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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 746945 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #765 on: October 03, 2017, 07:50:45 PM »

Thanks Dancinggirl. It's good to know someone else understands how I feel. Most people laugh when I say I've had severe hot flushes etc. for 20 years. They seem to think I'm exaggerating!! If only!! It just seems so unfair that some women get no problems at all.
However, to be more positive my husband and I have a good diet, walk quite a lot and have just started a Mindfulness and Meditation course with U3A. We've only had 2 sessions and he has found it helpful (he fell asleep, but that might be because I'm keeping him awake half the night tossing and turning). So far I haven't found it helpful, although I am going to give it a bit longer.
Also, through this website, I've just got some tiny samples of YES and today I have made an appointment with one of our GP's to find out if anything can be prescribed for the night sweats. The lack of libido as you say, is difficult to come to terms with, although I do have a very understanding and loving husband.
Pardon my ignorance but what is Vagifem, would the oestrogen in it not be the same as being on HRT which I can't have? Also are AD and SRRI some sort of anti depressant? I don't understand what the initials stand for.
I am making a long list of questions for the GP, but don't know how I'll fit it all into the allotted 10 minutes.
Thanks again for all the helpful suggestions.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #766 on: October 04, 2017, 08:46:41 AM »

Hi Jenni

The Mindful Meditation can take a great deal of practise to be effective - it is a type of Cognitive Behavioural therapy that is proving very helpful to many people, so I'm pleased to hear you are trying this.  U3A is a great organisation to be part of - I fully intend to get involved with this when I retire and have more time.  I am a tour guide and get groups from the U3A on my tours - they are always such great fun. Clearly you and your husband are very proactive people.
Vagifem is a local oestrogen pessary you insert in the vagina and it releases a very, very low dose locally, so is not absorbed systemically - you should be able to use this without any risk but your GP may want check this with you consultant. Pleased you are trying the vaginal moisturisers - they can really help.
Yes, ADs and SRRIs are antidepressants but many of these are often used, and can be very helpful, for meno symptoms - do look under TREATMENTS on this site to find out more.  Citolapram and similar SRRIs can be very helpful I believe but, as I mentioned, it can be trial and error.
Write everything down for your GP appointment - I find it speeds things up when time is short, helps you to focus on the key things you need to get sorted and if there isn't enough time he/she will have your written notes so they can possibly get back to you by phone if need be.
Good luck and keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #767 on: October 16, 2017, 05:48:45 PM »

Ladies I need advice and I don't have anyone to ask - I am really worried and confused about my flushes.  :-\

I get all sorts of hot flushes - sometimes its when I am hot but other times it's really odd things like just now I started eating (scoffing pistachios!) and my face went red for a bit.

I also get it from being stressed or flustered or literally hearing my name mentioned at work - is this normal for hot flushes

 it's like the smallest thing will set it off, never been so sensitive to it before but it seems like any emotion can provoke a red face

I am 46 and def. menopausal



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #768 on: October 16, 2017, 09:06:26 PM »

FanofF :welcomemm:ans

What you are describing is typical for menopause flushes.
Read up all the info on this site to get clued up.  Start your own thread and tell us everything we need to know e.g. how your cycle is right now, any other health issues etc?  Do look at lifestyle issues first e.g. diet and exercise and relaxation techniques.
HRT could solve your problems but you need to see your doctor to rule out thyroid problems and to get an FSH level which might indicate where you are in our meno journey.  Blood tests are not reliable when diagnosing menopause so your GP should go by your symptoms really.  Look under ‘treatments' on this site as well so you know what to ask for.
Keep posting. DG x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #769 on: October 17, 2017, 06:18:21 AM »

Morning all, my story with hot flushes bagan (I realised just now) over 10 years ago. I can actually remember the exact moment.  I'd arrived at the hairdressers.  It was cold out, But i wasn't rushed or late, I'd driven there so was feeling collected and calm and not over dressed for the weather etc and within  a minute of sitting down to wait I can vividly remember very suddenly getting hotter and hotter and HOTTER. And wet! Where was all this sweat coming from??? The more I unrobed and sweated, the more I began to panic.....and so on.... thought my head was going to explode.  I was scrabbling for tissues to mop me up, and pulling my clothes away from me as I could feel them getting wet. Checking the seat I was sitting on to see if I was leaving a wet bum mark!! The panic!
I can remember it happening to me a while later, whilst I was waiting for older (ha!) lady passing by stopped and mortifyingly,  for someone who thought she was much younger and no where near "that age",  offered me gentle words that it would pass, and wasn't it horrible........

