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Author Topic: Waiting for scan...  (Read 22544 times)


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2020, 10:44:19 PM »

Thank you all for your lovely replies.

I've been very up and down emotionally today.  My  appetite is so absent , I have my back/side pain  and now a niggling pain on one side of my groin..

I broke down while I was with my boyfriend, I just could not stop sobbing.

I've also had some calm moments, and a lot of it is because of the wonderful people I have met on here... So thank you so much.

I've decided I must be peeing more, because I never get that bad that I think I'm going to wet myself that I used to. So more often, but less volume.

Lyncola, I have taken beneath the ribs to be inside the rib cage, not below it.

I really really hope you are all right, and there is some less than  sinister explanation.y boyfriend keeps telling me that I'd it were something terrible, then the raft of blood tests I had a week before I got these symptoms would have shoe some anomoly.

I had red & white blood count,platelets, bilirubin, esr, albumin, cholesterol, vit d, potassium, iron... And others too. No specific cancer marker tests though.

I think I'll take a diazapam now, and try to sleep.

Thank you all again

Jeepers x
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 07:16:23 AM by Jeepers »


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2020, 09:36:10 AM »

Hi Jeepers,
How are you today?
I'm finding my pain still around and not improving. So with my husband went down and had a X-ray done on my chest and rib area and they also check my lungs at the same time too.
Got a doctors appointment for Monday.
 I agree with your boyfriend the blood test would shown something.


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2020, 09:43:02 AM »

Thanks Birdy, I dd sleep well, I think the diazapam helped.

Woke up to my usual ache in my side.  I'm going to try to distact myself today.  I'm on my own, so it may be hard. 

Squeaker, up until 3 weeks ago, I was completely obsessed by my heart. I had that vibrating feeling, and it sometimes felt like my heart was bouncing around, as if there was nothing keeping it in place!  I spent a whole load of cash getting it checked out.  Apart from a partial Right bundle branch block (which I am assured is completely benign, and lots of people have this), my ecg, stress ecg and echo came back normal.  Inmy current state of mind I regret obsessing about it. not because of the wasted money and time (although money well spent if it gives peace of mins), but because now I'm wondering whether the symptoms I have now, were there before, and I ignored them.  Looking back, I have had loose bowels and diminished appetite for some time, only now its getting really bad.

My pain isn't sharp, its dull and radiating. I'm just hoping its something less than "worst case scenario"

Much love

Jeepers xx



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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2020, 09:48:03 AM »

Hi Jeepers,
How are you today?
I'm finding my pain still around and not improving. So with my husband went down and had a X-ray done on my chest and rib area and they also check my lungs at the same time too.
Got a doctors appointment for Monday.
 I agree with your boyfriend the blood test would shown something.

Hi Lyncola

Our post crossed over.  did they give you any indications of the x-rays Or do you have to wait until Moday?  The waiting is like torture.  sounds like your husband is very supportive.  My boyfriend is super.  He is a dentist and has a little medical knowledge (well, a lot, but not in areas I am worried about). 

Jeepers xx



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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2020, 03:03:11 AM »

Hi Jeepers,
I have to wait until Monday. I do think my ribs are slowly getting better, but this pain below my right ribs  is what I'm worrying about. It doesn't seem to bother me when I'm resting, but I can be in the kitchen chopping food and it gets painful in one location. The funny thing is as I write this I can feel a dull pain. Probably because I'm thinking about it. And I'm sure this is a problem I had last year, and it went away, but that doesn't make me feel any better, because I think maybe it not and this is worse. Anyway it will be good to talk to my doctor and get any test done, just to rule out anything nasty.
And yes like your boyfriend my husband is amazing, we have been married for 25 years and he is super supportive. He help me around the house very day and takes care of me. I complain to him about how much I spend at the doctors and getting test done, but he supports me going, even though money is tight. He even says I can stop working, but I trying to get our mortgage payed off first, we have two mortgages as he supports my parents as well. He said it doesn't matter if it takes longer to pay it off. I hoping to get a couple more years out of my body with work.
I will let you know Jeepers how I go on Monday.
I hope you're feeling better today  :)


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2020, 07:22:58 AM »

Hi Lyncola

Your husband sounds lovely.

I'm not feeling great today. Pain woke me up early, and have had another really loose bowel movement.

My left shoulder is really hurting now, and my guts are gurgling. 

I'm not sure gastritis would cause shoulder pain?  So feeling dread all over again.

I felt a little better last night, and recklessly had a cheese toastie quite late, about 9pm. Probably a really bad idea. I was just so chuffed to actually fancy something to eat... Haven't felt like that for so long...

I just feel like I want to close my eyes and never wake up, so tired of it all.

Jeepers xx


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2020, 09:45:39 AM »

Hi Jeepers, are your guts gurgling because you haven't eaten this morning?
Also, could your change in bowel movement could be because your diet isn't normal at the moment.


