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Author Topic: Horrendous Crying Returned so Reduced Femoston  (Read 723 times)


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Horrendous Crying Returned so Reduced Femoston
« on: June 15, 2019, 09:36:16 PM »

Hi was on femoston 2/10 and doing ok still had flushes and nite sweats but mood was ok which was the most important part for me.
Hrt clinic changed me to Zumenon and utrogestan as they believe i am post menopausal. Utrogestan made me feel extremely low so asked to go back on femoston.
I am back on femoston 4 wks on tuesday there and this week was terrible with the return of the awful crying and all how it makes me feel (feel like im losing my mind) last time this happened was over 2 years ago. As i feel better in myself from afternoon on heading towards the evening when i usually take my hrt about 10pm i started to think maybe my hrt is too high so i decided to reduce it by cutting my tablets in half not ideal i know as you are not guaranteed even doses but i was so desperate to get away from the crying thing i had to try something.
I am on day 2 of my reduction....crying has totally stopped which is great but not surprisingly hot flushes have got stronger, bit snappy etc...
Would it take 3 months or more for my body to fully adjust to the reduction hence a possibility of more symptoms returning? I know no one has the answer as we are all so different but would love to hear from any ladies that have reduced whether it was a good or bad outcome.
Honestly not sure what to do!, should i increase instead? I didnt contact the hrt clinic as they would have just told me to stick it out as i was only back on it 4 wks. Oh ive also started to experience a bit of discomfort 'down below'.
Would love to hear of any other experiences/advice.
Many thanks



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Re: Horrendous Crying Returned so Reduced Femoston
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2019, 08:33:13 AM »

Yep.  It can take 3-4 months for the body to adjust.  The body doesn't usually get where it is suddenly .......

Maybe leave your regime for 3 days and see what happens?  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful. 

Do read our threads on bladder problems and vaginal atrophy.  The latter symptoms can be eased by appropriate local oestrogen.  Don't wait until it becomes worse, 4 me it was like razor blades up there  :o.  Ring your Surgery and ask for a prescription or see your Nurse Practitioner.  Early intervention will avoid repeated urine infection-type symptoms!



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Re: Horrendous Crying Returned so Reduced Femoston
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2019, 09:27:37 AM »

Thanks for the reply CLKD i honestly believe i am going the wrong way by reducing and by the end of 3 months all symptoms will have returned full force.
I will ring my doctors re the local oestrogen though they may not perscribe as i am under the care of the hrt clinic.


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Re: Horrendous Crying Returned so Reduced Femoston
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2019, 10:09:49 AM »

Hi all so my 3rd day of reduction.....nite sweats returned to the point of wet patches on my pyjama top (not had that in a long time), getting very snappy with my girls and mood just not right.
My reduction was a desperate attempt to get rid of the crying and all the feelings that go with it and the anxious feeling which is gone now too. I can handle the physical symptoms if needs be its the emotional and mood i need to get right which i dont think will be achieved by cutting a tablet in half never mind the fact it isnt accurate dosing.
I dont feel i have a lot of options medication wise....i wont try the mirena as ive suffered from depression off and on over the years and i am too scared to try in case it effects me that way. Utro vaginally made me feel very low worse than taking it orally. I dont get on with progesterone at all i still go low by the end of the 1st week on femoston at the prog stage even though its one of the kinder ones.
I have to apologise all i have done is post a long ramble just needed to talk.
Really dont know where to go with it all now?, have to say menopause is not a good stage of life!!!


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Re: Horrendous Crying Returned so Reduced Femoston
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2019, 01:42:54 PM »

If you don't ask you won't be told which is the correct way to access what your vagina requires ;-)

Instant relief is rare ........ up-take of HRT can take a while.