Since then they've got worse and worse and worse over the years.

I have tried everything over the years, sage, starflower caps, meno suppliments, black cohosh, redclover, I'm sure many others too. VitB6 And evening primrose oil I took for years.

I tried citalopram a few years ago on Drs advice. Helped for a while. Increase dose helped for another while, as did the first hrt I tried (I do know which it was but I can't remember the name) .....I take hrt to help with "bulk" menopause symptoms now but without doubt what I cannot cope with without hrt are the hot sweats and flushes.

I have been put on Angelique in the last few weeks......and for the first time since I can remember I am cool!!  (There's always a downside...I'm bleeding again right now! Fingers crossed it will level out and I can deal). But oh to be cool,  even If it's short lived. 

Anyway, that was just to say I sympathise and empathise with everyone of you! It's horrible and takes over your life, but this is my tip.......

No help whatsoever ever if you're out and about, but if I am home and feeling hot and sweaty, I lie the wrong way up on my bed, Remove anything constricting and prop my feet higher than my head on the headboard or stacked pillows.  My hand and feet always feel (even!)  hotter than the rest of me, so I put my hot hands splayed on my stomach and I can visualise the heat flowing out of my hands to my stomach and dispersing around me....and out through my head and skin... .breathe deep through your stomach and imagine the heat draining out of your feet and legs.   
It can work for me. 

Another thing I realise is, it's contrasts of hot to cold or vice versa that affect me most (even minute temperature changes). So even at my hottest I've realised over the years that whilst it's tempting to be desperate to cool down fast, what actually then happens is as soon as I go back to inside I sweat more....

I can't control it I know. But being aware helps maybe.   Interestingly I find whilst I do get sweats and flushes wherever and whenever, I feel better when the weather is warm or hot......nothing worse than sweating and dripping when chilled.  I used to keep our bathroom at home cool, knowing I'd sweat in the morning  after my shower.  I now realise it's better if the bathroom is not frosty cold and my shower is only slightly warm and def not hot. Less  contrast. (I still bloody sweat!!! It's not miracle. But it helps I think😏)

Oh and another little tip, I always carry hair bobbles and clips....if I can stop my hair from becoming saturated and dripping around my neck and temples by fastening it up as soon as I start to sweat, when I do cool down I feel so much better.

Ultimately I know nothing has really worked for me long term (yet! I'm still trying! And hopeful on this, new for me, Angelique) but those are my tips

Maybe some of that will help a little bit, fellow sweaty ones!! 😏

Good luck all.xx

(I'm pretty new at this forum and I realise I keep writing the equivalent of war and peace in anything I post or reply to🙄 I've got the opposite of writers block! I'm so taken aback to have a place to let this all out to, without driving my friends insane (as I just don't seem to k ow anyone who's struggled this much) that it's too tempting  to share and join in.....
I promise I'll start to reign it in.   But this topic is so close to my heart!!!!!)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #770 on: October 17, 2017, 06:57:07 AM »

Me again!
Just went for my shower and remembered - Something else made a bit of a difference to me when I finally worked it out...

