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Author Topic: HRT and messed up periods  (Read 1876 times)


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HRT and messed up periods
« on: January 20, 2021, 05:27:46 PM »


I've just begun HRT and it seems to be really messing up my periods. I'm using estrogen gel and tablets for projesterone.

When I first started on it, I had a bleed at 16 days which felt like a really light period (my GP said it wasn't, just break through bleeding). Then I bled again 20 days later (so 36 day cycle I suppose). I'm currently on day 37 with no sign of a period and it's bothering me. Is this normal? I thought I'd have a better handle on my periods with HRT.

I've always had odd periods... Longer cycles which typically are 32 ish days. One of the many reasons I started on HRT was because I was getting break through bleeding after my period for about a week which was rubbish for my love life! I felt however like I was in tune with my body and my cycles and I'm not enjoying feeling like I'm not.

Can anyone offer me hope that this will settle down please?

Thank you


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Re: HRT and messed up periods
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2021, 05:35:23 PM »

How do you describe break through bleeding?  A slight show, enough to need a pad or like the usually bleeding?

I had break through bleeding when I used a nasal spray, like a lighter period of about 3 days. 

Why are you taking HRT, which symptoms drove you to the GP?  What does it say in the leaflet in the box?

Maybe put the product names into the search box to C what pops up? 


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Re: HRT and messed up periods
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2021, 02:24:54 PM »

I started the same regime as you a year ago in peri and still having monthly bleeds- mostly- these where about 24 days apart. For many months I had a bleed after finishing the utro but for the last couple of months I have gone back to my old bleeding patterns which seem to have nothing to do with when i take the utro. If i carry on with the utro I do not bleed on stopping if I have just already finished my own period if that makes sense. As  understand it our own cycles are in a state of flux and sometimes they will override the hrt?


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Re: HRT and messed up periods
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2021, 02:40:26 PM »

Are you using a conti or sequi regime? I have a longer variable cycle too so couldn't get on with patches, my body wouldn't fit into a 4 week cycle. With utro I start the 12 days a day or two after I've ovulated and bleed at the normal time. My own cycle always overrides the hrt one, the trick is to keep them in step. If you're in peri with strong cycles of your own and taking utro continuously I'm not surprised things are messed up.