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Author Topic: Empty nest  (Read 2271 times)


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Empty nest
« on: October 26, 2023, 08:46:33 PM »

Hi all,
Just feeling lonely...
All my children have grown and flown... I'm just reaching out for some support.
I'm so desperately lonely... feeling as though my role in life is over.
Now I know my job as a mum is bringing them up so they grow up and leave home...
I know I'm in the next chapter of my life.
I'm just struggling to come to terms with it all.
I miss them so much, yet I appreciate they have their own lives to lead and need me in a different way to the way they did.
I have friends and hobbies... just don't seem to fill the gap...
My doggie is a huge help.
Not really sure why I'm posting  all this... just wanted to reach out.
Thanks for reading.  Xx


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Re: Empty nest
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2023, 10:54:24 PM »

My children are still at home, but I know I will feel sad when they do leave, I don't want them to leave, but I know the time will come and I will hate it  :'(

There are some other threads on here that you might want to read , if you just search empty nest in the search bar they will come up x


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Re: Empty nest
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2023, 05:49:59 AM »

Thank you 😊 I will look there. X


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Re: Empty nest
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2023, 07:30:15 AM »

My children are still in primary school and I'm already dreading the day coming when they leave the nest. No advice except to say I feel so much empathy for you. I am so focused on my children at the moment, and I know I need to branch out and get some hobbies of my own, as does my husband. I don't think all the ups and down of menopause helps either.


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Re: Empty nest
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2023, 08:28:31 AM »

It is hard to sort of give up the looking after them role - though when my first one left home I was then looking after my poorly parents so that filled that gap for a while. I'm sure you will get used to it and you sound busy with hobbies and friends. Do you work? I found my job also helped a lot.

 I have another thing to get used to now as my youngest son emigrated in the summer - only to a European country but it's still stopped our spontaneous get togethers and I really miss him. I'm really excited for him taking this step but also sad. I miss his random messages asking if I have an hour spare (he only lived fifteen miles away) as he could take a break from work (WFH), he'd just been to his local bakery and there was a chocolate eclair with my name on it. Lovely times. It seems weird that everything has to be planned and booked in advance now. Finding a time when we can go and visit and he is free. Plane tickets. Hotel accommodation. The cost! But, he's happy and I'm hanging on to that. As has been said before we encourage them to do the best they can, give them belief in themselves and know that we've done a good job when it all works out for them to live their own lives.

I also found that the house was so quiet after they'd all moved out and I still find it strange when I don't know where they are. I called one of mine last week and he answered with a snappy "What's wrong?" and I just said that I hadn't heard from him recently and wondered if was ok. He said "Mum I'm in Belgium at the minute." I told him I didn't know he was in Belgium and he said "Mum, why would you need to know that even?" Well of course I need to know that. He did remind me that he was 36 - I tend to forget that  ;D

Taz x