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Author Topic: Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(  (Read 7645 times)


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Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(
« on: August 29, 2019, 03:17:34 PM »

Hi there,

I'm 48 and had last period 2 years ago.

I have been on HRT 7 weeks (estrogen patch and utrogestan tablet) and the main reason I went on it was because I was really anxious especially in the mornings and was also not sleeping due to severe night sweats.

After 7 weeks night sweats and sleeping is better but anxiety is still really bad especially in the mornings.. I am also waking early again... I did sleep very well on holiday but since getting back its like BOOM the morning dread is back..

Was back with doc today as this week has been very tough and she is recommending I take citalopram with the HRT...

I am really conflicted as I was on AD's years ago ( work related stress) and would really prefer not to go on them again..  but at the same time find the morning anxiety so upsetting I feel I have no choice..

Just feel like I'm a bit of a failure :( i thought the HRT would sort me out.

Anyone on citalopram with HRT and willing to share??

Thanks xoxo


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Re: Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 11:23:22 AM »

Hi Boilingpoint,

Sorry I can't help on the mixed combination front! I take Estrogel 3 pumps and Utrogestan 100mg continuously and helping quite a bit although today I am a bit of a headache and low energy. I was prescribed citalopram 10mg around 10 years ago for anxiety and just generally feeling very down, looking back probably hormones even then. It helped so much after 6 weeks and I must say on citalopram I have never felt so calm and focused. I would say I was firing on all cylinders  and not at all groggy and slept really well. Hopefully someone will come along soon with some advice,
Grace x


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Re: Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2019, 01:24:38 PM »

Thanks so much Grace appreciate that - its good to know that its worked for you.
Doc has prescribed 20mg.. and I was thinking maybe I would take lower dose.. worried re side effects in the initial period.
xo Boiling Kettle


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Re: Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2019, 01:34:09 PM »

I had citalopram and HRT (patches). I started the citalopram first and then added patches about 6 weeks later. Neither worked for my anxiety, so I came off both. Have been cold turkey for about 3 months now. Have just made a Dr appointment for next week to try ADs again (another type).
I would definitely give the citalopram a go, to see if it works. As long as you don't get side effects in the first 2 weeks, it'll do you no harm, and could work for you.
ADs are a bit like HRT,  you may have to try a few to find the right one.
I did 2 weeks on 5mg, 2 weeks 10mg, then up to 15mg and finally 20mg.  I got 2 days of headaches going from 5 to 10. That was it for side effects.
Good luck if you try them. xx


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Re: Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2019, 02:13:37 PM »

Like many others I was initially given citalopram to help with sweats and low mood, they wouldn't give me hrt at first due to a DVT. Eventually I got both, All drugs take a long time to work with me, Citalopram took months to help and it wasn't easy, when I got evorel sequi that also took months probably as I'm on a very low dose. However the two together are brilliant and I do feel my old self.
I think it all depends on how your  body reacts to medications, I'm lucky it works for me but just takes ages. fingers crossed it helps. I took 20mg for a couple of years although now I'm now down to 10mg


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Re: Anyone on HRT with citalopram please help me :(
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2019, 05:39:53 PM »

Thanks ladies

that is really good to know as I long to be back to my old self. I guess I should say to myself that the oestrogen patch and the utrogestan are working for me (after 8 weeks)  so hopefully the citalopram will also work for me. 

My main thing at the moment is timings - I'm really nervous about when to start it as my kids start secondary school next week ( big milestone and new schools away from their friends although they are very excited and "up" for it ) and I also have deadlines for mid September so I'm scared that starting citalopram will make me feel really bad and I don't want to be a total mess when they are at an important time in their lives and also dont want to miss deadlines.

The last time I was on it I was not on HRT and the initial period was horrendous.. I couldn't sleep/ very weepy at work/ got nightmares etc.. then it did kick in and it made me more functional.

The doc has given me some valium ( if things do get too much) and I can also take phenergan to help me sleep ( which is an antihistamine) if I need it.. Also I guess the utrogestan makes you sleepy anway.

there is a side to me that thinks maybe I should try a little valium to help me get up and out.. and then see how I fair and not go on the citalopram.. but GP's never want to give you too much valium as its addictive..

Any tips for making the first few weeks easier.. best time to take citalopram/ etc.

Thanks for all the support - it helps writing all my fretting down!

Boiling Kettle
