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Author Topic: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?  (Read 53210 times)


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2013, 12:14:17 AM »

I think one of the most difficult aside from the anxiety is poor short-term memory. Last week i went shopping and put my car key into the side pocket of my bag. After paying for the ticket, i couldn't find the key. Anywhere. I started to panic and had to sit and take deep breaths. Finally, after calming myself down, i decided to look into the side pocket and there it was.



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #61 on: October 20, 2013, 12:56:31 AM »

Ladybug...forgive my ignorance but what is a moggie?

Strangest symptom for me has been intermittent itching/burning all over from my feet to the top of my head when I have a hot flash, get real anxious, do something strenuous that causes me to sweat, get in the hot sun and sweat, or even take a hot bath or shower.  The burning comes first, then skin turns redder, then the itching starts.  If I cool off immediately like getting in the wind or in front of a fan or turn on cold water, it abates pretty quickly. No doctor seems to know what this is.  I have wondered if it is some kind of histamine reaction and took antihistamines for it but they didn't help. Since it comes with sweat, I think either my sweat must be too acidic or my skin is too thin/dry now in menopause and the sweat irritates it.  I don't like to use a lot of lotion because it is hot most of the year where I live and I think it makes me sweat more. It really limits my ability to exercise. This started several months before my periods completely stopped and just got worse.  It went away after I started HRT but it took about 2 months.

Has anyone had this or do you know what it is?



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #62 on: October 20, 2013, 05:18:40 AM »

A moggie is a pussy cat.   ;D



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2013, 08:10:37 AM »

Hi Girls,

Newbie here and feel as if I am going slightly mad, sound familiar?

Do any of you get shivery, like your'e coming down with something?  I have so many weird symptoms, I think I would need an hour with the doctor and that would never happen, generally, I just grin and bear it. 

I am 54 and haven't had a period since July 2012.  I have gone the 12 months without a period but I am still experiencing, swollen breasts, itching, creepy crawley feeling, vaginal cramps (like just before a period is coming), mood swings, aching joints, especially, knee, hips and ankle.  Sudden episodes of severe pain which go as quickly as they came.  Cystitis, urinary frequency (having to run to the low or else got caught short), brain fog, feeling of pressure on top of head, lack of enthusiasm for doing stuff around the house. 

Without sounding like a long playing record, the list goes on and on and I have trailed thorugh so many medical sights and they all say that vaginal cramps are not normal after menopause, I beg to differ.  My latest weird symptom, has been a cyclic occurance of piles, periods of constipation (which I never used to suffer from) and palpitations.

Having found this site, I feel as if I am no longer going completely bonkers, but probably all my symptoms mirror a lot of other people's.

How long after the cessation of periods, do you have to go without feeling the pain of phantom ones?

I live in Norway and am struggling with the language barrier.  I am lucky to have found a lovely, lady doctor but she is always so busy and I feel as if I would need a double app with her at least to even get through some of my symptoms. 

Thanks in anticipation,
Donnarob. :)


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2013, 08:34:12 PM »

Hi donnarob. It is impossible to tell how long it will last for you as every woman is different. You say that even though you have not had a period for over twelve months but it is after periods stop that symptoms really kick in which is why a lot of women begin HRT at this time.

Most of your symptoms can be attributed to menopause - especially palpitations (this stopped completely for me once I began HRT) mood swings, aching joints, brain fog, cystitis type feelings, bladder problems. All of these are usually helped by HRT. Have you considered it?



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #65 on: October 25, 2013, 07:22:53 AM »

Have you had a bone density test?  Women lose a lot of bone mass around (both before and after) the last period.  HRT can help to protect your bones.

Something else to think (read) about that you don't really have symptoms of  and that probably should be addressed or checked about now.



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #66 on: October 31, 2013, 05:41:46 PM »

Hi, I am new on here and posted under newbie section but wanted to share one of my experiences to see if anyone else has this?
I have noticed that when I get palpitations I seem to lose the ability to swallow, it is really scary but only lasts a second and then I figure it out and can swallow again. Anyone else had this?


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #67 on: November 01, 2013, 11:01:27 PM »



I have had panic attacks on the motorway too. It has completely put me off driving on them, even dual carriageways. Hiatus hernia, yep, along with persistent reflux, IBS, aches and pains, trouble finding words, yep, I should say 'welcome to the club'!  :)


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #68 on: November 02, 2013, 08:11:18 AM »

Hi Sparkle & welcome. I have the nausea & acid too. Have had the omneprazole & anti nausea drugs but they didn't do anything apart from give me a brown tongue so I stopped the lot to give my tummy a rest. I still have constant nausea though like morning sickness. Eating helps just like when you are pregnant. I am so desperate for hormones. You are not alone very normal it's nice to know isn't it.
I thought your periods went light or heavy you got a bit hot end of.  Its nothing like that!  The palpitations start, then other symptoms kick in & I think it makes us so anxious we do get scared of doing normal things. No idea when your next period will be & when it comes it makes you so ill. Wish I had never turned 50!!! Pre all this a glass of wine would sort out any ailments but its like paint stripper now.
If you search heartburn & nausea at the top of the page you might find some useful posts. Bev x


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #69 on: November 02, 2013, 01:31:50 PM »

My allergies have really increased, would love a dog but barely coping with my cats as it is. Also developed allergies to strawberries, raspberries and stone fruit just when I could do to be eating more of the good stuff.

