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Author Topic: Negatives to higher oestrogen?  (Read 1143 times)


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Negatives to higher oestrogen?
« on: June 29, 2020, 03:33:18 PM »

Hi everyone,

I was on 50mg estraderm ans 200mg cyclic utrogestan. Saw a nurse at Louise Nelson clinic , who said at 40 (no ovaries) and oestrogen levels of 170 than I need to increase the dose. I had no hot flushes just other symptoms.

I wrote another post about tingling numb arms and its definitely any change in my hormone that causes it and it takes 2 weeks to settle. Going from 50 - 75 I saw this - so Im increasing to 100mg super slow. At the minute Im on 87.5mg.

I think my sleep is slightly better and don't get up to pee as much but Im finding my anxeity is worse and my concentration is zero - I feel like Ive sat at a blank computer all week in the same chair plus just look like crap, everyone else is talking about hair growth during lockdown and mines stayed the same - thin and rubbish  ;D

I struggle with 200mg utrogestan too so tried 100mg just to see and Im sure I feel better than without but I have to take 200mg.
Could it be true that increasing oestrogen could make me more anxious and that progesterone in the smaller amount makes me feel better?
I don't understand the relationship between both hormones and how they work in tandem.
Just so fed up feeling like this, it nice to read posts and know Im not alone, sometimes it feels like its never ending!

Kelly x


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Re: Negatives to higher oestrogen?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2020, 01:51:19 PM »

Hi kelly-louise

Sorry to hear you are feeling rough.

I presume you sitll have your uterus if you are taking progesterone, or else have had endometriosis?

This is tricky as you will want to optimise oestrogen levels as you are so young but not if it makes you feel rough. Have you had other blood tests to rule out anything else eg thyroid etc? Vitamin or mineral deficiencies?

You may also be deficient in testosterone as you have no ovaries which also make androgens. If your libido is also depressed then this could indicate perhaps T replacement might be an idea? Did the LN clinic suggest this? Clearly oestrogen needs to be optimised first but that remains a possibility for the future.

Are you taking the prog vaginally for 12 days per month? Maybe the clinic can suggest you take a lower dose vaginally? I know LN does individualise the regimes and if you are under medical supervision then less than the licensed dose can be possible.

The effects of oestrogen and progesterone are different and how you feel depends on you as well as the relative amounts sometimes. Many of us do not tolerate high doses of progesterone although sometimes correspondingly high doses of oestrogen can obliterate the negative effects (this is not true balancing though). A few find small doses of progesterone calming. It does have a pronounced sedative effect so for those who can't sleep maybe this is beneficial. Unfortunately when we replace it as HRT, we cannot mimic the way the ovaries produce it in pulses, so the doses we need to take are much higher and therefore many of us get unwelcomne side effects. In principle oestrogen is our feel good hormone, but once you start having to replace it artificially, even with bio-identical estradiol, it is not quite the same so the trick is to tweak doses until you feel just right or at least way better on it than off it!

The bottom line with progesterone is that you need to have sufficient to protect the womb from being over-stimulated by oestrogen (if continuous combined HRT) or to enable to lining to be shed ( in cyclical HRT).

Hurdity x


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Re: Negatives to higher oestrogen?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2020, 09:10:25 AM »

Hi Hurdity,

Yes I still have my uterus. I have had some blood tests, my B9 was low so I supplement that but thyroid was ok. Cortisol was high, but I'm not sure how accurate the test is as oestrogen could interfere with test.

Yeah they were going to give me the testosterone but said it may be a waste of money till my oestrogen was optimised as it would convert to oestrogen.

Any increase in oestrogen gives me really numb arms its weird. It does seem to settle after 2 week though.

So its possible that the increase in oestrogen could cause worse anxiety do you think? They said optimal levels for bone protection are 350.
Also if testosterone converts to oestrogen but I don't get to my optimal levels due to feeling bad of the increase in oestrogen , I'm guessing then that I can't take the testosterone to get the benefits?

Could it be I need some daily progesterone to counteract the negatives of the estrogen  but still get the benefits of the oestrogen then I can take the testosterone? God its all so confusing haha When they said I was having my ovaries out I really had no idea it would be so difficult!

Hurdity, I know your well read on the hot subject so I have another question, do you know of anything anywhere that realties to increase in oestrogen and nerve regeneration? I have bad scar tissue which causes pain, its got a lot worse since my estrange increase, wondered if it was a coincidence.




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Re: Negatives to higher oestrogen?
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2020, 09:26:00 AM »

Kelly.louise as Hurdity rightly points oestrogen is the feel good hormone. However, I have found if I try too high a dose my body doesn't like it, and I can get a bit jittery and anxious. I have always found an average dose (50 patches) is best and for me is my optimum dose.

Hope this helps x


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Re: Negatives to higher oestrogen?
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2020, 09:51:47 AM »

Kelly.louise as Hurdity rightly points oestrogen is the feel good hormone. However, I have found if I try too high a dose my body doesn't like it, and I can get a bit jittery and anxious. I have always found an average dose (50 patches) is best and for me is my optimum dose.

Hope this helps x

Great thanks, yeah they said the only side effects of too much would be sore boobs but it doesn't seem to be the case. xx