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Author Topic: Digestive issues  (Read 1241 times)


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Digestive issues
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:01:40 PM »

Hi ladies. Has anyone experienced digestive issues in peri? I’m feeling like absolute crap at the moment. I’m 48, had a period last December 22 and didn’t have another till April 5th (10 days ago). Ever since a stomach is bloated, mid stomach cramping, mid back pain and an acid sensation in my throat. I’m slightly constipated as well. It seems like when I eat I have a bubbling pressure in my stomach. I had my gallbladder out last October so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. My health anxiety is through the roof and I’m feeling tired, tearful and anxious in general. I’m just so worried all the time I’m exhausted. I want to book my gp but the last time I had my period I was having period type pains for 2 weeks after so I went to my gp and she recommended waiting for another couple of weeks as it could be peri related and it did pass so I didn’t go back but this feels like a digestion issue. Any advice would be helpful.


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Re: Digestive issues
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2023, 05:07:22 PM »

It does seem like meno can cause many digestive symptoms such as IBS and acid reflux. It is very frustrating. It may help to keep a food diary to see if certain foods are causing the symptoms. Foods such as tomato, mint, certain fruit can cause acid reflux and may be best avoided.

Sorry to hear this is making you feel so anxious. I hope knowing it is common can make you feel a little better. You may like to do a search on the forum to read the other threads members have made about this to know you are not alone.


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Re: Digestive issues
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2023, 05:27:07 PM »

Hello  Babodpower and welcome to the forum.

As your problems have started about six months after your gallbladder removal they could be related to that. It may be a good idea to check in with your GP as you may need something to help your digestive system adapt.

I am not a medic but I think that lack of bile means that fat soluble vitamins are more difficult to absorb so a supplement may be helpful.

I am sure ladies who have had the same issues will be along soon.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: Digestive issues
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2023, 07:19:51 PM »

I am now post menopause but I do remember having awful digestion problems in peri. I had my gall bladder removed before my perimenopause and thought it could have been that. At the time I would eat a dinner and was absolutely fine but if I ate the same thing the next day I would have terrible indigestion. I tried cutting various items out but nothing really worked. I used to take colpermin which is an IBS remedy but did not have IBS and thought it did help me at the time.  I also tried digestive enzymes but don’t think they helped me at all.  Over the years I still occasionally suffer spells of indigestion and post nasal drip which gives that acid feeling in the throat but have found that regular gaviscon advance tablets taken at that time clears it after a few days. I do understand your anxiety because I seemed to go from one disaster to another and the Drs I saw at the time recommended omeprazole but I had a bad reaction to it so just had to sort it out myself by trial and error. I found that as my hormones balanced out through peri I would have good spells and then bad ones but just went back to the gaviscon advance again until it settled down. I saw a consultant at the time and asked if he thought it was to do with the gallbladder removal but he dismissed it straight away and some of my friends who still have theirs also suffer from digestive issues so it is hard to say. Anyway I can’t have it put back in so I have just had to find something that works for me.


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Re: Digestive issues
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2023, 07:49:24 PM »

Digestive issues often go hand-in-hand with The Change. Hormonal fluctuations always made me nauseous, really thirsty, irritable, bloated ........ by mid-day I couldn't keep a skirt done up as my belly was so big. 

Drink plenty but not too much.  Add fruits and veg gradually to your diet and cut out any processed foods.  Foods that we could eat often become un-digestable as we age.  As does alcohol. 

Low VitD levels can cause intense tiredness so I have started swallowing tablets twice a day.  Also, crashing fatigue is common in peri-menopause.

I have slow transit in that my bowel rarely feels empty: even when I've been it feels as though I need to 'go again'  >:(. We have threads on that too!  Some find that using a 'laxative' such as Dicoloux (?) helpful occasionally. 