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Author Topic: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?  (Read 115642 times)


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #420 on: March 08, 2022, 09:35:30 AM »

Proof of absorption - I dropped from 150mg cream to 100mg 5 days ago and its brought on a withdrawal bleed today.

Grrr really annoyed with myself as I'm getting my day 21 bloods on Thurs!!! Will this mess it up??? Or is it just artificial?  :o


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #421 on: March 08, 2022, 06:14:07 PM »

Thank you, Marchlove and Mary G, we’re just scraping the surface of a huge iceberg, really.

Marchlove, I think it’s wondeful that someone without scientific background is so enthusiastic about science, it’s a fascinating world, and despite all its ups and downs, which are intrinsically linked to all things human, it’s the best source of reliable information we have so far. It’s not an easy task to navigate through so many articles, many of them are utterly useless (unfortunately no one is immune to media, money and vanity, scientists included).

Hi CrispyChick, maybe your own cycle is kicking in? If not, then you’re right, the progesterone cream is doing its job. Why are you having your hormone blood levels tested, specifically? If you’re in perimenopause they are bound to fluctuate, so it’s possible that the results won’t be very useful, but it will be interesting to know them all the same.

Regarding your symptoms, I agree with Mary G, your doctors should consider silent migraines instead of labyrinthitis. Maybe you have always been prone to hormonal migraines, the thing is both pregnancies and birth control pills might have been useful to counteract the normal cyclical fluctuation and you have never been diagnosed simply because, apart from those couple of times, you have never had proper migraines.  In perimenopause the fluctuations are huge and neither birth control pills nor HRT might be enough to override your own hormones. If your current symptoms are caused by declining progesterone (and its role in balancing oestrogen actions in the brain), and if the progesterone cream is being absorbed, then you could stay a bit longer on a single dose, because hormones take time to achieve a steady state, at least in specific tissues like the brain (remember that progesterone half life in the blood is short), and constant changes are bound to take you back to square one, and actually cause more symptoms or worsen the current ones.

Are you taking any other medication? I think I’ve read you have been on testosterone and DHEA? Are you still taking them? If you are, which are the dosages (doses, number and frequency of doses)? Many drug interactions are possible when replacing hormones and pro-hormones (DHEA), particularly progesterone, which induces liver enzymes, mainly CYP3A4 which is extremely important to remove drugs and toxins in the liver and intestines (some antihistamines) and is also involved in the synthesis of cholesterol, steroids and other lipids. This enzyme is inhibited by grapefruit (fruit and juice) which can increase the bioavailability of many drugs and toxins. On the other hand, it can be induced by St. John’s wort preparations. You can read the most up to date information regarding these complex interactions here Agnus castus also can interact with oestrogen and birth control pills, but I’m not sure you have taken it along with them? This interaction is anecdotal, because preparations vary and, being a supplement, they’re not subjected to extensive testing. You can read the European Medicines Agency monograph on Agnus Castus here

I’m going to post later on something that I think is relevant regarding progesterone metabolism, particulary the role of neurosteroid allopregnanolone on mood symptoms. Do you have any mood symptoms?

