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Author Topic: HRT--good or bad?  (Read 826177 times)


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #990 on: May 31, 2019, 09:33:58 AM »

Troomp - welcome to MM

At 51, I don't think you can presume you are post menopause as the peri phase can last some years.  Conti HRT is usually prescribed when you have been 12 months without a natural period or over 54. Conti HRT won't necessarily mean you will be bleed free as some bleeding and spotting in the first 6 months is normal but if bleeding continues beyond 6 months then you will need a scan to check the lining. If you are still peri meno, and possibly producing some oestrogen yourself, then there is a good chance the womb lining will build up and cause erratic bleeding.
If you want to see if you are post menopause then you could stop all HRT for 2-3 months and have a blood test to check your hormone levels. If you really want to be bleed free, then you could have a Mirena fitted and use oestrogen as gel to patch alongside this and even if you are peri meno this is more likely to result in little or no bleeding.

The down side of any conti HRT regime is the daily use of progesterone which for some women is a problem as it can cause more side effects e.g. PMT, headaches etc.  The Mirena will often bring fewer side effects as less is absorbed systemically whilst it protects the womb lining very effectively. It is often the progesterone that gives problems and many women choose to stick with a sequi HRt regime to minimise the progesterone side effects.  If you have been OK on the Femoston sequi with only a day or two of PMT each month then I would personally stick with this and put up with a monthly bleed. The tiny risk of endometrial cancer is not something I would take into account.
Hope that helps. DG x


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #991 on: May 31, 2019, 02:25:17 PM »

Thank you, Dancing Girl, that is really helpful.

I couldn't really work out my GP's clinical reasoning for putting me on conti at this point when my issues have been with progesterone.
I'm a bit funny with progesterone - I had a mirena coil in my 30s and bled for 5 months - so I am wary of it.

I think I need to chat with the GP...


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #992 on: June 02, 2019, 12:18:08 PM »

Hi dancing girl

So I had suffered pelvic pain for years about 11 yrs , had abnormal smears to and tissue removed although benign. Went on to have 3 children my youngest being 7. After I had my 3rd child I had a copper coil fitted as I never really got on with the pill piled on weight and had nausea bad used to take at night and I used microgynon 30 so decided I would try copper coil instead as non hormonal. In 2014 at 35 and really since my son was born my pelvic pain had gotten worse effecting walking ability be doubled over in pain and end up a and e although it wasn't constant. They decided to do an MRI scan and on this they found adenymiosis (can't spell it) but it like endometriosis but contained in the womb so although this was mild form they said the only sure was hysterectomy removal of the womb so as I had completed my family we decided this was best option which I was happy with. When I went for my pre op the consultant then said they had been talking and feel it would be better to remove the ovaries to as they could not guarantee the pain would go. They said I would go into menopause and could give me estrogen hrt . The pain did go . However have recently found out from gynecologist that the coil could also cause same pain pelvic pain pain with intercourse but this was never mentioned so I don't now and will never know if it was the coil or the are pumps is that caused the pain. I wish I had been told more in-depth the effect of menopause and the fact that although you go into surgical menopause you may not get symptoms straight away it can appear years later nothing was told to me and at that time I didn't research ovary removal and the impact which I wish I did have as I were of insisted to keep them as they continue to make hormones and testosterone for up to 20 years after I feel cheated and blame my self too but never gave it a second thought after my operation as recovered quickly no sign of menopause just couple of hot flushes 2 day 2 night I got on with it but summer last year everything changed I started getting dampness in knickers followed by uti , UTI went and dampness remains,Gynecologist though vaginal atrophy prescribes Vagifem but due to the hair loss I though this was causing it as side effect was hair loss so I swapped to Ovestin and hair loss still continues when I lightly brush 5-15 hairs come out hairs on floor too when I brush then shower blow dry and lightly brush again I shed 55-110 hairs varies each wash but scalp hair is thinner wider part receding behind each nape of neck forehead and sides worse now then before starting estrogen ! Recent gynecologist said athropy is no more vagina well Estronised but still have dampness I thought prolapse originally but 3 gynecologist have said no prolapse but it feels as though there is pressure behind wee opening and clitoris and I feel as though the urethra has dropped my mons pubis where public hair is sticks out and has dropped down and at my age of 40 this shouldn't of and hadn't until the dampness started the minute I sit down my knickers damp but I don't feel like urine has come out I can't wear jeans as every thing touches the vagina which I didn't have that before and then my knickers wet. I'm due to have urodynamics test done in couple weeks to see if urine leaking and then an MRI something is going on I feel it . And when I have intercourse just inside my vagina at the top where urethra sits this gets kind of in the way and gets sore when having sex as it feel lower dropped into the vagina more and I have to pull my mons pubis up and then it doesn't rub so something to me has dropped.
What hRT did you take and did you have hair loss ? Did you hair loss on Vagifem ? Would you say Estrogel can cause hair loss ? I know like men transitioning to women take estrogen hrt to grow hair so one would presume it has same effect in women ? Then I think am I getting all my symptoms because I don't have progesterone to balance estrogen so would I have estrogen dominance I'm so confused in some ways was easier not Taking HRT . U mention weight gain in menopause again I had the opposite I lost a stone and Infact it looked like I had 6 pac instead of a small tire I dropped from a size 8/10 to 6/8 and have now gained 10lb in 5 1/2 months since Taking HRT so to me it does make you gain weight. Your thoughts would be great dancing girl


