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Author Topic: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question  (Read 2471 times)


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Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« on: April 03, 2020, 09:30:15 AM »

Not asking for medication recommendations as like many no way of changing anything just now and nor would i ask.  Ive had mental health gripes and issues,  tho not extreme,  most of my life.  In honesty i think theres a personality disorder which has been passed from grandparent to mother,  to me.  Not extreme just enough to make dumb arse mistakes and feel different from most folk.  A trail of drs refused to rule it in when i was treated for depression (hospital once) but asked 4 different occasions if i had ADHD (i dont know YOURE the doctor😕) . Pills for 30 years, came off due to health scares then realised i may need a micro dose to temper obvious (to me) highs.  Tho sometimes have "out there ideas " and bit nicer when high.  I will add when younger wanted my kids that i didnt plan for, liked being proper family , tried not to be my mother, tried to give my kids proper childhood but was still always childish and naive.  Made so many mistakes in life i wish i could change...
Only when major  depressive episode happen did i lose some feelings,  quickly decided to fake it for kids.  Knew they had to feel loved.  Whether i was a good mum was a different question.  Over the years its got better, sometimes comes back, ive strategised ways round it. Trying to "do the right thing", tho id kinda know what that was ,  "do what i should".  I feel less of a grown up than most of my peers but go through spells of getting it all right.   I met my husband of 3 years (8 together) and really felt what love was and why people actually get married but last year or so as Menopause has crashed into life has it changed again.
Im on not my original hrt but its passable,  brain is passable, tiredness is ok (touch wood) but have come and gone on antidepressants,  as first few weeks i feel even more numb (if thats possible!)   My mother was always right and very negative which i could see i was more and more like.  Parts of my personality not likeable to me (and irritating to others), which i try hard to control but it slips out , so i tried hypnotherapy which worked to an extent tho stopped feeling guilty spending hubbys hard earned dosh (he hadnt minded but again i felt like a spoiled child).   
A close friend admitted menopause depression to her made her feel a spell of not really contected to grandson (not bothered) tho didnt show it.  I was so glad she told me as her explanation totally summed up how i felt. 
I want to go back to learning but cant choose (the right) course as cant make a decision,  no desperate passion to do any one thing.  I love my husband but feels like 70% , the zing isnt there ( like its locked away not gone)  my kids im fine,  this whole Corona thing ... i see headlines of folk losing family members, i feel fear but i dont read to quell anxiety . I feel a tad sad for them but its like my empathy is redundant (i know ive felt better than this before).   I feel as if unaffected by it.  Originally ott cleaning and afraid to lose husband and panic, afraid to get it , (somehow kids would be fine????)  Now just as if im on a different planet to everyone else but im not depressed as such.

Im not asking for diagnostic here.  Am i the only woman on here who feels like this even without history of mental health issues.  Not meant to be whiny, not in the face of todays world.  There are greater problems.   I just hope maybe in a site of 1000s of women someone can tell me im not alone,  maybe its "normal",  maybe its not(!), theyve felt the same.   Thank you.  Stay well all x
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 09:31:55 AM by Sickntired »


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2020, 11:14:56 AM »

Hi Sickntired

I can't comment on long term mental health as mine but was only memo related and is now under control due to hrt. But I didn't want to pass your post by without saying you show great insight into your issues and that's surely a good thing. Wishing you well x


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2020, 12:30:42 PM »

Mental health can certainly be passed down.  Organic depression can be genetic as can gambling and alcoholism.  Mental health behaviours can be learnt.

My paternal grandad was a gambler and drank heavily - but had stopped when the grandchildren arrived in the late 1940s. 
My maternal Gran had what we would describe as post natal depression - she was in hospital for 4 months after her youngest child was born, who was raised by the elder sister aged 16.  Gran developed agoraphobia.

