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Author Topic: Peri-menopause - time to see GP?  (Read 1492 times)


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Peri-menopause - time to see GP?
« on: August 09, 2022, 10:02:22 AM »

Hi, I’m new here so hope im doing this right 🤞🏼

I’m 48 years old and been dealing with symptoms for a while:-

Periods started going haywire about 2 years ago. Still regular but some months it would incredibly light for a day or two and then other months I’d be changing Ultra Lillets and a pad within 2 hours for a week!  Thankfully that seem to level itself back out last year and this year I’ve started missing periods completely (3 months without one) and sometimes just spotting instead of a full period. Last month I did have a normal period though.

Lots of weight gain in the tummy area and an extra chin ! Now a size 18 so worried they’ll tell me I’m too fat for HRT anyway 😕 I eat healthily and walk miles with my dogs

Itchy skin - horrible last year but not so bad now

Wee - when coughing!  Awful when I had covid, literally had no control

Headaches - very rare before but getting more although not sure if that’s the heat

Sleep - haven’t had a full nights sleep for months now. Takes hours to fall asleep and then I’ll either wake up hot, needing a wee or because hubby is snoring and well, then I’m awake.

Energy - none! Probably due to severe lack of sleep

Moods - very low sometimes and anxious over nothing. Tearful over random things. Just feel like I’ve lost most of the joy in life really - and I’ve never been like that!

Brain fog. Memory loss - getting worse, as is my eyesight.

Anger - oh my 🙈 the rage 😮 I don’t know where it comes from or how to control it! Hubby is a bit lost and while most of the time he walks away or comes home with flowers and offers hugs - there’s been times recently where I’m half way to leaving, selling the house, giving everything up etc and then a few days later I’m crying and feeling like I’m loosing the plot.

If it matters - not on any birth control as diagnosed with secondary infertility 20+ years ago so haven’t taken “the pill” for 25 years.

So …… I’m going to try and get a GP appointment, but even that’s not easy anymore. We used to ring up at 8am to get a slot (you couldn’t book an appointment for the next week or anything, just had to ring every morning until you finally got a slot!) but they stopped all that with Covid so you’d have to wait for a phone call consultation anytime within 5 days and as far as I know they are still only seeing patients after a phone consultation first 🙄

Anyway - how do I ask for HRT? I don’t even know how to explain it all to a doctor in the limited time slot you get nowadays without crying and making no sense!

Should I be researching the different ones first, or do you literally just get what you’re given?

Or worse, do they try and fob you off with nothing as I’m still having some periods?


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Re: Peri-menopause - time to see GP?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2022, 10:57:33 AM »

You just say 'I would like to start some HRT please', these are my symptoms - and then read out the list. You can take it in with you, if you like - I often do that as I find it hard to remember things under pressure.


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Re: Peri-menopause - time to see GP?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2022, 11:52:11 AM »

Hello sam. Welcome to the forum. I agree with joziel.

 With the wee when coughing this could indicate vaginal atrophy. I would ask for treatment for this too as this will be a separate treatment especially for the vagina. I had never heard of vaginal atrophy before joining this forum so do not worry if you have not heard of this either.

If your GP tries to fob you off then be very firm. I started HRT at 38 and had to insist on it as I was told I was too young. Good luck with your GP.


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Re: Peri-menopause - time to see GP?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2022, 11:59:32 AM »

Morning.  :welcomemm:

Our Surgery insists on a phone call to determine whether we need to see a Nurse Practitioner or GP  ::), which means nearly a 3 week wait. 

As oestrogen levels drop the body may become dry: inside and out; skin, scalp, between the toes, eyes, deep in the ears ...... vagina and bladder may well be affected too.  Also the muscles may Become lax = aches and pains.

VA treatment may make a difference to your problems, or see a physiotherapist interested in womens health.  Correct exercises can really help the bladder issues.  Perhaps a combination of both may be required until you get a hand on symptoms.

Anxiety surges are common during peri..  Have you had a full blood count to include Thyroid function and VitD levels?  Both can cause intense tiredness, 4 me I would do some weeding for 20 mins then couldn't move for several hours.

MayB ask to see a Nurse Practitioner to discuss your feelings?  Keeping a mood/food/symptom diary may be of use to chart progress, also you won't forget points the in the appt..

Let us know how you get on.
