving the disease. In the United Kingdom, whilst 44,000 women are diagnosed every year, 12,000 die from their breast cancer and this number is likely to fall even further.

Download the full article as a PDF (153Kb)
» Breast cancer: risk factors and treatments

sex driveHow to boost your sex drive.

It is quite natural for women to lose sexual desire as a result of changes in their bodies that relate to the menopause or with their stage of life, however, there are treatments to restore libido and reduce tensions, says Dr Heather Currie.

The menopause can affect female sexuality and relationships by various means and sexual problems often occur both with the menopause and with ageing. Sexual problems are estimated to occur in 5% of sexually active women in middle age, yet many women do not disclose the problem...

Download the full article as a PDF (477k)
» Download How to boost your sex drive

heartHormones and the Heart.

It is important for women at the time of the menopause and beyond to be aware of the factors that can lead to heart disease. The results of trials are awaited and consequently there is not enough evidence to suggest that H T protects against cardiovascular disease, however, when used for symptom control in the early years it will not harm heart health, writes Dr Heather Currie.

Download the full article as a PDF (465k)
» Download Hormones and the Heart

wake upWake up to sex at 50!

The 1st question that you may be asking is “Why 50?” The answer is that the magical age of 50 is associated with the menopause, and traditionally with being “past it”, “over the hill”, “long in the tooth”, “not a spring chicken” and regarding sex, definitely “too old for that sort of thing!”

Download the full article as a PDF (78Kb)
» Wake up to sex at 50!

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