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Author Topic: Headaches - what to do?  (Read 10808 times)


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Headaches - what to do?
« on: January 29, 2020, 06:56:00 AM »

Just after some advice My headaches which I've had all my life are worse around my period.  This started last Thursday and I've had a headache on and off since, so bad that I've been off work Although my period has about finished my boobs still ache and I keep getting tummy ache on and off.  Headaches don't normally go on for this long.  Any advice? Didn't know if some sort of headache preventative might be worth trying Thanks x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2020, 07:42:45 AM »

Sam I call those headaches hormonal headaches they feel very different to the normal ones and tend to feel like they are just sitting and pressing down on your head.
I take 2 ibuprofen and 2 Panadol but sometimes you can still feel it slightly.🌷


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2020, 08:30:45 AM »

Thanks Penelope I have been taking Syndol for years on and off Even thought I might have rebound headaches but the pharmacist didn't think so x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2020, 09:18:40 AM »

i (quite literally) feel your pain...not a headache-y person at all but in these last 18 months as I have got deeper into peri, they have been particularly bothersome...and one of my main reasons for trying HRT. They have subsided a little but maybe I'm looking for perfection and completely getting rid, which may not ever happen at this time!!

I think a lot of ladies have success with magnesium supplements, have you looked into that?

In my armoury I go for paracetamol and ibuprofen, alternately, but as Penelope says it sometimes just takes the edge off and it won't go completely. Also Tiger balm smeared on my forehead and temples (nice look  ::)) or 4head can sometimes bring some relief.



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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2020, 10:48:34 AM »

Me too. No headaches then late Peri they start - either on one side or both - temples,, over eyes, ear area.

Steaming for me brings huge relief - hot water in the sink, bit of Vics (not too much). Do it 3 times a day if need be.

GP said that lying down sometimes makes it worse - get up and get outside, move around to get the blood flowing.

Also at night I am either completely flat in the bed or very propped up as if he neck is at a certain angle it seems to make it

I think Inflammation plays a large part in all of this.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2020, 11:25:49 AM »

@Squeaker great tips - I might have to try the steaming as well. Interesting you say about your neck being at a certain position make it worse...well I have had a couple of osteopath visits and posture makes a huge difference. The further your neck is out of alignment the more strain you are putting on it, and the neck contains muscles and nerves which have a big impact on headaches. I have found that less pillows or a special neck support one is better than being propped up :)


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2020, 08:09:39 PM »

Thanks Mogster and Squeaker for your comments I will def try the steam.  Someone I know mentioned an Optase mask from Boots you can heat in the microwave I used to go to an osteopath and still do the exercises sometimes Will def up the magnesium x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2020, 08:39:13 PM »

Headaches are my biggest symptom. I've always had hormonal headaches which got worse in peri. Like squeaker says I found  steam sometimes helped. They often felt like sinus headaches, but given the all clear on that front. I use olbas oil. It seems to help but not usre if that is a placebo. I can't lie down when they're bad but movement is also bad, so end up sitting upright as still as possible. No pain killers make any difference.

Recently the very bad headaches have improved (since HRT) but I was getting continuous low grade headaches particularly bad behind my eye (s). My dr suggested that I may have neck issues compounding the problem and problems with posture. I have changed my sleeping position, used to sleep on my stomach and raised the computer screen and I don't know if its a coincidence but Ive only had a couple of slight headaches in 2 weeks (daren't speak to soon) Its been great!

I really sympathise Sammas, they are so horrible and drs don't seem to know much about them.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2020, 01:57:55 PM »

Hi Sammas,

I also sympathise. I always had migraines and they got worse after my first period and persisted until my last. I thought I would get rid of them after menopause, they have virtually disappeared, but now I have chronic daily headache and just mild symptoms migraine-related like high sensitivity to lights, smells and sounds, but one symptom has actually got worse, tinnitus. The suggestions given by the other ladies are really helpful. I try to release tension (whatever you like to do that relax you), avoid computer, TV, tablets, mobiles, eat bland meals, avoid too much caffeine (can't stop cold turkey or it can worsen the headache), drink plenty of water, avoid direct sunshine and strong scents, amongst a number of other details! It's tricky, because the brain is controlling everything else and when the brain suffers the whole body is affected, not the mention the mind!

