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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 711843 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2007, 06:15:48 PM »

Ho Hotflush

How are the muffins? I don't like muffins they seem to stick inside my mouth and I cannot swallow them. Pops with a load of muffins stuck inside her mouth is not a pretty site I can tell you LOL  ;D ;D ;D

These joint aches and pains are truly terrible. I suffer them across the back of my scapulae and my lower back, my left hip and sometimes in both knees, I also have every weak wrists and find great difficulty hold something as simple as an ice cream for any length of time.
I first noticed a problem with the Achilles Tendon on my right foot. It suddenly got really painful hot red and swollen and I could barely put my foot to the floor, but strangely enough this has now passed and it is the hip and back I have most problems with. Sometimes my knees give and want to send me flying, not a pretty sight! I worry with these aches and pains that it may be something else associated to another condition I have, quite honest;y I would rather they be OA or even the other OA (old Age) LOL Than that! I cannot take Aspirin and I cannot take Ibuprofen as I also have a stomach complaint, so have to rely on paracetamol and the other painkillers I am prescribed for an old spinal injury, but most of the time these do not even touch the pain and I just have to put up with it.

I am hoping that the Starflower caps will help with the joint pains too, when I use the Natural Progesterone cream I do notice a marked decrease in these joint pains though and I know this is not coincidence as it happens each and every time. But I cannot use this all the time as I am scared that it will become ineffective and I will not have a fall back. The Starflower has GLA in it, so here's hoping that it will help.

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2007, 12:29:45 AM »

Not sure if this is appropriate for this thread, but I have RA, and have been able to hold it under control in the past due to Homeopathic medicine, but recently since periods stopped last year for 6 months I have found that my joints seem to be getting sore especially more around the time my periods are due, which as I said before restarted after 6 months, I was becoming worried that the RA was rearing it's ugly head again, but from reading the other posts here it would appear it is all part of symptoms of the menopause, I sometimes feel as though I am more like 90 odds rather than in my early 50's


Tricia :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2007, 10:56:37 AM »

Not sure if this is appropriate for this thread, but I have RA, and have been able to hold it under control in the past due to Homeopathic medicine, but recently since periods stopped last year for 6 months I have found that my joints seem to be getting sore especially more around the time my periods are due, which as I said before restarted after 6 months, I was becoming worried that the RA was rearing it's ugly head again, but from reading the other posts here it would appear it is all part of symptoms of the menopause, I sometimes feel as though I am more like 90 odds rather than in my early 50's


Tricia :)

I sometimes feel like that too Tricia. 


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2007, 12:10:09 AM »

have been on the menopause now for 6yrs , night sweats ,hot flushes , mood swings,lack of peroids (great) well miss one hit one then ...10 months ... ! no got one xmas eve!but my new symptom is arm pain , has been for over 6 months,pain in my upper arms ,so bad sometimes feel like i cant lift things ,then pins and needles in my arms , really tingling,can wake up like that or can just come on through the day, or peeling veg(as you do ) and my hand gets cramps ,sooo ! painfully !
any one else had this ?
 just had x rays  of upper spine and arms and waiting for results....
not on hrt ,just hoping can do without, but lack of libido ,husband is like GET ON HRT!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 09:51:59 AM »

I have O/A Karen, and my joint pain has become worse over the last 6-9mths, pain in my elbows, knee's, fingers, and numbness in my heels?, i do take Diclonfenic and Gloucosamine, although a lot of it maybe to do with my job, & standing 8hrs a day..Do you take any drugs for R/A ?


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2007, 11:41:42 AM »

Hi Ladies  ;D

It is really enlightening just how many of us suffer with joint pains, muscle pains and cramps etc during menopause. Even those of us fortunate enough not to have OsteoArthritis (O/A) or Rheumatoid Arthritis (R/A), seem to suffer varying degrees of this most unpleasant symptom. I really feel for you ladies that have these conditions. For the past few weeks I have been suffering really bad cramps, which refuse to go away for ages, they come mostly at night. I have tried quinine based drinks and I do take a Magnesium supplement, which has helped quite a bit, but once I do get a cramp it refuses to go. I have taken to sleeping with socks on as I find this helps prevent cramps in my feet and toes. But many a time I have just fallen asleep and I am viciously woken up by cramp and I have to get up and walk about for ages before it goes.
I find this is really distressing because I have not been sleeping well anyway and it seems so cruel that when I do eventually fall asleep, cramp wakes me up!