I have had mental health problems intermittently.  Due to being raised in a noisy household where my parents rowed almost constantly: unless there were strangers in the house: so when we were on holiday with friends of my Dad it was more likely to be calmer.  I yearned for those breaks.  I became anorexic at age 3 and this pattern has continued ......... any raised voices and my gut shuts down and I go into the learned pattern. I'm now 60+. 

My Dad had manic depression from an early age.  He was a very clever man who didn't have an outlet for his ideas which were often 'way out'.  Mum has un-diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder.

Panic attacks took over my Life due to the anorexia.  Leaving me housebound for months in the 1990s.  I believed that I would never get into the fresh air again but with medication, a good GP and loving husband I'm still here. 

I think knowing that there may be a 'difference' to others can enable me.  I can take a look back and see where I need to alter behaviour.

What would you like to alter Sickntired - not everything at once obviously.

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2020, 08:11:40 PM »

I totally understand what you are saying and I really sympathise.  I too have been feeling guilty with whats going on in the world but a few times I have felt like posting something along the lines of what you are saying.  I was going to title it emotionally detached or I want me back.  For months I have felt apathy, loss of motivation, totally detached from family friends dont want to speak to them run a mile if the phone rings even txting is a chore.  I dont want to know what they are doing, isnt that awful I was never like that.  I love my  husband and 2 boys (teenagers) but feel detached and just feel like im going through the motions, getting up (not easily) bfast/lunch/tea playing football with them like some zombie and repeat next day.  Neighbours speak but I hardly take in what they are saying and just say enough back.  Grocery shopping a nightmare hoping I dont bump into anyone I know who expects the "chatty" "happy" me.  I run daily along the canal and look at the water and think if only but I dont really mean it as it would cause so much heartbreak I just want to stop the physical pain of feeling like this.

I am well aquainted with depression.  I lost my mam young and went through bereavement depression, then years of infertility, dad passed more depression but always fixed with spells on anti depressants.  Not this menopause 3 years ago anti depressants didnt touch it...hrt eventually did and I was well until the last few months when I just stopped absorbing the hrt.  Fast forward to now I am currently on 100mg estradot (mirena coil 3 rd one) just started tostran every other day as oestradiol and testosterone low.  I also added into this cocktail sertraline 5 weeks ago in desperation.  Currently on 100mg of that but about to increase.  I literally am having no effects of all this and I know I must be patient but by God its hard when you feel crap every day.

And then the news shows people dying each day and what members are going through on here and you feel even worse guilt then you feel already, worthless etc all the stuff depression tells you to think.  And I run and I chant it will pass it is conquerable, do I believe it.....?  I really dont know but I completely understand what you are feeling.  Hold On Pain Ends .............i wait in hope! (blimey rereading that sounds so miserable sorry everyone one day I will come back with a happy post)


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2020, 07:49:08 AM »

Thank you 3 ladies for your replies.  I think if i appear insightful it means im self absorbed.  CKLD and Bring Me Sunshine,  Ive been at a point where i can understand how another feels , this morning i cant.  I will say im sorry for both your situations,  CKLD i get how you got to where you are.  The noisy fractured "im my own soap opera " childhood is very familiar. I always had the impression other folks lives werent like that and envied them.  Noisy , yes.  You just wanted peace on every level.  I seem to seesaw between normal human and "all the horrible personality traits in a ball".   Im grateful for the mental health expertise i did get but it always seemed to never catch up.  I had OCD intrusive thinking for about 3 years before a nurse i was seeing recognised what i was describing, to my relief told me but by then i felt it was a cd stuck on play,  etched into my brain.   I dont know why there was a refusal to accept i felt i have a personality disorder,  no one wants that diagnosis but at least youll get the right therapy, many have led better lives because of it.  I saw a psychiatrist as a check in up till about 5 years ago then they signed me off.  I didnt realise you just stopped struggling.   I know the system is struggling,  i dont expect or demand but i feel im going neither backwards or forwards.  Its anti depressants or nothing but what do you do if they makeyou feel numb?   I dont why im writing all this everyone has enough without my drone.    BRING ME SUNSHINE i hope the pills really work for you.  You sound atypical depressed and not a pleasant place to be .  Youre right,  no matter how shit you feel dont do it, dont look at that river. The hole you leave behind is enormous.  Keep that chant in your head.  It sounds trite but one day it will happen and will be just that little bit easier every day.   
Today im getting up to go for a run because it will help but i cant be bothered,  im halfway between what you describe, i feel detached but i do stuff because i know it engages my mind but at some points the enthusiasm isnt there so i think oh just get on with it. Its a push.  Just a shade of grey or blank. 
It may have always been there but its worse, some of it will have been cooked nicely by me as its a circular thought process,   negative feeds depressive traits and problems, but a degree will be hormonal.   Having hrt changed for any ol thing available from china has made a difference but ive just gone with it as you feel you wouldnt dare ask for an appointment just now to talk about something that is just air...  like everyone youll just repeat each day until its ok to ask.   
Sorry for the length of the post just needed someone somewhere to hear me say outloud in a the present world of normal emotive humans where i cant admit i feel nothing. 