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #993 on: June 02, 2019, 12:26:55 PM »

Dancing girl - sorry I forget to say before I woffled on lol , I saw dermotolgist regarding my hair loss and they said that the density is good even though I've lost half my hair volume I do hair mega thick hair whereby I have to get it thinned because overgrows I always have intill now and they reckon telegen effluvium, he checked the hair follicles and said they are alive still but my hair getting thinner and thinner ? If I don't see an improvement then they will do a biopsy .
I have an autoimmune disease lichen planus whereby my body attacks mucus membrane u can get it on the scalp but dermatologist said I don't have it on the scalp ? You can also get it on genitals but again I don't have it there it's quite common in post menopausal women . Thyroid is fine and iron vitamin d etc fine we'll all bloods fine . Thanks sam


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #994 on: June 02, 2019, 04:47:41 PM »

Sammiejane- I'm not sure whether I can add any thoughts. You have had some good advice from the professionals and I'm afraid the menopause does bring about a lot of changes whether on hrt or not. It is worth persevering with the oestrogen to protect your heart and bones and, over time, it could improve your skin and hair.
The problems with the entrance of your vagina could well be a small bladder prolapse ( very common). Soreness could be helped with local oestrogen(Vagifem) and daily use of vaginal moisturisers - SYLK or the YES products are the best. The dampness could also be some slight stress incontinence and doing pelvic floor exercises would be good. If you can get to some Pilates classes or Yoga, this can really help everything.
Do read up all the info on this site as it can be so helpful to fully understand what is happening with your hormones.
 Keep posting. DG x
If you already suffer with auto immune issues then this can mess with a lot in the body. Doctors tend to be very dismissive but often our instincts are correct.


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #995 on: June 02, 2019, 10:08:25 PM »

Dancing girl - many thanks

I'm unsure what to do for the best change it stop it add progesterone ?

The other thing I have noticed since taking estrogen I am having more hot sweats and the more estrogen I take the worse they get , and I have started sweating between my legs which again never had and I am 5 years past hysterectomy so unsure why I'm getting symtoms now 5 years later ?

What HRT did you take have u suffered hairloss ? Has your hair grown back if you lost any ?

I'm already doing pelvic floor exercises and have been doing the last year but no difference I don't feel urine come out though like if I sneeze or cough laugh although don't laugh then sometimes if I need a wee or bladder full I might leak but after the gynecologist did examination because he was feeling the urethra when I stood up and moved my knickers were wet very strange hopefully I shall get answers with the test coming up , this has consumed my life though I have had to give up work because my mood all over the place I'm so tired , I have read that estrogen can cause the glands to over produce fluids and progesterone has the opposite effect but the times I have tried progesterone I feel it makes dampness worse although I sleep better and mood is calmer .

Thanks for your help


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #996 on: June 03, 2019, 07:38:33 AM »

