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Author Topic: Pulsing tinnitus  (Read 33984 times)


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Pulsing tinnitus
« on: March 31, 2009, 09:29:21 PM »

I have had noises in my left ear on and off for years probably due to tmj and neck trouble but month ago I realised that everytime I moved my jaw this background high pitched ringing that was in time with my heartbeat got hige amount louder so eating and talking and yawning was very annoying.
I wasn't too worried at that point as I was used to odd things with that ear BUT I did stupid thing and googled pulse in ear and it scared me witless as it said it can be caused by dangerous vascular problem.
I duly rushed off to GP who listened to my neck arteries with stethascope while I turned my head and held my breath and she said she could not hear anything so it wasl ikely coming from my jaw or ear and not my arteries.  She didn't seem concerned at all.
I am a terrible worrier about anything healthwise and seem to spend my life at the Dr's. 
I then looked on the tinnitus website and they say that anyone with pulsing in one ear should have vasuclar conditions ruled out so once again I am in a blind panic and its only 3 days since I saw my GP.
My husband says I need to go back to GP and tell her how terrified I am and ask to be referred for tests to rule out a vascular cause but I hate to see that oh no not again look on her face - the lets humour her to get rid of her look! but on other hand worrying constantly about it only makes it worse and puts my blood pressure up.
I'm just posting on the off chance someone eles on here had this and are still alive!


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 07:20:38 AM »

How about contacting the Tinnitus Society?  I get it occasionally, a high pitched whistle which makes me wonder how long it's been present before I notice it  ::) ... usually blowing my nose gently gets rid.  I have allergic rhinitis which causes hay-fever-type symptoms so my nose is constantly a nuisance even though I take anti-histamine  >:(

Your GP has checked you out so I expect you are OK - however, a background worry can drag us down so give the TS a ring?  A discussion with someone in the 'know' can be helpful.


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 09:15:16 AM »

Have a look at this

I have had this for a few years ( it does seem to come and go) and still here!! have been to the Doctors a few times about it  and she said that it is not anything to worry about though I do still worry about it sometimes.

When I started with panic attacks my Doctor sent me to a heart specialist who was very thorough and I had numerous tests all coming back negative so I am sure it would have been picked up if it had been anything serious.

I recently turned over in bed and the room started to spin my Doctor confirmed that it was labyrinthitis and said iI could have it for quite a while, the pulsing in my ear did seem to increase so I do think there is a connection.

I would go back to your doctor and ask if you could have some tests just to put your mind at rest.


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 09:34:37 AM »

I too have had this for years.  I actually have it at the moment as I type this!  Everything sinister was ruled out by tests.  I have learned to just ignore it.
Usually it is not caused by any serious condition.  Your GP can get a lot of information just by listening to your neck arteries with a stethoscope and would usually pick up anything sinister.  But a dismissive attitude to your problem is not particularly helpful.  Stress makes this condition worse, so if you are concerned ask for further tests to rule out other causes.  Don't be afraid to ask, after all you as a tax payer contributed to the cost of her training and her salary.


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2009, 11:01:37 AM »

 :thankyou:for all your replies so nice to have a sympathetic ear.
I went back to my GP today and explained how I was so worried that this is being caused by one of the dangerous vascular conditions - she did say it is very rare for it to be one of these but agreed to send me to a specialist to rule it out - I don't know if it will be ent or vascular she didn't know and was finding out who was best.  She was I think a bit fed up with me because I always assume the worst but agreed that constant panic will not help my slightly high blood pressure 154/85 come down to normal as it usually is . Know doubt I will now have to wait weeks for an appt but at least I am doing something.

Its a pity valium is addictive cos I am sure I could do with abucket full ;D


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2009, 12:37:56 PM »

Well Done!  By putting your case forwards in a clear manner and pointing out that anxiety is made worse by back-ground concerns, you have got the next step ...... and if you believe that your GP is  ::) when you appear, it's only for that instant: today's news, tomorrow's chip papers   ;)

How about a bucket full of relaxation in the sun instead?  Deep breathing, try to listen to the birds etc. and drift into the breeze for a short while ......


