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Author Topic: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.  (Read 99323 times)


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Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« on: October 13, 2010, 08:58:48 PM »

It is nearly 3 weeks since I gave up smoking (after many, many years).
I am on patches to help with the cravings but they are getting less frequent. The worse time is first thing in the morning & after eating my main meal.
80% is down to willpower. I would not have attempted giving up if it hadn't been for 3 events that occured in the last 2 years.
Event number 1:
 :'( My brother being diagnosed with throat cancer 2 & 1/2  years ago. He had given up smoking 10 years before but it still got him. After succesful major surgery, chemo & radiotherapy he is now doing ok (although he has a weak voice which he hates). Now why didn't that event jolt me into giving up smoking??? god knows. All I know was that I was so shocked by it all that it sent me into a downward spiral of stress & anxiety. My menopause seemed to stop me from doing anything that could put my life under more stress (which I know giving up would) - so I buried my head in the sand & carried on smoking.
Event number 2:
 :'(Being made redundant last summer after working for 8 years with the same company. This was a big shock & knocked my confidence terribly. I felt useless & vulnerabe to everything. I felt I had no control over anything in my life. In fact I felt under so much pressure & stress that at one stage I was afraid to go out & I really had to push myself somedays. I was eventually put onto beta blockers which helped somewhat. I eventually got a tempory job for 6 months but that ended in July this year, & I'm still unemployed. During this time I was also referred to a therapist for councelling (it was either I agree to that or the doctor giving me anti-depressants). All in all a very low point in my meno life, & once again I buried my head in the sand.
Event number 3:
 :'( In April of this year I developed a husky voice which finally got so bad that I was referred to an E.N.T. specialist. I was imagining the worse case scenario...throat cancer like my BB. A camera was put up my nose & a polyp on my larynx/voice box was diagnosed. I was told that it was nothing more serious but it would have to be removed. I was told that it was caused by smoking & that I should consider it as a warning... but still I couldn't give up the old weed. It was almost 10 weeks after the initial consultation with the specialist that I finally got admitted to hospital to have it removed. Not a major op but I did have to stay in overnight. As I lay there in my hospital bed I thought to myself "blimey I don't have a craving for a fag, bet I will when I get home though", but I didn't. I knew if I lit up it would burn my throat. I went 4 whole days without one but on the 5th morning I was going mad for one.... but I didn't. The next day I went to see the nurse at my docs & she put me on a course of nicotene replacement patches. They are not brilliant but they are helping.

Now in the last 2 & 1/2 weeks I have felt 100% better  :). I have not felt the need for my beta blockers & have not taken any for over a week. I have not had the constant diarrhoea that I have been suffering for the last 6 months plus. I wake up with a lot more energy then I have had for years, & I have energy to get more things done in the day, & I saw my therapist yesterday & she has signed me off saying I have definately turned a corner.

So I am now thinking what are the + & what are the -  ???. Well I clearly know what the + are as I have stated above - but what about the -.
Well I use to eat tomatoes like sweets. I loved munching away on them, but now they taste horrible almost acidy.
I am eating like it is going out of fashion. I never used to fancy chocolate or biscuits (hardly ever had them in the house) so why is my fridge now stacked with penguin chocolate biscuits, & my freezer with choc ice's.
I was hoping that my memory might improve but alas no. I wrote a small shopping list out on Sunday evening. I wrote down bin liners. Now when I wrote it I knew I meant dustbin liners but when I went to the supermarket on Monday what did I get??? bloody pedal bin liners, I now have stacks of the blooming things & hardly any dustbin liners.

I have come to the conclusion that giving up smoking is the best thing I have done in years. Yes I wish I had done it years ago but I know that the menopause got in the way as there was so much worry going on in my life, what with trying to hold down a full time job & ongoing health issues ;) etc etc.

I'm really hoping that this is a turning point in my life. I would hate to think that I could slip back down the hole again & I know I have to stay positive. I have said that it would take a major tragedy to get me started again - but at the moment I am taking one day at a time.

I'm just hoping that this post (as long as it is) may just help someone else who has been a smoker for as long as I have to follow my lead. It is so hard for non smokers to understand the hold that nicotene has, & how addictive it is. I do still miss that feeling you get from the first drag - but I know that if I tried it now I would probably feel very sick & light headed.