Sammiejane - I doubt very much that progesterone would  help you - in fact if you were on progesterone I would be blaming this for all your problems.
I am now 63 and only use Vagifem these days: I stopped full HRT 3 years ago because I was finding progesterone too difficult to cope with. Progesterone can have a sedative effect but will often bring  other more difficult side effects like depression, irritability etc. I often wish i could have had a hysterectomy as I would then still be using Oestrogel now to help maintain my sleep, energy, skin and my whole wellbeing.
Menopause is not something that you ‘get over'. Oestrogen deficiency continues to cause problems well beyond menopause and many women don't understand this. Those women who thought they had an easy menopause with few sweats and other issues often find they start to get problems several years later.
If I were you I would keep using oestrogen both systemically and vaginally but alongside this I would have a good look at your lifestyle to see what small things you could do to improve everything.
Reading your posts I get the impression you are totally overwhelmed and stressed - also angry and upset because you feel the loss of your ovaries has triggered all these problems.
Many alternative therapy practitioners talk about oestrogen dominance and claim that oestrogen will cause problems but this is usually part of peri menopause when the ovaries are failing, oestrogen is fluctuating and there is a lack of progesterone to prevent erratic bleeding. In your case this cannot happen as you are not producing oestrogen from ovaries - in fact you can be grateful you were spared the often problematic peri stage of menopause. If anything, you might be needing more oestrogen??!!
Hair loss, sweating etc are often caused by stress. Learning relaxation techniques are very important when menopause hits as anxiety and stress can be the worst symptom of menopause. I think you have been traumatised by all the gynaecological issues and pain you experienced before the hysterectomy and you are now having to cope with oestrogen deficiency with a partner and children needing you to be on top form. You are naturally trying to find answers and solutions and I totally understand this as I do the same thing all the time. I desperately want FIX everything.
I rarely suggest this but I do wonder if some anti anxiety medication for a short time might help you.
I had a friend who went through an awful time with a great deal of stress and her GP suggested she have a mild anti depressant for a few months to give her body and mind a break. She now looks back and realises that the GP had saved her as she was at a tipping point with her health. She too had skin problems etc all due to the stress.
Write down all your problems and questions and make a GP appointment to see what they suggest at this stage.
If in the meantime you can try some Yoga, learn to do Mindfulness, get out for good brisk walks every day, eat small highly nutritious meals that are low in sugar and saturated fats and engage in activities that lift your mood, I think this might improve things.
This is a reputable website but be careful of looking at any website that is selling remedies or cures for menopause as they tend to make very spurious claims which desperate people are willing to believe.
I think you need to be kind to yourself. DG x


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #997 on: June 03, 2019, 05:15:44 PM »

hi soupdragon -

with regard to your HRT regime to you now take estrogen and testosterone.

When you took estradot only did you experience hair loss ?

are you experiencing hairloss since adding testosterone ?

What dosage are you on.

I had Total hysterectomy and oopherectomy at 35 so surgical induced menopause but had no symtoms of meno till 39 so didnt use hrt and my only symtom was Vagianal dampness, after trying one HRT didnt suit i now take estrogel and ovestin vaginally but am suffering hairloss since starting and a host of other things weightgain , mood irratic, depression, aniexty bowel problems, bloating headaches back pain since starting it i am on 2 pumps estrogel each day estrogen only HRT my meno wont give me testosterone yet as my estrogen levels in march 2019 were 195 and testosterone 0.08 what are your levels ?


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #998 on: June 04, 2019, 09:34:59 PM »

Great for me tho its taken 3 different types and quite a while to get it right.My problem was it was causing bleeds when I shouldnt have had them as my periods had been stopped for a couple of years when I started it.Has improved my life 1000%!Hot flushes gone,night sweats all but gone,mood swings vastly improved...normal life resumed!

Juju have you managed to get the balance right! I have been having the same issues with bleeding when I shouldn't be. Am now on my third type of progesterone. Bleeding seems to have stopped (although a little spotting) but am still getting bad period like cramps. Interested to hear what worked for you.


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #999 on: June 12, 2019, 04:25:01 PM »


Hi sue

Can I ask you how old you were with total hysterectomy? Did you have ovaries removed ?
When u stopped the HRT did you notice hair shedding or are you now having hair loss.
I had hysterectomy and opherectomy at 35 yrs so both ovaries removed had no menopause for 4 yrs then started with bladder irritation and weakness dampness but started estrogen HrT first one didn't suit so stopped it and 7 weeks later she'd lots of hair I'm now on estrogel 17b  but again not suiting me  my mood headaches nausea and hot flashes worse, insommnia aniexty weight gain bloated constipated and am still getting hair loss but as I'm only 40 I'm worried to stop it Incase I shed loads hair again but I feel awful.

Thanks sam

Dixie from Devon

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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1000 on: June 13, 2019, 02:12:36 PM »


I'm 53 and began the menopause in October 2017 with almost every symptom you can imagine. Working in an executive office with Directors, the hot flushes and anxiety were not something I could have and I was determined to find something that would get me back to normal.  ;)

So I asked the doctor for HRT and went onto Elleste Duet, assuming it would magically stop all these symptoms. But then I had to manage the very  heavy monthly bleeds for 6 months (I didn't use to have very much of a bleed previous to menopause (barely a day of very light spotting) so to sit in the office or boardroom feeling blood pouring out of me was not a good option. So then I asked the Dr for a different option, but was told to wait until 1 year of taking it and then review everything. I spent a fortune on sanitary products and had supplies everywhere - the bleed would happen anytime day or night with no warning - it was such a nuisance.  :-\

After some thorough investigation on Google (!) I decided at my 1 year review to ask for Elleste Duet Conti and reluctantly the Dr agreed. Then I couldn't get the prescription and was told by various pharmacies that I wouldn't be able to get it because it is in short supply worldwide!! More investigation on Google and found that Kliofem was a good alternative. So I went back to the Dr and asked for this, telling her that Elleste Duet Conti was unobtainable!  ;)

