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Author Topic: GP just retired, new one clueless  (Read 1692 times)


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2020, 04:39:48 PM »

Thanks for all your replies everyone.  :)

I don't have an appointment with the specialist, the doctor said he's contacting one himself for advice. I haven't received a letter yet as I only saw the doctor on wednesday.

There no other doctors here that know anything about HRT.
I had the same issue over the testosterone with first gp I saw here who was anti-HRT and tried to persuade me to come off. She made me see a specialist who luckily OK'd it and it was prescribed.

I?ll just have to wait then until Dr Currie restarts her email service, God knows how long that will be! I don't mind paying as that prescription advice thing you mentioned sounds helpful. 8)

I assumed that doctors can do exactly as they please regarding prescribing.
The doctor did ask me if I've ever smoked, are overweight, ever had a leg blood clot or heart attack and if there's anyone in my close family who's had breast cancer to which I answered no to all. He said 'that's fantastic? so I took that as a good sign, if he was adamant about cancelling it he wouldn't have asked me anything.
He asked me how long I've been on HRT as well which shows he hasn't even bothered to read my notes.

I asked him if he was going to stop everything and he said no, but he did say he's not going to reauthorise without advice from the specialist, the same thing as with that first gp I mentioned above so it all depends on that I guess.

it's really going to screw things up if he does decide to change or stop anything at this time. How on earth am I going to visit a meno clinic or specialist of any kind if they?re not open???
Can doctors actually stop a treatment and leave you without anything? That's the impression I got. Even though he did listen to me and asked questions he was still hellbent on consulting a specialist no matter what I said.

Can anyone give me advice about buying this stuff online?
I've read that you can get patches and Vagifem from online pharmacies without your gp being informed, but not Utrogestan, so how could I get the progesterone? I have seen Evorel Sequi for sale but how would I go about adjusting the progesterone part that's built into them? I would need to use 3 patches at a time as I'm on 150 and this would increase the progesterone dose also.
If I can sort this out I won't need to worry about all this doctor crap, just the cost of buying it. 8)
I have no possible way of going to Spain etc and nobody who goes there to get it over the counter.

I have started leaving my patches on all week instead of changing them twice weekly to make them last twice as long incase they get stopped altogether.

Thanks again for all your help  :)




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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2020, 04:57:24 PM »

Hi!  yep.  GPs can stop treatment even when recommended by a specialist.  However, many forget that they are there to listen, that they are GPs and not consultants.  If each referral to a specialist comes out of the Surgery budget, many are now loathe to refer .....

Your GP should continue prescribing, you should not have to buy Vagifem etc. privately.  It would be better if GPs concentrated on what is currently working for patients whilst this crisis is on, then review at the end of 2020 when health care has stabilised.  Rather than trying to put a point over?


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2020, 08:23:39 PM »

Why have these particular areas shut down to menopausal women - this virus is surely outside their expertise?  Drs are being asked to return to work, only if they have prior experience in virus diagnosis, control and treatment.   :-\

We should NOT have to pay for advice ......... how many times have women on here been slammed for going private  :-\

Sorry Mandee - let us know how you get on.  If you have had a specialist consul in the past, I would go back there as my 1st choice.

Um CLKD - there is a pandemic ? It's been all over the news for ages - that as many NHS staff as possible are going to be redeployed and/or retrained at all levels in Intensive care and treatment of respiratory conditions. Have you seen the situation in Italy? Hopefully it won't be as bad but the peak is expected in mid May - don't want to sidetrack the thread but just to explain!  Of course menopause services will be put on hold in many areas. This is about saving people's lives directly during an unprecedented emergency which is going to go on for months. Just google retraining NHS for coronavirus and you will see all the articles.

As for the private treatment chestnut - women have not been slammed for getting private treatment! I think we are both equally agree that no-one should have to pay for private treatment. I ( and you) jump up and down when women are not getting the treatment they deserve from NHS and advise women what to do. In the extreme situation where a GP is being uncooperative we advise that the ?30 consultation with Dr Currie provides a very very cheap way of getting expert opinion on menopause and HRT which women can take to their doctors - not much more than the cost of a prescription. They shouldn't have to, but it is the easiest and cheapest way to get such a view, without having to seek private treatment or be your own advocate.