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2020, 02:53:55 PM »

We are allowed to back off from the World you know.  Me Time is important.  Do you have hobbies?

It's good to vent too.  Gets it out of the brain and away ;-).  I mutter all the while  ;D.  Apparently.  Sometimes I make sense. Apparently  ::)

I asked DH earlier what he was thinking about as he stared into the distance: he didn't think that he was thinking about anything  :-\ whereas my head is on the go all the while  :o.

No one's situation is more valid than your own.  Our history makes our future.  It's how I deal on an hourly basis that helps me kick through each day. 

Lack of enthusiasm can be caused by thyroid function problems or low VitD levels.  Don't ever think that you need to be 'at it' cointualy 'cos not many people actually are!   that should be continually  ::)


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2020, 08:39:52 AM »

Interestingly (thanks clkd)  i realised,  i take vit b complex if i crash/fatigue through the day at work as always on my feet, lifting a lot of weight.   That and my lifeline is excersize,  running mostly.  If i dont do anything of a morning im about 20% less or lower through the course of the day, so by evening and next morning mood sinks again.  Appreciate more the fact live in the country as far easier to distance .  Very keen on not taking the mickey though by doing 20mile run and that kind of thing.   When i take vit b it lifts a little and a tad more focused to complete tasks.   Clearer minded slightly helps me control some stuff and rationalize and disseminate Facebook chatter.  Getting stuff done and odd chat with friends away from ranters and armchair experts helps me to stay calm and cope or not feel guilty and worried.    I still feel a bit empty but i think a degree is hormonal so just have to sit it out like everyone else and get the hrt back on track when its safe and dr has time.  A percentage   empty i can cope with but total does impact.  One day at a time.    Same for everyone.  Do what gets you througn within safety and dont worry about the self righteous  . #Kindness is the best thing to come out of twitter.


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2020, 11:44:48 AM »

Get off facebook?  Which ever social media platform I am in there seems to be at least 1 bully or know-it-all !

Get some VitD for the next 3 months to boost levels?  It won't do any harm.

I take half a day at a time.  Don't plan too far ahead or it freaks me out!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 08:45:55 AM by CLKD »

Sophie Jane

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2020, 07:46:07 AM »

Hi Sickntired

Your post really struck me (as did CLKD and Birdy's responses) and I identified with many things. I won't go into my experience as I'd struggle to condense it but re the mental health I read a book after a climactic episode that was quite life changing and started my recovery process. Anti depressants had not worked for me. They just numbed me and because of this only made my actions worse, which is why I'm now such a believer in the power of the mind!

So.. the book was The Road Less Traveled by M.Scott Peck (a trained psychotherapist). It is one of the giants of the self help books written in 1978 but definitely still stands it's ground today. Look it up!