Kliofem gave me daily bleeding for 3 months, some serious painful cramps, upset tummy, broken sleep, anxiety (again) and then I started to thoroughly investigate why. I can't tell you how much I read online about the drugs - estradiol 2 mg (an oestrogen identical to the one made in the ovaries) and norethisterone acetate 1 mg (a progestagen that acts in a similar way to the body's own hormone progesterone). The norethisterone was the part that was supposed to STOP the bleeding!  :o

Holiday of a lifetime looming, I decided that I would either go "cold turkey" and give up taking the HRT altogether or find a solution to stop the bleeding.
My husband, by the way, has been extremely supportive, loving, patient and kind - although he did say I was 'different' because of menopause which made me sad. I did feel that I'd lost my carefree attitude and my joy for life; that uninhibited zest for life ... I'd feel guilty because the menopause isn't an illness or disease, but I definitely wasn't ready for the disruption and bleeding, most embarrassing and inconvenient (poor car seat)  :(

So more reading and I discovered that I would need 'oestrogen blockers' and so began the supplements.

I got better and better and this week after making sure I take my Kliofem at exactly the same time every day and after taking Red Clover, Menopace, Wellwoman 50, Sage, vitamin d, vitamin e, oil of evening primrose, starflower, zinc, calcium and an A-Z multivitamin and mineral supplement, I have stopped bleeding, no pain, happy, energetic, tummy going down, calm, relaxed and I do believe I have found the right balance for me. I thought I would share this so that anyone else who takes Kliofem and is thinking of giving up because of the bleeding, this could be the answer for them!  ;D

Good luck to you all. Read as much as possible. Stay calm and carry on!!

« Last Edit: June 15, 2019, 05:33:12 AM by Dixie from Devon »


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1001 on: June 13, 2019, 09:06:46 PM »

Hello Dixie from Devon and welcome to the forum.

Can I ask are you still using Kliofem and now only take supplements to treat your meno symptoms?

Wishing you well.



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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1002 on: June 17, 2019, 03:05:42 PM »

Hi can I ask has anyone experienced hair loss on estrogel only HRT 2 pumps

I've tried increasing to 3 pumps as estrogen levels were only 195 and testosterone 0.8 however side effects worse and hair loss gets worse.

I had hysterectomy and ovary removed at 35 no HRT for 4 yrs till sept 2018 whereby tried patches first for 7 weeks and didn't suit so stopped then given vagifem 2 weeks later then 5 weeks into taking this I lost half my hair but it's thinned all over and receded behind ears and lost at nape of neck something is causing it either estrogen or stopping it I then started estrogel in dec 2018 but my hair still thinning and every strand is coming out full length of the hair and with white bulbs . I had mega thick hair to the point of too much and used to get it thinner but not now. When I took contraceptive pill I lost no hair and was on it 5 yrs yet estrogen only HRT bio identical seems to be causing it along with a host of other side effects GI issues weight gain irritability insommnia aniexty fatigue emotional wreck lots discharge  ! I'm thinking of stopping HRT and going on the pill as I'm only 40. Do u think my hair loss is an imbalance between progesterone and testosterone as these are low compared to estrogen ?


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1003 on: June 23, 2019, 09:17:35 AM »

Hi birdy

Have you experienced hair loss on HRT ?

I don't know if my level of T (testosterone) was higher then estrogen before starting HRT but if it was caused me to loose no hair in term of thinning intact the opposite it was mega thick the only thing was my hairline receded a tiny bit at temples but that was it.

Since being on estrogen my hair has thinned to half volume but have also lost two clumps my tassels I called them that used to hang down from ponytail and is dramatically thinning on nape of neck it's like estrogen hrt has caused alopecia of some kind ?

I'm unsure to continue HRT I only have to take estrogen as hysterectomy and ovary removed but feel rubbish on it or do I try a different one ?


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Re: HRT--good or bad?
« Reply #1004 on: June 23, 2019, 11:07:42 AM »

Hi birdy

I'm not on Facebook !

It's bezaire cause I had no thinning prior to starting HRT my hair was thick long strong now it's fine weak and thin !

Estrogel has hairloss as side effect I'm wondering whether it's due to estrogen excess and the ratio of estrogen to progesterone and to testosterone or if the estrogel I'm on is actually causing my hair loss . The progesterone I can take is utrogestan 100mg every night but again does this cause hair loss ?
I used to take the pill when I was in my 20s microgynon 30 which has synthetic hormones but had no problems with hair loss weight gain so am considering maybe trying this ?
Have you had hairloss ?
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