Unfortunately due to the emergency the service has been suspended. Mandee - I wouldn't rely on it restarting any time soon. In fact it may well be that your doc does not get a response from the specialist although hopefully will...

No need to buy online even if you could (you need a prescription anyway) - but great advice from Rockhopper!! Please do as she suggests and hopefully you will get somewhere if your doc doesn't play ball.

Hang in there Mandee and let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2020, 09:43:56 AM »

Hi Rockhopper,

Thank you for this information.  :)
I have been on Louise Newson's website but can't find the letter you mentioned. The only one I found was a short example one to request HRT from a gp. There is nothing in it mentioning any laws. Please can you help with this?

I will also write to the practice manager and the CQC if necessary.
I will have to wait for the specialist's letter before I do anything.

I was thinking the same thing that doctors should be putting off changing anything at the moment and wait until things are back to normal.
My gp did say that he didn't understand why the surgery booked my review as they should have stopped doing them due to the virus and said I must have somehow slipped through the net.

How do doctors reauthorise prescriptions when they've all been issued if reviews have been suspended, is it just done automatically?


« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 09:45:52 AM by Mandee »


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2020, 03:11:15 PM »

I have just been to pick up my prescription from the chemist, no problems with that but there's something new on the repeat slip I don't understand.
My usual slip just has the list of items with the tick boxes titled ?repeat medication? at the top.

The new one I just got with my meds has an extra bit above this titled ?prescribed medication information?. This only has the Evorel 100 patches, Utrogestan and the testogel, but no Vagifem or Evorel 50 patches to make up the original 150 dose I was getting from the previous gp. I'm guessing this means that this new top part is what the new gp is going to give me once the issues from the old doc run out.
Can anyone tell me if I'm right about this please.

It doesn't make sense as he was most concerned about the testosterone, yet it's showing in this new part. ???
I can understand the Vagifem and 50 patches disappearing as he was being funny about the ?high dose of hormones? during my review.

I haven't had any letter from the specialist as yet.


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2020, 05:36:16 PM »

You need to ring your Surgery or ask the Pharmacist. 


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2020, 07:10:19 PM »

You need to ring your Surgery or ask the Pharmacist.

I phoned the chemist and she just said to ignore it but I really don't think she was sure about it either.

Yes it's pathetic isn't it. My chemist is so nice and really helpful, she knows about the problems I've had with the (now 4) other doctors. She was really surprised at what I told her as she actually said I'd be fine with this gp when I had told her I was worried about the upcoming review a few weeks ago.


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2020, 08:34:45 PM »

Not reassuring then!


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Re: GP just retired, new one clueless
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2020, 10:52:09 AM »

Hi everyone

I got a call from the doctor yesterday (I didn't get any letter from the specialist). I thought I was speaking to someone else, his whole attitude was completely different and couldn't have been nicer!
I told him I was dreading the call and he couldn't apologise enough for making me feel scared during the review and that it wasn't intended. He added that there's no way he wants me to suffer with ?horrible menopause symptoms? and only wishes to do his best to help me.
He said that the specialist was not a meno doctor, just a gynaecologist and therefore has no experience in menopause but is the one that the practice always consults about these issues and gave me his name when I asked for it.
He said the gynae also felt that my patch dose is way too high and should be reduced and that I don't need the Vagifem as I get enough from the patches. I explained that this is completely wrong and it's needed indefinitely otherwise symptoms come back, so he's allowing me to continue on them. 8)
He said he's reducing the patches down to 100 (I'm on 150) to see how I get on for 6 weeks, but he then gave me the option to stay as I am if I'm happier this way and have another review in 4 months time. :)
I did explain to him that I could be a poor absorber hence the high dose which he accepted but did say he only wants me to be safe and not come back to him with some horrible gynaecological cancer.
He was really understanding the whole time listening to everything I had to say and didn't mention that bloody virus once.

He did scare me though as he said he's going to stop it all when I'm 60, to which I replied thats also wrong as there's no cut off time according to the NICE guideline. He said we would discuss it then and I can be referred to a menopause clinic if necessary.

After all the research I've been doing, I must admit I am a bit worried about the risks now as I've been on it quite a while. :(
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 10:55:52 AM by Mandee »
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