However dry your skin might feel, don't use a "heavy" moisturiser. On your body or face.  I get dry irritated skin (from sweating? Or "just" menopause!) but find the lighter and least I put on my skin the better I feel
Try Epsom salt baths (not too hot!)  to moisturise and sooth. And just a very light lotion if needed
Anything heavier and I sweat more and skin seems clammier for longer (it blocks the pores I guess)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #771 on: October 17, 2017, 08:58:36 AM »

LizzyD - welcome to MM - what great posts - thank you for sharing your experience. 
This will be helpful and reassuring to many women.
Nobody prepares us for what most of us experience when meno hits - it can be so debilitating and difficult.
Good luck with you HRT - hope it works for you for the longer term.
DG x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #772 on: October 17, 2017, 12:32:22 PM »

Thanks dancing girl,

You are right about the not being prepared!
But then lots of people don't have such a debilitating experience....different people, different bodies, different lives.
I know I had was lucky in that compared to some stories, I had great experiences of pregnancy and childbirth for example

We all need to be kinder to ourselves and others. No one ever has it all, and definitely not all the time.  We all need different help at different times for different reasons.  Try not to judge I guess, as you never have any idea what's going on with other people, trivial or otherwise.

(I'm not always so nice or calm! The little judgey, not so nice bit of me always manages to escape when I'm out, for example, with a bunch of young, smart, glamorous and clever young things at one of my husbands work events, and I have a killer flush and sweat.  I smile sweetly, try to pretend I'm oblivious, and can't help but dare them to judge..  Can't  help I'm thinking I may be older, pinker and dripping with sweat, but I'm also solvent, more experienced, care less, and know that at some point  "YOU'LL GET YOURS!!!"  🤣)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #773 on: October 17, 2017, 02:22:52 PM »

I can so relate to everything you have just said.   :D ;D ;D.  DG x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #774 on: October 17, 2017, 03:45:13 PM »

Little pleasures DG - you have to take them where you can! 😉😂😂


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #775 on: December 06, 2017, 12:17:05 PM »

Hi back again for some more information/consolation?

I have started HRT (Evorel Patch and progesterone pills), I think my mini (over and done with quickly) hot flushes ( :hotflash:) and night sweats are getting better but I am still struggling with facial flushes.

The flushes happen with extreme emotions or with heat - my face (cheeks, nose) goes extremely red (I think its looks horrible) and is very painful. Can anyone please let me know if this could be menopause or not? If I stay in the situation my face will stay red, otherwise it will calm down after a few hours - basically I go to bed if this happens which is not a great way to live your life!

Any thoughts would be great because I am unable to tolerate hot rooms and central heating at the moment.




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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #776 on: February 01, 2018, 12:07:35 PM »

Im not coping they are doing my head in, cant sleep because of them, it can be minus 2 white with frost n still be too hot , still throw the covers off still using a summer quilt , they did stop for a while but don't know why , but started again , and doin my had in x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #777 on: February 03, 2018, 08:34:28 PM »

Ladies, I so sympathise with you.

I have tried absolutely everything over the years and no one can understand how bloody miserable and horrible it is when you struggle with flushes and sweats like that unless they've been there themselves....

The only thing I would say is, I am on my 5th different type of HRT now.

I've been on this one (Angelique) 5&1/2 months now and - touch wood - only have a few, comparatively very mild flushes and a bit of sweating from time to time.....

I'm obviously not saying this hrt is the perfect hrt for everyone. Not at all.  Just hoping it might help to know that it's worth keep trying to find the right formulation to help you. Unless you can't consider hrt, persevere! took me a long while.    Every single day, at some point I am amazed that I'm not pouring with sweat, changing my clothes, and agitated and thoroughly miserable.  It's still a wonderful surprise to feel “normal” (sort of!!!😳 my kids and family might have something to say on that subject!)

Good luck.  Sending you all a hug x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #778 on: February 13, 2018, 02:15:27 AM »

Before starting HRT, which stopped my flushes and night sweats altogether, I suffered terribly from both.

The best thing I did for night sweats was wear a long-sleeved merino top. It wicked away the sweat, didn't smell, left me dry and washed really well time after time. Really fantastic and well worth the money. Wearing bottoms would work too. Obviously not the best remedy for hot summer nights but I found I could wear them comfortably for most of the year.


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #779 on: March 19, 2018, 06:59:40 PM »

Hi everyone, I dont have flashes, but my body heats up as soon as I'm laying in bed and wakes me up and can't sleep anymore cause it lasts all night. Is it a flash? I never sweat so it takes a long time for my body cools down. I'm allmost 4 weeke on HRT but it doesnt help yet.
Anyone? :)
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