To sum it up, it’s complex. One radical option is to stop taking everything (assuming you’re not in need of contraception) because it’s impossible to know what your own hormones are up to while taking so many different drugs, even if you’ve not been taking them for some time, because some effects might take more time to wear off (some women become pregnant after missing one single dose of a contraceptive pill while others might take up to one year to have a successful pregnancy after stopping it). I would like to tell you my own experience, regarding perimenopause, menopause, migraines and HRT. I had the most horrendous time in late perimenopause, hot flushes, disturbed sleep, anxiety, panic attacks, aches and pains everywhere (diagnosed with fibromyalgia), migraines with aura, doom and gloom on a daily basis. I tried patches and Utrogestan for 3 months, they did absolutely nothing to help my symptoms, but also brought in another terrible one, suicidal ideation, besides worsening migraines (I had migraines my whole life, but I’ve never been pregnant and I only took the pill for 5 years in my 20’s). I decided to stop the HRT and brace myself for the war. The symptoms have subsided to a very manageable point. I still have some hot moments, but I have learned some useful coping strategies. I no longer have migraines (although they have turned into mild to moderate headaches, nothing compared to the previous ones though, accompanied by visual aura, nausea, vomiting, vertigo), no anxiety, no panic attacks. Aches and pains everywhere, but not all the time, most of them are probably connected to other causes, like lack of proper exercise, too much time spent in front of a computer/phone, and the lifetime migraine-associated pain syndrome; people predisposed to migraines will always have a high sensitivity to changes in routine (sleep, food, clothes, weather, you name it) and the brain usually responds with migraine symptoms, which do not always result in a headache, as Mary G has pointed out, the so called silent migraines. I don’t know if you can stop taking everything, because maybe you have to function properly at work, with kids, a husband and so on. I had to ditch almost everything in peri and I know this was a sort of privilege, albeit not without consequences. I feel much better now, I’m not symptom free (who is?) but I now have some sort of resilience that is enough to get on with life. We will never have 'our self back, our life back', this is wishful thinking, life goes on and we have to adapt to it. If you can stop taking all drugs (menopause related) for at least 3 months (I don’t know the science behind this, but it seems to work), and see where it will take you, and after that, start again, one drug at a time, giving each one of them another 3 months to stabilise, maybe it will be easier to figure out what’s the best regimen for you. It’s not the ideal thing to do, but it’s an option. You might even feel better on your own stabilising hormones and decide for a low dose HRT after you reach menopause, just for the sake of your bones and cardiovascular health. I haven’t decided that yet, but I have idiosyncratic drug reactions due to an overreactive immune system and general genetic ‘weirdosity’, that prevent me from taking many drugs, which hopefully is not your case.

Sorry again for the long reply.


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #422 on: March 08, 2022, 06:57:31 PM »

Just a quick one (phew). CrispyChick, the withdrawal bleeding (or period) won't affect the blood tests. Good luck 🤞🏻


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #423 on: March 08, 2022, 07:56:15 PM »

Uptick - thank you so much for taking the time to try and help.

Good news on the blood tests then. Its maybe just 'spotting' rather than a period. I'm still on the 100mg. It's 100% the prog withdrawal. I never ever spot or random bleed. But it's good news, as it means I'm absorbing. But I still think not enough. An alternative method of prog is my next step I think.

Thank you for openly and honestly sharing your story. It is good to hear you are no where near as bad as that now and things do settle into a new 'normal'.

Truth be told, my new normal is no where near as bad as it was 4 years ago. However, these progesterone trials have brought those early symptoms flooding back, as did my first trial on the combined pill. However, my latest 'normal' is no life at all...

I'm having the blood tests, at the request of my bhrt clinic, to see if I'm absorbing the prog cream. I need to take the cream at a specific time that day.

In perimenopause the fluctuations are huge and neither birth control pills nor HRT might be enough to override your own hormones. /i] I agree. The pill was not strong ecough. Interestingly I was worse on the low dose estrogen ones. The ones they like us older ladies to take!

Thank you for your thoughts on the prog cream. Indeed I've been upping and downing like a yoyo. Interestingly though, I was terrible on 25mg, terrible on 50mg and horrific on 150mg but now I'm much improved having dropped to 100mg. When I say improvement I mean just more back to 'normal'. So no real inprovement but whatever triggered the stimulation of my original symptoms, seems to have calmed. I definitely think it's worth continuing and I pray my clinic have some expertise and advice.

Yes, I have a huge amount of mood symptoms - however, feel stable in my mood on the prog cream. Which is great. In fact I've been really low today, alongside the withdrawal bleed. So it's stable until I withdraw some (or all).

I took test and dhea for 8 weeks. It calmed me. But I stopped about 4 weeks ago in case of interaction.

