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Author Topic: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)  (Read 13824 times)


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2020, 02:01:38 PM »

Hi, Lynda07
Ohhh my goodness!! I'd just wrote a post about my sinus problems and the issues with my breathlessness and post nasal drip.. then I saw this from you! it sounds pretty much identical to what has been happening with me recently. It's been so scary as worried its all sorts of nastiness.
Not happy that you're experiencing this too.. but am relieved I've read it happens to other people too.. Hopefully something can be found that helps us all soon. Take care.


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2020, 10:03:03 PM »

Hi Jules and Lalb1

Sorry, I have only just seen your posts.

it's horrible isn't it. I am still having the post nasal drip and breathing issues, it feels as if I can't take a full breath. I've had about 10 days in the last 2 month where I've not had it, they appear to have been random days, no rhyme or reason as to why it doesn't happen. I still wonder if it's allergies but I don't get any other symptoms such as sneezing etc.

I often wake and know it will be a bad day as my chest feels full from the post nasal drip.

I am still using the nasal spray but not for much longer as it doesn't seem to be helping.

it's really made me so anxious which doesn't help as then I start trying to yawn to get a full breath and make things worse.

The Nurse Practitioner said it could be silent reflux but I ?feel? it is more nose/head than stomach.

I'm really sorry to hear you are both suffering too.



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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2020, 12:18:00 PM »

I've only had about a week where its not been as bad. I've noticed mine got worse round ovulation time. Are you taking anything to help? I was on omeprazole for acid but stopped as thought it was making my stomach worse, my ribs were sore and inflamed so I guessed could be aggravating with poor posture.
I'm not on HRT but wondering if this would help?
I have also previously been given propranolol for anxiety so a couple of days I've taken this, seesmt o ease it a bit but i don't like the sicky tired feeling I get from the meds. Vicious circle.. do I go with the meds and feel able to breathe and put up with the sicky tiredness.. or do I feel I can't breathe properly and not have to deal with the side effects 😞


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2020, 01:23:20 PM »

Hi ladies

Sorry to hear you are both still suffering too. Since I last posted, I have been doing some research and think mine is related to my stomach! The doctor gave me Esomeprazole, which made me feel worse, so I think I have too little acid in my stomach so am taking supplements for that. So far so good - I will keep you posted.

Hope you find some relief soon.

Jules x


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2020, 06:10:37 PM »

Hi again

Lalb1 - I'm only taking the nasal spray. I have the most irrational fear of medication so couldn't even bring myself to have the Allacan antihistamines I was given, or the Peptac the Nurse prescribed for me in case it was silent reflux. I'm terrified of side effects. I've been out all day and been fine, came home, the feeling hit me and then the anxiety started too, I could hardly eat my tea, just kept trying to take a deep breath and tried not to panic. I'm not able to help re HRT personally, sorry, as I don't take it. I do feel for you, it's a vicious circle for you as you say :(

Jules - do you mind me asking what makes you think it is related to your stomach, as I have heard silent reflux can cause shortness of breath? Please do keep us posted, I'm keeping everything crossed you are ok.

Lynda x


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2020, 11:06:20 PM »

Ohh Lynda07
I know what you mean about irrational fears with meds. This anxiety definitely kicks in as and when. I've not been bad today, even managed to watch a film all nice and calm and could breathe. Then.. come to bed and straight away it starts again.

I'm going to take an antacid tablet and see if that helps.
Would be interesting to know if  the supplements work Jules53. I'm convinced it's a mix of menopausal hormones crossing with silent reflux issues. Just want to breathe properly.. (I know I am doing or wouldn't be writing this) but sick of that trying to get air in my lungs feeling. My post nasal drip has calmed a little but I'm still getting the stuffy weird nose feeling, it sort of feels like the acid heartburn feeling is sometimes up in my throat nose and ears 🤷‍♀️


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2020, 11:15:19 AM »

Lalb1, I am starting to wonder if this could be part hormonal as well - my post nasal drip is awful today and I have even felt food as if it's getting a bit stuck. And so I worry more. I really hope you soon feel much better, we'll wait to see what Jules53 is using :)
Have a good day x


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2020, 05:23:04 PM »

I will take a look Folklass, thanks for posting this.


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2020, 11:13:01 PM »

Hi Lynda

I have been seeing a gastroenterologist for stomach issues and they said they it is probably acid reflux, although I wasn't having the typical symptoms.  I was prescribed 3 different types of PPIs which actually made it worse. I have been reading up on it and am now thinking ot is low stomach acid, and not too much. I've just started on supplements so will keep you posted.

It is definitely hormonal though. Since perimenopause I have suffered from anxiety and stomach issues.  The anxiety is much better and I just need to sort the stomach issues out. I still have the shortness of breath at times and have developed hay fever over the last 2 years, so that probably doesn't help either😫. I am very sensitive to medication so am definitely going the herbal route.

 I'm taking A Vogel Pollinosan for the hayfever, plus a nasal spray as needed. I have been talking to Birdy (privately)from this forum and she recommended taking HCI to help with increasing stomach acid and digestive enzymes.  Will let you know how it goes.

Hope you get some relief soon.

Jules x


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2020, 08:10:51 PM »

Thanks for that info Jules. I really hope you see a difference- keep us posted.
Lynda x


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #40 on: July 11, 2020, 10:03:53 PM »

Hi all

Apologies for jumping into this. I'm wondering if your problems might be histamine related?

I've had all your problems. Random allergies, reflux, breathing etc all cranked up massively in peri. I was put onto PPIS which did nothing at all. I've recently started antihistamine for hay fever (which has also just appeared) and noticed it helped with some of my tingling pains etc too so started to wonder why they helped. Histermine is the bodies reaction for inflammation, is created in the stomach and has all sorts of grotty symptoms. Oestrogen fluctuations also stimulate histamine.

I looked at some of the histamine info on here (we've got a conflab going on at the mo), the hyperlinked info (particularly Dr Tina Peers website), and listened to the Liz Earle podcast with Tina Peers and suspect that histermine might be my problem.

It may just be a shot in the dark for you and not relevant, but you might want to have a quick look. x


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2020, 11:28:20 AM »


Thank you so much for this! That article really has so much in it that sounds like me and I am eating a lot of the foods that are high in histamine.
I am waiting to speak to my GP as she will be ringing with chest X Ray results in the next few days and am going to mention this to her.

I really appreciate your post. As well as the breathing issue I have IBS symptoms flaring up, flushing, dizziness, anxiety, joint aches and nasal congestion! So your post is of real interest to me.


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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2020, 05:27:23 PM »

Hello ladies.

Bodidy -  thanks for the link on a very interesting subject. I also regularly eat some of the high histamine foods  and I suspect many of us do. One thing that confuses me is that most of the plant foods also contain vitamin C which acts as a natural antihistamine. This even applies to Sauerkraut which is high in both histamine and vitamin C.

I wonder if another test would be to eat a lot of high histamine foods in one day, or perhaps for a week to see if allergy symptoms increased. This is probably a daft an extreme idea but might be easier to organise.

Wishing you well ladies.




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Re: Shortness of breath and possible post nasal drip (and health anxiety)
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2020, 07:34:21 PM »


I've been looking into this loads this week without trying to obsess about it. But I'm pretty sure there is a link.

I'm going to keep a food/symptom diary for a couple of weeks eating normally then cut out high histermine for 4 weeks again keeping the diary and see what happens before reintroducing stuff gradually.

I don't want anyone to fret about this, it was just for your info.

I'm sure we will be hearing more about it in the future.


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