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2020, 09:52:40 AM »

I'm sorry to hear your not feeling great. I had a sharp stabbing pain below my ribs today took my breath away for a second. I'm glad I have my doctors appointment on Monday.
I'm feeling your pain, and your last post is making me cry, let's make a pack and only feel and send positive thoughts to each other. And believe everything will be fine. I might be far away and on a different time zone Australia but I feel your pain and fustration as your body lets you down and you don't know what wrong, and coursing you pain and anguish.
I also can have times when I just want to never wake up.
But think off your daughters, I too have two beautiful girls Elle who's 24 and my baby April who 23. Be there for them and no matter how you feel, you keep on fighting.
Try not to panic.
Sending love and positive thoughts ❤️


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2020, 10:20:25 AM »


I have managed to eat a bagel. I haven't actually lost a lot of weight, about 3lbs, which I am hoping is a good sign.

Little Minnie..  my bowels have been like it for ages. After my colonoscopy, I just thought it was because of my high fibre diet. Occasionally, I had a normal one, which reassured me, until all of these other things.

Lyncola, your post made me cry too. I would not wish any of this on anyone, so I am sorry for the way you are feeling. I rang the Samaritans this morning, as I didn't know what to do with myself.

Your girls are exactly the same age as mine!

I am sending you positive vibes, and I hope Monday rolls around really soon

Much love

Jeepers xx



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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2020, 11:38:08 AM »

Only 2 days to go.  Were the Samaritans helpful?


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2020, 11:41:07 AM »

I spoke to a very nice man from Northern Ireland.

I think it did help a little bit.

Thank you little Minnie xx


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2020, 02:54:58 AM »

Hi Jeepers
Midday in Australia but at the moment I feeling okay, but my rib usually gets worse as the day goes on. I examine my poo very single day and worry. I eat 30-35g of fibre a day. I have been living with piles for 11 years now and it seems to be harder to get rid off each year. I had them since mid September, bleed for a total of a month so far, and just can't seem to get rid of them. I've had colonoscopy x2, plus seen specialist. So always on the hi fibre diet, looking at my poo every morning, I worry about colour and shape, if I'm bleeding or not. What a life I lead, and who would thought that one person can be so oppressed with one's own poo :o
And I also been losing weight since September about 4kg now, I'm down to 59kg, the same size as I was before kids. My doctor has been informed and she not concerned at the moment because I'm having less carbs plus I have cut out a lot of sugar. I went to Melbourne to see my April for a week, I ate cake, carbs and fried food and only managed to put on 0.8kg. I was hoping for more, but at least it went up. I'm concerned as I'm always eating.
There's always seem to be a concern, and after months of having a problem and I work it out or it just goes, some think else takes it's place. I would love to feel normal for one day and no pain, it's been over a year now. If someone could tell me it was menopause related, I would just put up with it and not worry as much. With my rheumatologist I had 2 x-rays and MRI, she tells me I should have back pains occasionally but not everyday. But I do, when I ask can it be menopausal related? She can't tell me. So when I have pain around my ribs front and back, I worry they gotten this all wrong, and it's not back pain with my ribs trying to overcompensate, so exercise more, but something a lot worse.
I hope it's premenopausal related and one day I will feel better.
Sorry for going on a bit Jeepers.
I hope you had a great night sleep and feeling hungry, your poos are normal and in no pain today.
Sending love and positive thoughts Lyn  :)


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2020, 01:39:00 PM »

How are you today Jeepers?


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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2020, 09:23:30 AM »

Thank you for your replies, it really does make a difference. I did a lot of walking in the countryside yesterday, and the pain seemed to stay away with no lying about. I began to feel like there might be some hope for me.

However, woke in the night, and the pain was back, albeit not quite as strong.

One other thing that's scaring me, is that I don't seem to be urinating much. Usually I get up in the night, and wake up bursting for the toilet. In the day I often had to dash to the toilet to stop myself from wetting myself. Well, that just isn't happening. My urine isn't dark or anything though.

Lyncola, I totally understand the poo obsession thing. I get really nervous going for a poo, hoping it won't be too loose. Even I had to see the ridiculousness of my actions as I took my phone torch to peer down the loo

With love




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Re: Waiting for scan...
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2020, 11:50:15 AM »

Jeepers. It may sound dumb but have you turned or changed your bed mattress recently? I developed terrible rib pain when my son
was younger and I ended up sleeping in his bed (with a soft/thin mattress). It didn't make the link and thought it was a gastric problem.
When we bought a different mattress the rib pain improved. I think your intercostal muscles become more lax in middle age so you are more effected by mattress issues. My GP said along with a belt that was too tight or carrying kids on your hip it was one of the most common causes of sporadic rib pain. If we have HA we automatically assume the worst and stop considering the obvious. (Except when giving advice! I never seem to take my own...)
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