I don't touch grapefruit as I'm on daily fexofenadine.

I understand your point about stopping everything, but each time I do this, I have 8 manageable weeks then I get bad again. Obviously if the progesterone doesn't work, I'll have no choice. But, I'm in the system, I've paid a lot of money, i need to continue to see if I can find help. And yes - I have two dear boys who reply on me! I regularly feel like a failure in that department!!!!  :'( The most part of the reason I keep trying things is to get better for them.  :) so, I'll plod on...

P. S love the word weirdosity  ;D


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #424 on: March 08, 2022, 10:16:29 PM »

Thank you, CrispyChick. At the risk of being thick, I have to ask you which symptoms do you want to control first? Because it's tricky to control them all at the same time. 

Have you tried taking a different drug for your allergy? Although fexofenadine is a good drug, it can cause side effects like headache, dizziness and nausea, particularly if taken every day for a long period of time. All antihistamines have side effects but maybe it could be helpful to have a break or switch to another type to see if your symptoms improve.

The good thing about progesterone is that it seems to be helping with your mood issues, and I will explain why, but that will have to wait until I have a break from work to post about the link between Allopregnanolone and mood.

Have you tried Bijuve? Do you know if it's available on your local NHS? Is it Lothian? I remember they don't prescribe Utrogestan but maybe Bijuve is s different story?

Stay positive, you'll get better and you'll be there for your boys . It's just a matter of patience and time to ride out the storm that is perimenopause.

PS. 'Weirdosity' is a dear friend's creative way of describing her menopausal/ageing woes and coincidentally (not) she's also a migraine sufferer and a former patient of Prof Anne MacGregor.


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #425 on: March 09, 2022, 02:41:03 PM »

Thanks Uptick.

Feeling dreadfully spaced out on my fake period /real period today. Totally away with the fairies.  :-\. I feel now that the 100mg prog cream is doing nothing.

Anyway, in answer to your questions - never heard of bijuve. A quick Google and it's a daily pill of estrogen and prog??? After my HRT trial last year, and good levels in my bloods - I don't want extra estrogen.

I've had many trials off fexofenadine - trust me, it's not causing me any problems.

I'm terms of synptoms - my worst are definitely the dizziness/wooziness, nausea, motion sickness and migraines. Closely followed by mood swings and immense brain fog. Combine the lot and I'm not a pretty picture.

As we've now seen, trials of different hormones, currently prog, but previously combined pill, can send my symptoms into overdrive... I definitely need stability.

I'm still hoping higher dose prog (probably with a different route to cream) is the key...

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #426 on: March 11, 2022, 05:25:37 PM »

So my feeling much much better on no progesterone came to an end. Of course it did. I did try reducing the oestrogel at the same time which in hindsight wasn’t a clever idea. I’m now back on the original dose of oestrogen which is alternating 2 pumps one day 3 pumps the next. I tried going back on the lozenges & then came off as I was feeling bad & wanted to try & pinpont if it was the progesterone. Feeling absolutely no better being off them with headaches, fatigue & total brain fog. Seem to have these symptoms whatever I do or don’t do. Im wondering now if I should try taking one 10mg lozenge every 12 hours to even things out. The problem is, I’m very prepared to keep putting myself through this hell (I suspect it will put me in a coma) but it’s very scary when you have a full time job to hold down, a family that relies on you etc. I’m beginning to realise there’s a high chance that there’s no way out for me of this blinkin misery and that’s a very sobering thought!


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #427 on: March 13, 2022, 02:28:20 PM »

Hi CrispyChick
I came across this interesting article this morning whilst doing my usual google research!
I thought you might be interested regarding the use of Agnus Castus and why perhaps you responded well to it for awhile.
Have you ever had your prolactin levels tested? I believe it’s normally a relatively accurate test.
I’m thinking of getting mine tested

Quite a few other areas covered in the article which might be useful for us all.