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2009, 02:51:02 PM »

Hi Countrybumkin,

I have had continuous tinnitus for about 10 months now, think it started after my Mum died/moving house.  Before that and now occasionally I could reliably take my pulse by just listening, without manually taking it!  It was quite useful being able to do that as I monitor my pulse because of Graves Disease.  I too went to the GP about it and for the pulsing she said she gets it too (not very helpful)!  and the other GP for the tinnitus said there are some tablets but nothing seems to work  :'(  On the news recently there is research going on into tinnitus and they think they have found an answer.  I'm watching that space avidly!



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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 09:52:09 PM »

Thanks dreamer nice to know I  am not alone with the heartbeat tinnitus. I was just thinking same thing I can take my pulse in my head! Its a bit nerve racking as I tend to get a racing pulse if I am nervous so listening to it all day long is not a good idea.

I got a phone call from GP two hours after seeing her to say that I have an appt with ent in three weeks so don't have to wait long for that. Next hurdle is to persuade him to do the tests to ruleout anything serious.

Dreamer sounds to me like you didn't have any tests for it???? Brave of you.Must admit the thought of this for ever is not a good one :(


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2009, 10:10:42 PM »

Have you read this info Country Bumpkin   Is it called Pulsatile Tinnitus? Good luck with your appointment.

Taz x


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2009, 09:08:35 AM »

Hi CB,  not brave of me not having it looked into just never occurred to me that it might be something serious!  DOH!  The pulse noise comes and goes, but the tinnitus gets me down, sometimes I wonder I can hear at all what with the ringing and the pulsating  :-\  there's a lot going on in my head that shouldn't be !
Hope you get on ok with the ENT appt.


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2009, 01:19:08 PM »

I too had about a month of pulsatile tinnitus at the end of last year. I had a carotid artery duplex scan which was fine and BP was very low. It infuriated me as it kept me awake and was intrusive but, courage, it went as mysteriously as it had come and I have had no trouble since except a bit of more "orthodox" ringing in my left ear when I yawn or stretch. Liveable with.
Many cases of pulsatile tinnitus are nothing to worry about but you are doing the right thing to have further checks. If these come back negative that will help you relax and may, in turn, help you with the problem.
Good luck and let us know how you go.


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2009, 01:25:58 PM »

My is a very quiet, high pitched whine.  Noticed it about the time I started HRT so often wonder if there is a link.

Hubby says he also has a loud, high pitched whine in his ear and he gets it everytime I open my mouth............ ;D ;D


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2010, 08:04:27 AM »


I have had this for over a year now. I have had a MRI scan and a Cartoid artery scan which may I add, I had to ask for at the ENT as they did not have any answers for me. Both came back clear, however the heartbeat noise has got worse, its now with me 24/7.

I am going to ask a heart consultant who I see for palapations/missed beats for some information just to see if he knows anything.

Please let me know what your results are and good luck, it will be interesting to see what they tell you as I have been to 3 different  ENT doctors while I was going through this and they all did not know what it was.

Keep in touch

Ina x


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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2010, 10:27:22 PM »

I have had tinnitus for just over 2 years now (I think).  I understand it can be brought on by stress, having ears syringed too often or loud music.  My Consultant thinks it will disappear on its own.  That was about a year ago!  Have you thought of Hopi Ear Candling? It is not only relaxing, but it helps clear the "airways" and the sinuses. Iv had it done twice and it did actually disappear for a number of hours! I have also heard that listening to music via earphones whilst doing housework etc. can be helpful.

Hope this helps   ::)



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Re: Pulsing tinnitus
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2010, 10:29:33 PM »

I have just noticed the date. Thats the MENOPAUSE for you  :D
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