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Author Topic: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?  (Read 562842 times)


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My husband is my rock!... he doesn't always understand what I'm going through as I think he's not sure what to do whwn I'm at my worst however, he is supportive, loving, generous and he has arranged several medical appointments privately to help me..and gets upset if he feel I've been let down by gp etc...
I couldn't be without him, I am very lucky...and imlove him very much :-*

Tracy t

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Wow ladies high 5 for your husband's now I know why I don't have mine anymore did bugger all but cause me aniexty struggled by myself and being called I ill crazy  among many other things well say no more and yet I think I've do extremely well I took time out wen I felt my moods and tryed my best to keep together but hay life's a journey of lessons I think ha ha 😂


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My husband is trying to understand what I’m going through, he doesn’t always understand how I can be fine one minute and then very anxious and worried another.  He didn’t want me to start on Sertraline but has been supportive after I decided to give it a try.


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The best thing? Not having one. I can fart and sweat and fidget in bed without being observed by anyone. Lovely.  :-*


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Re: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?
« Reply #304 on: September 11, 2024, 07:55:02 AM »

leave. It wasn't the right relationship for me.


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Re: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?
« Reply #305 on: September 25, 2024, 03:49:50 AM »

When I started experiencing terrible VA 3 months ago, my husband of 17 years backed off asking for sex and trying to initiate it. He tried to be supportive by just putting aside his own physical needs - which is incredibly hard for him (he wants sex ALL the time).
The other day he told me that he feels 'cut off' and I told him in a way, he is - at the moment.  Until I can get the bladder and vaginal symptoms under control and pain free enough to consider sex again.  He has been very accepting and whilst I know he is struggling; he realises he has no choice right now but to be supportive and kind.
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