Regarding preventative meds, I take cinarizine, prescribed off-licence by Neurologist, but only for a couple of months if headaches don't stop. Your headaches sound clearly hormonal so this might not really helpful.

I hope you can get it sorted out soon.




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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2020, 09:26:26 PM »

Thanks Shropeshirelass and Bear for your advice I try and sleep on a thin pillow to prevent neck strain I am going to a menopausal day on Sat involving yoga, food tasting and advice from professionals so will let you know what I learn x


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2020, 03:26:36 PM »

I just watched a programme about how EMFs from electrical equipment, Wifi, microwaves, 5G ets can cause headaches and maybe a lot of other ailments. It's a bit like smoking, your gut feel is that having all these electrical fields in the air/your brain must have some sort of effect as we are all just a bag of charged, vibrating ions anyway! Only just beginning to study the potential health impacts of all this technology.  Another thing to worry about....


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2020, 10:15:04 PM »

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and have joined desperate for help or information about peoples headaches and migraines during peri! Mostly, info on what has helped others with regards to HRT, as I've already tried everything else and not willing to try the really awful drugs offered from the neuro, because I'm positive it's hormonal!! Shropshirelass, I was very interested in your experience with HRT, love to know what type/combo you have had some relief with.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2020, 11:24:48 AM »

Hya and welcome! I used to have dreadful hormonal headaches always just prior to a period and during first couple of days of my period and they could be really bad. During peri they got a bit more random and increased. I tried different drugs but nothing worked. HRT has reduced the intensity and type but Im often still getting regular background headaches. So although it seems like the HRT has probably helped. I'm, not sure whether the constant milder headache are a side effect, or not related to hormones at all. I'm currently on evorel sequi and I don't think the fluctuations in hormones help me, but if you are peri you would need a sequi regime. Sorry not to be more helpful.


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2020, 09:49:56 PM »

Oh thankyou so much for your response, Well, I did lots of research and have, as of Monday, started a continuous combined transdermal patch to help alleviate them and maybe not get a period so I don't have that horrible drop of oestrogen with my period  and during ovulation. I must say though, my headaches have been constant every day for weeks and I am now waking with them too so this new type of headache is awful. Thinking my oestrogen is starting to become permanently low hence the constant headache at the moment (Ive also noticed I'm getting waves of heat during the night so makes sense). Anyhoo, I have great hope and am going to keep persisting until I get some sort of relief as they've been ruling my life (especially in the last 2 years and next level the last 6 months) and I want to be able to go away on holiday!


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Re: Headaches - what to do?
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2020, 12:39:33 AM »

Just after some advice My headaches which I've had all my life are worse around my period.  This started last Thursday and I've had a headache on and off since, so bad that I've been off work Although my period has about finished my boobs still ache and I keep getting tummy ache on and off.  Headaches don't normally go on for this long.  Any advice? Didn't know if some sort of headache preventative might be worth trying Thanks x

Hi Sammas,

I meant to answer your question the other day when I first noticed the thread. I've tried lots of things that I've researched over the years to try and alleviate these hormone related headaches. Apparently they are the most tricky to try and treat. It could be worth trying, a few days before your period, a slow release anti inflammatory like Naprosyn. Apparently a dose of 500 in the morning and 500 at night. This is if you know when your period is due. It is supposed to help with the inflammation caused by the release of prostaglandins around your period. That is one of the things they think can cause the awful headaches. Also cleaning up diet if its high in sugars because prostaglandins thrive on the stuff. I tried this (with the approval of my doctor, who had actually heard of this treatment, shock horror) but unfortunately my headaches can't have been caused by these little devils. Mine tend to be the drop in oestrogen I've worked out, well I think, it's all a bit of trial and error and as you can see I'm still getting headaches and I'm 53. If you do some research and google the key words you will find out some more about it. You will also need the doctor to prescribe the Naprosyn for you. Cheers, hope this can give you another avenue to try, you never know, it may be just the thing for you. I do know that if I have been eating a really bad diet and way too much crap, my headaches would be worse. Cheers.  :)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 12:41:22 AM by Nattles »
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