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Author Topic: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?  (Read 513899 times)


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Here's a late reply from someone who has a Boyfiend, not a husband. (Right, no typo.)

Since we live in our own houses it isn't too bad. He's been very understanding. VERY understanding! He's remained faithful even though we haven't had sex in over a year due to vaginismus. One of these days I'm going to have to do something about that. :-\


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my hubby has been brilliant while im suffering with the meno,  he listens to all my problems and helps me work through them  .  he comes home from work and walks the dog with me. He has his own space and I have mine, but is always there when I need him.  We have been married for 30 years in July and I must say hes been brilliant.  We still have arguaments like most other couples but as we have got older we seem to be able to work the problems out better! :wub:


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My husband is so understanding - he came to the GP surgery with me and put in his threepenny worth to the doctor.  I really appreciated him coming with me!!  He always seems to know when I am down - even before I do!

He will ask me if I want to go out - be it shopping (I always seem to be down at the weekend!!), a meal or just for a drive to the coast. 

Oh and he bought me this laptop, too!!! ;D ;D


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My Husband gives me undivided love, understanding and acceptance ......... oh and he gets up in the middlle of the night to turn the fan on when the night sweat demons come to visit!!


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That's lovely Vicks - long may he continue to be supportive and loving.

Mine used to be but lately has wondered "when will it all finish so you can go back to normal" - haven't the heart to tell him that it probably wont and what he has now is the finished product  ;D

Love Taz x


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My other half has started collecting marbles so that when I lose mine, he can replace them!   He will need a lot of marbles!!!!!!!!!!    I sometimes wonder why he puts up with me and my moods but he does and I love him for it. 


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My husband is still there for me - even after 2 years.  :o
I ask myself "would I be that patient with him?" - of course I would.

My other half has started collecting marbles so that when I lose mine, he can replace them!   He will need a lot of marbles!!!!!!!!!!    I sometimes wonder why he puts up with me and my moods but he does and I love him for it. 

That made me giggle  :rofl: :rofl:


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       My husband has been wonderful he never complains or gets annoyed with me  even though im sure he should hes there when Im down and he seems to know when I need my space 4yrs now and things are starting to get better ,it must be really dificult for couples who just cant cope with it all ,I think men are some times forgotten in all this as we seem to think its just happening to us when the knock effect on family life can be catastrophic, We (women) have each other to talk to and sites like this but the men in the relationship has no one to talk to .
Off to tell my husband just how much I love him :-*

Julie Eve

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The quote from rosebush stating that her husband 'even finds the things which I have lost" - really brings this memopause lark home to me.  I'm always amazed (and upset) by the amount of things which go 'missing' - so frustrating - your statement is gorgeous - what a lovely partner you must have.

My husband is just "Always there for me"  - (though i'm sure sometimes he wishes he wasn't!!!) lol


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my husband has been brilliant!!!...when i was really bad with the panic attacks he was always there to make me feel safe..i even went to work with him when i was really bad...he never goes out with the lads without first making sure i am ok with it...he cuddles me when i feel down and he is simply the best ..i could not have come through the last  year without his support..and i love him so much...we are 36 years married...


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Gina that's lovely - I am sure that you have been there for him through the last 36 years too. We women can come across as so strong during our younger years and no doubt he leant on you without you even realising - now he can give something precious back to you when you need it most.

My OH struggles with my panics as I can't bear to be with anyone while I am having them. He makes me a cuppa - if we are in the house - and then quietly goes out for a while - so I guess that the best thing he does for me is to know when I want to be left alone!

Taz x  :)


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The best thing my husband has done is allow me to have a daybed in the conservatory, as its the coolest place in the house overnight. I slept on it for the first time last night. And I shall be there again tonight.Altho I will ditch the 8TOG duvet tonight and opt for a sheet.


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Hate to say this....  But moving into separate bedrooms! 



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 only recently started the menopause and have informed OH.

 i had palpitations the other night, which i've had before but when on my own,  he was very understanding.  told me to lie down and then offered to get me a drink. was quite concerned about me.  even more impressive he was in the middle of watching football match :)
normally, if football is on i can't get a sensible conversation out of him and he wont move from the sofa  :)
so he's in my good books at the moment ;D

Suzi Q

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Manypaws thats what my husband did too he came with me took me for my blood tests then came with me for the results
Only my  husband came with a NOTE BOOK and was writing things down like a maniac asking this that tother (god love him)
Hes been there when Ive chased him down the hall hurling things (sorry) IM 5/2 hes 6/4 bit of a no brainer whos boss (terrier)
Ive flung ever past argument in his face going back over 30 years YEPP that was little old me!
I made him sell our 5 bed we made it house to move to a 3bed Victorian copy terrace 1/5 size cos i wanted to move to the sea
Thing was I TOOK ME WITH ME hes stayed hes put up with it and loved me bought me things when we couldnt really afford it
Anything he could do to make me happier he did and still does and I know IM so lucky
my cousins husband left cos of meno he couldnt take it The COWARD he divorced her met someone else it almost detroyed her
He was a nice fella 25 yrs married now after its over and my cousins more or less herself again  he REALLY wants to come back
2 chances no chance and sod off no chance he had his chance shes met someone else now too
Could be worse but as my Mum used to say when people said that to her
Well the chuck bring them here let me have a bloody good laugh at them GOD LUV YA MUM XXX bet sges giving them hell up there!!
Suzi Q
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