With driving I'm really struggling with night vision and spatial awareness, lacking some confidence with day driving but night time just feels dangerous. Anyone else getting this?


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #70 on: November 02, 2013, 02:01:42 PM »

My driving has dropped to a minimum. I don't do motorways either due to a panic attack. They make me feel dizzy. I used to love driving and cars were my thing. Now i am a nervous passenger who hates cars.

You can get dogs that don't cause allergies. I have a little Bichon Frise. They don't cast so no allergy problems. There are quite a few dogs that don't cast. Bichons are lovely sparky little dogs with a lot of character. She is my little pal who loves a snuggle. I would recommend this breed.



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #71 on: November 02, 2013, 02:05:28 PM »

Hi, I am new on here and posted under newbie section but wanted to share one of my experiences to see if anyone else has this?
I have noticed that when I get palpitations I seem to lose the ability to swallow, it is really scary but only lasts a second and then I figure it out and can swallow again. Anyone else had this?

I don't get palpitations but I do get the inability to swallow thing - it's very scary! It almost feels like I've forgotten how to swallow, if that makes sense. It happens whether I'm eating/drinking or not, and I can't breathe for a few seconds.


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #72 on: November 02, 2013, 06:05:52 PM »

I was so interested and am so relieved (for want of a better word) to hear that others have had motorway panic attacks because I can empathise completely.  The last time I drove on a motorway was about four years ago, on my way to a work meeting and not long after flu.   Each time I drove past a slip road, I had a fresh panic attack.  I had a total of four during that journey and I honestly thought I was going to die.  And the crazy thing was - it was the A9 to Perth, a dual carriageway and not even a proper motorway - it was almost empty!  I just had a sensation of this huge stretch of road looming up in front of me and could hardly cope.  I crept along at 40mph.  By the time I got to the meeting, I was a wreck.  It was absolutely horrible and apart from having to (somehow) drive back to Edinburgh after the meeting, I haven't driven on motorways since.  I don't know if I ever will, because I've never liked them, not even as a child.   Other driving is okay, fortunately.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 08:28:02 PM by dulciana »


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #73 on: November 05, 2013, 07:38:11 PM »

Hi Tabbycat,
I am so relieved to hear of someone else who has this swallowing thing, like you say it really is awful and so scary!! Yes I understand exactly what you mean when you say it's like you have forgot how to swallow, thats exactly what it is like for me and I also cant breath. The first time it happened to me I then got the palpitations and like adrenalin running in my body and i eventually went to A&E convinced I was having a hear attack!!

All my symptoms seem to have come at one and out of nowhere apart from the swallowing thing which has been happening all year mearly. But now over the last two weeks Im having these hot flushes and waking up every hour and it takes me an hour to get back to sleep, im feeling exhausted. I also have muscle cramos in my calves like iv'e done a marathon, trouble finding the right words and a weird rush feeling like adrenalyn. Two nights ago after one of the sweats I got up to get a drink from the kitchen and had this adrenalyn rush and had to sit down as I felt like I was going to pass out.

All I can say is I am so relieved to find this site and read others stories as it kind of gives me hope maybe I am not going mad or dying?? But I am still really scared something is seriously wrong with me...........I want to kind of relax a bit and allow myself to feel normal but I'm to scared to...........Did I mention the anxiety and panic has taken over too :'(


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #74 on: November 05, 2013, 07:41:40 PM »

Hello everyone

I'm brand new here and this is my v first post, I was going to post elsewhere but was so relieved to read all these weird symptoms I just wanted to add a 'Yay for weird symptoms' to the list.  I live in Austria and am overrun with interested doctors because the healthcare system is excellent, but I am really missing out on sharing oddness with others - my German is not good enough and most of my friends are still having babies. I'm 44 so I'm still having those 'OMG! It's all falling into place!' moments.

My strangest ones are actually, reading these, pretty normal but I totally empathise with the lady who experiences shame and sends daft text messages apologising for something that was probably totally fine...I do that ALL the time.  I'm not afraid of driving but I am definitely more wary of it, especially here where we drive on the right  :)  Also the palpitations like my heart is about to burst out of my bra, that's horrible, aching joints but only on the right hand side, little electric shocks across my diaphragm and also on my scalp! ha ha and thanks to my memory loss I can't even remember half the flamin' symptoms!!  Please keep posting them, it's a HUGE relief to see other people are having the same crazy experiences!  ;D
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 07:54:54 PM by stroppy_mama »
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