Im using Adrenal Cortex at the moment as I have some daytime cortisol deficiency but thinking of moving onto the pregnenolone and Dhea that my specialist recommended.
I tried pregnenolone in the past with success in getting my cortisol balanced but didn’t use Dhea at the same time, which I now think might have been where I was going wrong!


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #428 on: March 14, 2022, 11:40:28 AM »

Thanks. I've stopped reading as I was, getting in too deep.  I just need to stick with the progesterone... See if it works for me.

So that's me now at day 11 of 100mg cream, split into 2 doses, following my awful 9 days at 150mg. I've had a big bleed (big for me) and now i've gone aggitated and narky. But I've finally got rid of the dizziness and nausea - so the prog definitely seemed to stimulate my worst symptoms.

Interestingly on my first trial, the 25mg prog capsule I switched to this narky/aggitated point after only 6 days... So it feels like the cream is a much lower dose approach... Which I believe is the case.

Anyway, had my bloods and back for consult next week... I'll plod on feeling like this until then I guess.

Blue kingfisher - I definitely need to split my dose. When the 150mg made me really woozy, I took it all at once at night to get through it, but as soon as I felt I could I started splitting my dose again. On the low dose capsules at the beginning of these prog trials I was getting headaches each late afternoon.




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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #429 on: March 18, 2022, 01:45:11 PM »

Blood results in - Prog has gone from 3.5 nmol/l to 7 nmol/l

If I didnt laugh I'd cry. That's me been on 100mg cream... What a ridiculously low increase!!!! No wonder I don't feel any better!!!!

Interestingly, after upping my vitt D intake, my levels have shot up... So must be all about getting the right route of absorption.  ;D


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #430 on: March 19, 2022, 11:46:25 AM »

Hi CrispyChick, it's not a low increase at all, your prog levels have doubled. Don't forget that estradiol levels are measured in pmol and pg which means 1,000 times lower than nmol and ng. And there's also the slow build up in the beginning of the treatment and the fact that blood levels don't always correlate to specific tissue levels.

How are you doing, mood wise?


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #431 on: March 19, 2022, 03:46:47 PM »

Hi Uptick
I was wondering if you’d be able to offer any insight into my symptoms.
I’ve been relatively stable on 25mg progesterone lozenges (taken orally due to gum ulcers when held in my mouth) until a couple of days ago when my specialist got me to increase to 50mg.
Oh no, irritable as hell ever since!
No nausea of dizziness, but mild headache and body aches.
You mentioned in an earlier post about progesterone metabolism, particularly the role of neurosteriod allopregnanolone on mood symptoms.
So when you’ve got the time I look forward to reading your thoughts on this aspect of progesterone sensitivity.
Many thanks xx


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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #432 on: March 19, 2022, 03:57:40 PM »

Thanks Uptick

Yes, I guess my level has doubled... Still seems very very low. I'm no better anyway.

Hard to tell where I'm at as when I dropped from 150mg to 100mg I got a 6 day bleed... Then stopped the cream the week after for my period...which is now awol. So I'm all over the place.

I seemed to go narkier and impatient after dropping from 150mg to 100mg...but my estrogen dominance symptoms had calmed.

I'm headachy now I've stopped the cream, so despite no period, I'm going to restart.

I wonder if any of the ladies who take bio prog can give me any insight into their serum levels when supplementing???



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Re: Is this the right place to discuss compounded hormones?
« Reply #433 on: March 19, 2022, 04:32:46 PM »

Hi CrispyChick
My serum levels in Nov 21 were 1.0 nmol/L
Not had serum test done since but just done Dutch test which says my progesterone serum equivalent is 3.0 my/ml. But the test then says ‘Note that the Progesterone Serum Equivalent is not a valid concept when patients are taking oral or sublingual progesterone’!!
So, not much use to you I’m afraid CrispyChick.
Hopefully others can assist more x


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