Oh well I have had my moan  :bang:

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2007, 04:11:48 PM »

I have O/A Karen, and my joint pain has become worse over the last 6-9mths, pain in my elbows, knee's, fingers, and numbness in my heels?, i do take Diclonfenic and Gloucosamine, although a lot of it maybe to do with my job, & standing 8hrs a day..Do you take any drugs for R/A ?
hi Rosebush,
               have not taken any drugs as waiting to see what news the x,ray brings. who diagonosed you with the O/A...
the pain i get is upper arm ,wrist, and  now pins and needles in arms and  sometimes legs.will be glad to find out what it is..........


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2007, 11:07:38 PM »

Karen my Gp sent me for Xrays about 7yrs ago and then discovered i had O/A, and 5yrs ago found out i had pernious anemia, so have B12 jabs every couple months, but what is making my joint pain even worse is the hot sweats, i have to get out of bed go to bathroom, and use really cold flannel to cool down, and when on lates i am usually in the gardens at 9pm with my uniform top up over my bra, to cool down, so all the cold gets into my joints, i remember my Gp telling me to keep myself warm and ensure i donot sit in draughts, so its vicious circle, however my sweats are not as frequent now as they were since taking Starflower/Boron tabs.... :'( Hope your Xrays tell you all you need to know.. :-*

Pops have you been to Gp with your cramp problem, its just not fair, to get woken with sweats and then cramps, hope things improve soon, could it be something in your diet maybe..


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2007, 05:26:15 PM »

I am new to the forum and I have to start with the honest but pretty pathetic news that I've actually been comforted by reading other women's experience of this joint pain and stiffness thing. It's exactly what's happening to me. I've decided to stop thinking I've got some bizarre falling to bits disease.
At 51 I went from zero menopause signs to megadose of symptoms.  Periods just stopped after being 100% clockwork and within  6 weeks, one day I got out of bed and thought I'd had some kind of stroke.
Hobbling, had to go down stairs sideways,  one step at a time, walking with a limp. Absolute panic until it subsided a bit. Now six months  on it's in my hips, lower spine, collar bones, shoulder blades and a knee joined in yesterday when I  forgot  I was  a crippled old bag and decided to RUN (ha ha) across the road. Just made it in a hopping sort of limp before a London bus got me!

Always worst in the morning. Often have to sit on floor to pull socks on etc. Apart from mild night sweats and nightmares, the flashes I get are 'flashbacks' because every now and again, perhaps for just an hour or two, the joint pain goes. I suddenly think "**** it's  not there!" and I get a taste of how it used to be when I was not "stuck". With no warning, everything is working again. Then, I make the mistake of not moving for 5 minutes  or so and it's back.....
I'm going to try some of the suggestions on this forum and see if they help.  Thanks so much for describing what's happening to you. Good luck.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2007, 01:17:17 PM »

I have found Glucosamine helps me. My GP suggested trying it took a few months but it makes a difference to me.

I expect this suggestion has been posted before.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2007, 03:25:22 PM »

Hi janicemck,

 :welcomemm:  :foryou:

You said:
I am new to the forum and I have to start with the honest but pretty pathetic news that I've actually been comforted by reading other women's experience of this joint pain and stiffness thing. It's exactly what's happening to me. I've decided to stop thinking I've got some bizarre falling to bits disease.

Well if you think this makes you pathetic then I guess we all are  ::)  Many of us on here have been stricken with this "Falling To Bits Disease" LOL  ;D I had it once too  ;)
I went to bed one night feeling relatively okay and awoke the next morning and could hardly walk, someone had come along during the night and dumped every known menopausal symptom on me and then some more besides!
Then I started to have panic attacks brought on by worrying about the incurable illness I knew I had, which all those idiot doctors had missed. The fact that I did not have the illness and the doctors were not idiots could not seem to penetrate. To cut a long story short I got over it and am still here to tell the tale many months later.  ::)
By the way I wasn't so lucky with the London bus, one did get me, when I was nine though, still bear the scars to prove it.  :o (Try not to argue with them, they nearly always win!)