Love Cazi xx
 :cat48: :cat48: :cat48:
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 09:00:31 PM by Cazikins »


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 09:04:00 PM »

That is a great post, Cazi - thank you and  :congrats:  :peace: :ola:
Bixby x


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2010, 09:35:40 PM »

Thanks Bixby.
Just thought of another plus.
I use to roll my own & sit in the armchair & do a batch at a time. Then when I use to go to the loo, a load of tobacco use to fall out on the floor - it had gone down my top & sometimes even into my bra  ;D ;D.


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 10:23:41 PM »

Well done Cazi. What a great achievement and glad you can feel the benefit (even though you've noticed a few disadvantages)

Your post was very honest and open.

My husband visited the doctor today and there was a non smoking "drive" going on in the waiting room which he agreed to join. Apparently you get support and advice and he has an hour long appointment coming up! He says he'll need a fag after that!

He's tried loads of times to give up. I never mention his smoking as I do not smoke myself and have no idea what it feels like to try and give up. I will say well done of course when he says he's only smoked x number of cigars today for example but I would never ask how many he's smoked or nag him about it.

All the best, keep up the good work


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2010, 10:28:33 AM »

Well done Cazi, having never smoked i can relate this to a few things as i  have no will power, but hopefully this will encourage a few of the ladies here who we all know want to stop.  :medal: :congrats: Eddie. x


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2010, 12:19:15 PM »

Now - when father in Law was a prisoner under the Japs he began smoking because there wasn't much food and it helped to fill up the gut.  So maybe that's why you are now eating for England.

Also: did you ever wake in the night for a smoke?


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2010, 01:34:47 PM »

Well done Cazi!


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 03:22:12 PM »

Well done Cazi  :ola: its been nearly 30yrs since i stopped, but about 4wks after my last ciggie, just the thought of one, made me feel sick, also the smell made me queasy, but like you i turned to Mars Bars ::) but having more energy, got me back into exercise, so lost the weight, but one step at a time, just for now enjoy the fact, you have done something you wanted to do and succeeded.. :-*


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2010, 07:16:08 PM »

What do you miss most about the weed ?


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2010, 07:25:48 PM »

Which is the habit though?  The nicotine itself or the holding of something in the hand at certain times of day?  Did you wake in the night for a smoke?


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2010, 07:30:59 PM »

Thanks everyone for your support & encouragement. I wasn't really expecting a pack on the back but it is nice to get it.  8) 8)

Also: did you ever wake in the night for a smoke?
Very rarely CLKD, only if I couldn't get off to sleep because something was on my mind. Occasionally I would get up, make a cup of tea, have a ciggie & do the crossword.

Which is the habit though?  The nicotine itself or the holding of something in the hand at certain times of day?  Did you wake in the night for a smoke?
For me I think it is the "hit" that the nicotine gives you CLKD. I have never taken any form of illegal drug but I would imagine it is similar.


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2010, 08:30:06 PM »

Well done Cazi :) - it's no mean feat giving up the ciggies.  I gave up almost thirty years ago... and cannot now understand how I smoked at all.  Occasionally I'll joke that "I could do with a ciggie now" or  "think I'll have a ciggie" when I'm feeling fed up - but I know I'll never go back... the very thought makes me heave.

Pam xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2010, 11:25:00 PM »

It's 4 weeks now & I'm still off them  :banana: I'm really chuffed with myself.  8)

Everyday is a challenge, but somehow I beat the demon  :diablo:.
It is getting easier but I still have to check myself from time to time.
I have smoked ciggies for almost 30 of my 50+ years of being alive... how bad is that  :o

I am 4 weeks out of a 12 week programme. I just wanted to pack it in altogether but Smoking Nursie said NO. I must use the necotine replacement patches. I must admit they are very helpful, & I feel I am getting there.

Thanks Pammie & Fleurie & all you others for your support - I'd be lost without you all.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2010, 11:28:16 PM by Cazikins »


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2010, 08:35:39 AM »

Cazi you are a third of the way through your programme, i would think the first few weeks to be the hardest, so you have done well, this on top of everything else you are coping with,.....well good on you girl.. :congrats: xx


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Re: Good & bad points about giving up smoking.
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2010, 08:40:11 AM »

 :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
Bet it was nice to go to your interview knowing you weren't smelling of stale ciggie smoke. Now less people smoke, I have to admit that I notice the smell on people more.
Bixby x
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