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Author Topic: Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue  (Read 1374 times)


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Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue
« on: June 23, 2022, 01:37:00 PM »

Hi all

So after years of struggling with this I've finally identified that it is hormonal.

It's a strange pressure pain feeling deep behind my nose. My nose also clicks like there is a blockage. Nose breathing is unaffected. Sometimes feels behind bridge avd towards right eye. But the pressure feels like a lump deep inside.

What on earth is it??? Sinus pressure? Migraine???

And why do u keep getting it with hormonal trials???

So, got it loads previously on the pill. Also getting it on bioidentical progesterone - I have just changed dose.

So frustrating. Any thoughts???

Painkillers don't help. Decongestants don't help. Some days really bad, some days not so bad.

Any science behind this??? Are there receptors in the nose... Estrogen? Prog???

I should add this is completely different to what I experience as a 'normal' head pounding migraine, which I do sometimes get, but no where near as frequently. They do not involve my nose.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 01:40:51 PM by CrispyChick »


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Re: Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2022, 07:48:08 PM »

I don't know if I can help much but I do know that estrogen affects the mucous membranes throughout the body. That is why we get dry vaginas (mucous membranes) and also dry eyes, dry mouth - and the opposite, rhinitis/running nose, tearing eyes, over-production of mucous and sometimes with vaginal dryness you get a flood of thin liquid coming out too.

So there is a lot going on with the sinuses. I suffer from this side of things a lot and whilst my vaginal symptoms are gone with local estrogen there, the eyes/nose/mucous symptoms are still there. I am hopeful that if I increase my estrogen in future, it might go away....


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Re: Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2022, 02:34:19 PM »

Thank you joziel.

Yes... A drying mechabism has crossed my mind. I just cavt figure out why additional progesterone would reduce my estrogen?!? It should just be opposing, not reducing.

I am a very allergic person. But this is different. Now, I do get u tebsekt full ears with higher estrogen, so I know my hor ones affect a lot.

Today I've got terrible itchy eyes with my hay-fever, but no nose issue. This is definitely NOT my normal allergy /histamine reaction. And I'm akrsafy on strong antihistamines.

But, like you, I guess if I know it's hormonal I need to diddle around with doses, see what works. Joy.


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Re: Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2022, 03:01:27 PM »

Hi CC.
I was told progesterone reduces estrogen levels and could use an additional half/one pump during P sequi phase if required, that was said by my previous doc.

I had to stop taking antihistamine due to symptoms, one was a feeling like there was pressure halfway up my nose and going up to my eye. The worst symptoms were nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, migraine. The med I was on was Fenofaxeen, spelling might not be correct.


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Re: Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2022, 03:29:04 PM »


That's the one I'm on. I don't believe it's the antihistamine though. I've had this this on/off for years, as I've tried different hormonal things. I've defo stopped the antihistamine before as a trial and it didn't help. Plus, I'm on it every day of the year.

Oooh interesting about being told P reduces estrogen. Blimey. My research is never ending....

Thanks for the input Tora.


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Re: Strange headache/migraine/sinus issue
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2022, 04:25:38 PM »

I don't think it reduces estrogen per se, but it can suppress your ovaries and reduce the amount which your body is contributing. So I guess it could reduce it in that way. But if you are post-menopausal and all your estrogen is coming from HRT, progesterone isn't going to reduce it. (May oppose some of its effects.)