And the other thing that has made a massive difference is CBT. I've mentioned this in a couple of posts now and I don't want people to think I'm banging on about it but when antidepressants don't work this, for me, has changed my life. It basically re wires your brain to think in a different way. Being trapped in negative thought processes is the worst but with a bit of hard work on your part it slowly becomes a very natural way of thinking and in my opinion has been life saving. Again, look it up!

Sending hugs and positive vibes 🙂 xx

Sophie Jane

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2020, 07:54:39 AM »

Sorry, was rushing when replied and meant to include all responses, Bring me Sunshine and Perinowpost! Xx


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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2020, 08:49:14 AM »

Morning!  I think whilst this lockdown and uncertainty continues, we will have days of apathy and unease.  I had a couple last week.  I have been in my garden as much as possible and really wish that I could share it  :-\ ........ the feeling of 'being trapped' is never pleasant.

At least Birdy this lockdown means that I don't have to visit my naracisstic Mum  ;) and if she chooses not to contact me - except when she has 'had a long talk with your sister today' : like I need to know : that is her choice.  She's 93 and has a phone in her room .

We have neighbours over the fence which helps and can walk without meeting people.  I would hate to be in a crowded place without access to green spaces.

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2020, 01:09:21 PM »

Hi Sophie Jane

I have just ordered the book you recommended, thank you!

Sophie Jane

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2020, 06:16:54 AM »

Hi Bring me Sunshine

You are welcome, I hope it helps! I read a few books written by people who had depression and they were also a helpful insight into what worked for them. Everyone is different and what works for one won't work for another but eventually you?ll find something that works for you!

I was sorry to read about your parents. I was wondering whether you had any bereavement councilling? A friend of mine lost her mother when she was young. She is in her fifties now and only recently had bereavement councilling. She said it was the best thing she'd ever done! Of course it depends who you get but if you can get a good one that too can be so incredibly helpful.

I appreciate that all advice/suggestions can be hard to take on when depression literally drives your motivation underground but little steps is key. Taking each day as it comes sounds such a cliche but life can feel too overwhelming to do anything other sometimes!

And please don't feel guilty. It is a wasted, crippling emotion. Right to feel it when you've done something shitty granted but otherwise it can piss off! Everything is relative.

Basically, there are so many things that can help other than antidepressants. I saw a man interviewed who had severe depression and his doctor got him on an art therapy course. Months later he was not only better but found out he happened to be an incredible artist and was earning a living painting portraits!
Whatever floats your boat as they say!

I really hope things start to get better for you and one final thing.. remember you are loved! I had a friend that told me that when I was going through cancer last year. She text me every day and made me text back ?I am loved? And I'm not joking it made me smile everyday!

Let me know how you get along, BIG hugs 🤗 xx


Sophie Jane

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2020, 06:27:58 AM »

Ps. Yes CLKD! I am also fortunate enough to have access to green spaces. I live in Wales and everyday I take my little dog for an hour's walk in the hills and rarely bump into anyone... when I do I'm so surprised I think what are YOU doing here?! My heart goes out to everyone stuck inside with no garden at the moment...

Bring me Sunshine

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Re: Apathy , disaffected? Mental health question
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2020, 07:08:41 PM »

Thanks Sophie Jane for your kind words.

I did have counscelling eventually a long long time afterwards and I
it helped.  I was sent to a physchiatrist when the menopause first struck over 3 years ago as the dr just thought I had treatment resistant depression me and him would just look at each other with nothing to say. I got well with hrt and stayed well for 2 years (one of the lucky ones) I was as right as rain up until a few months ago and then wham a fluctuation in hormones and feels like back to square one.  Sorry to hear you have been through so much and great that you can help others.

As for drawing i was asked not to do art o level at shcool I was so bad.  Dreadful when that game pictionary was all the range sadly creativity never came to me but a lovely idea.

I will keep going as got no other choice.  I do run and play in goal football with the boys so with the testosterone im on may grow a beard and be on match of the day when all this is over.....a new career!!  Got to find humour in all this crap.

Thanks again xx
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