Hope whatever you try works, have you considered HRT? It is a personal choice of course, I can't because my GP will not allow me too as I have controlled high blood pressure (typical) I think I would have had a go if I could have it though.

Don't forget to let us know how you get on and look forward to reading more of your posts and it's great to have you on board.  :)

Rosebush, I am going to mention the cramps to my doc next time I see him, because they are driving me nuts. (Not too far to go then huh? LOL)  ;D ;D ;D

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:


Libby Babe

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2007, 06:26:07 PM »

Hi ladies :)
I am also suffering quite badly at the moment with aches and pains.  I feel as though I am about 87 instead of 47.   When I get up in the morning I am like many of you, hobbling around as though I am drunk because my feet and ankles are so sore and so stiff.  These last few days it has been like toothache all the way down from my shins and it is driving me mad.  On top of that I have pains in my shoulders, my arms feel weak and my back aches when I try and do any sort of housework.  What a state to be in!  ::) I used to think the damp weather made it worse but now I am not so sure as we have had some lovely days just recently and I am still suffering!  I am contemplating starting on the cod liver oil and glucosamine tablets again to see if they help as I know they are supposed to help although I believe you have to be on them a long time before they work and I don't think I have ever given them a fair chance in the past.

The only think that has given me a small amount of relief is to warm my lavender bag and put that on my feet, but then of course, that makes me have a hot flush :steamed: so it doesn't really solve all the problems, if only!

Well that's my story about aches and pains.  Oh, and I tried to run after my little girl the other day, the spirit was willing but the legs just couldn't do it, how embarrasing!  I won't try that again in a hurry!!

Bye for now
Love Libby



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2007, 07:12:58 PM »

OK ladies, I'm going for it.  Some people may think this is not a good idea but I am now on top dose of glucsowhotsit and mitrochondrin tabs, very expensive methinks but if it works.... PLUS starflower tabs, a load of soya thingies  PLUS primrose oil drinkie, two teaspoons twice a day but I will probably end up swigging it. I'm going for the max on a kill or cure basis.
I've also bought one of those expensive mattress toppers and two days in that does feel like luxury.
If all that doesn't work I'll just donate my remains to medical science. Or.... ask the doc about HRT!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2007, 03:58:50 PM »

Hi janicemck  ;D

Ooops no, please do not do this, at worse you can end up making yourself extremely ill and at best if you do manage to hit on something that works, you will not know what it is and trying to wade through that lot will drive you nutty. I can understand how desperate you feel, we all can, but you end up making yourself feel a lot worse.

Seriously Janice, this is not a good idea, you are very likely to cause yourself some gastric problems. Also briefly looking at what you are taking you could cause a bit of conflict.

The Soya (isolfavones) may help you, if you do not suffer with an under-active thyroid gland, why not try these on their own at first and see how you get on? This contains something called phytoestrogens which could help you with menopause symptoms. Please also bear in mind that you should always adhere to the Recommended Daily Intake and check the labels of whatever it is you are taking to ensure that you are not doubling up on the same thing which could be included in another preparation.

Just because something is deemed an *alternative* or *natural* remedy, does *not* mean that they are harmless! Often these preparations can be toxic if taken in large enough quantities, please be very careful Janice.

Lots of Love Pops xxx :peace::peace::peace:



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2007, 05:07:38 PM »

Hi Janicemck :),

First of all  :welcomemm:

Now I have to say I agree with Pops on this one, being one who prefers what I like to call complementary medicine as I think that they should work together in unison and not be looked upon as alternative ;), if you are trying more than one remedy at a time you will not know which one is helping you if any do and to take in such large doses can cause problems if you are on any other kind of medication, always best to get advice until you know your way around these thing, sorry maybe you already do and if so then I apologise, you see all to often people think because it is herbal or natural or whatever it is safe but some of these things can cause side effects if not used properly, I must learn to keep my mouth shut at times :-X :-X :-X, although before I go  ;D ;D ;D, I would not mix Starflower oil with Evening Primrose oil as one could counteract the other if you see what I mean, hurry up some one tell me to shut up I am begining to ramble  ;D :-X ;D :-X ;D


Tricia :peace:
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