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Author Topic: Emitophobia  (Read 37569 times)


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2011, 06:40:02 AM »

You know someone now Karen! I had metro whatsit for a dental infection last December and I was convinced I would suffer all the side effects as the dentist went into great detail as to what could happen but how important it was to keep taking it. Anyway it didn't affect me digestively at all but I did get some of the other side effects such as bladder problems. I swallowed each pill straight after food with half a pint of water - recommended by the dentist and surprisingly hard to do - and didn't feel sick once. The second time I took it though I developed a dreadful rash within hours and so that's another one on my list of no-no's  :(

Taz x


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2011, 07:39:22 AM »

Morning CLKD, hope you are feeling better today, hope you are still taking it easy! The weather here is dreadful, rained all weekend, but i suppose it makes the fish active, if you are watching them. Eddie. x


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2011, 08:44:48 AM »

 :thankyou: everyone ! the fear is more controlled since mid-afternoon yesterday.  Am managing to eat rubbish foods i.e. chocolate croxsonts [sp]  ::) and a sort of cheesecake ........ we had a delicious mango yesterday, messy and tasty.  When the fear strikes my brain asks how I can face anything other than Rich Tea biscuits and the thought of fried foods or anything which smells  >:( and every magazine or TV programme has adverts about food  :bang: :bang: :bang:  ......

I feel very woozy.  I am still vulnerable so am keeping busy.  I need toup my beta-blocka for a few days to control the left over anxiety as we have LOTS to do this week  ;) ........... though at 1.30 on Friday morning when I was self destructing I couldn't think of doing anything any more  :'( except die.  However logical that although I feel dreadful I am not sick the tightness across my belly button makes it impossible to even consider putting anything into my mouth which might return; yet when I was sick after taking that codeine mix, it was a big burp, up, out and over  :o .......... now explain that! and no, it's never been explained.

I've seen psychologists, the GP has been very good, the whole issue is very embarrassing  :sigh: because I'm a Big Girl now and should be able to deal with illness.  Himself said he was weary on Sat. [not like him to tell me how he feels, ever] and I began to freak out in case .......... if he coughs in the night I turn him over, in case he chokes .......... when he wanders to the bathroom in the early hours he mutters 'I'm going for a pee' because I fear he's going to be ill ....... no bedside manner here then!  He gave me freesias on Sat. to cheer me up, we sat watching Chelsea Flower Show on the Beeb with the gentle waft of Summer across the room, it was almost like 'smelly telly'  ;)

Jelly Baby

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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2011, 09:22:12 AM »

I'm exactly the same - if my son or my OH get up to go to the bathroom in the night I always 'fear the worst'. They both know if they are going on a night out then they can't stay with me as I'm so fearful they may be sick through drinking too much. Son stays at his Dads, OH goes home. I can't have my windows open in summer at all because my street forms part of a route back to a residential area from the town centre. On more than one occasion I've had drunken people being sick outside my house and it's literally made me sick too! I think it's a very common syndrome that could probably be cured through 'aversion therapy' but I'm not prepared to get a job in Nursing to overcome it! Interestingly, years ago I was once in hospital next to a lady who was sick every hour on the hour - after the first few times I seemed to become accustomed to it and it didn't bother me so much - the effect didn't last though sadly...


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2011, 10:29:13 AM »

I worked in a hospital for 8 years  ::) I think it's the noise  :-\  ........ it must be an instinctive issue which goes back to the cave man, if one ate something poisonous maybe the noise caused everyone else in the Tribe to eject what was dangerous?  That thought doesn't help when the fear kicks in though  >:( ......... and there's no logic.  I've tried CBT which didn't give any help at all.  My phobia began at age 3 ..........

I used to sit well away from people at folk events, even so when a family had fish and chips one afternoon the thought crossed my mind "That isn't a good idea at this type of event" then later in the evening when  I saw the mother searching for a carrier bag ........... then the 11 year old started, well Hubby hadn't even noticed  >:(  ::) but I grabbed the dog and fled into the darkness.  Must have scared him witless, over 15,000 people in a large field not particularly well lit ....... but I was gone!

Jelly Baby

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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2011, 11:51:42 AM »

The caveman theory is a good one!  :D


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2011, 11:54:25 AM »

Like people being scared of spiders and other crawlies .......... one couldn't see what was scuttling about in the back of the cave.  Some can't put their hand into a box or bag unless they know what is in the bottom!  It is a test that is put to Police Cadets, Psychologists and others who will be dealing with the public in traumatic situations. 

I've managed lunch  :-*


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2011, 05:56:01 PM »

Thank you [WAVE]


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2011, 04:12:44 PM »

Gosh CLKD, I had no idea what this word meant.  Sure glad you are feeling better.  All I know is if I see anyone upchuck, I leave the room and nearly do the same.  As a nurse, this was a bit of a problem.  Your husband sounds so considerate.  We are both lucky in that department.


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM »

thanks Granma  ;) - we were planning a holiday to Italy, now I can't even look at the brochures without that awful lurch in my guts  :'(


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2011, 07:06:59 PM »

As you are very fond of saying CLKD.....little steps  :)

You have had a little setback but I am sure you will be back to where you were soon.



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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2011, 07:08:51 AM »

Vulnerable this morning as we are 'out' and about this evening with a group of people ........  :-\

Lucky Stone

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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #42 on: May 26, 2011, 01:57:35 PM »

Just catching up on here .. I am on Erythromycin for my eye problem and have been for weeks but have had to lower the dose to two a day (from 4) as it was upsetting my tum. Fed up with it now, although the eye is a bit better it can recur at any moment. Sorry to hear you have been so poorly CK, phobias are a real problem. I have a 'thing' about certain foods -particularly really 'wet' ones that I feel I can't control in my mouth which I think stems from a bad trip to the dentist a few years ago - during a clean, he squirted water into my windpipe, I choked and had a panic attack (well, I couldn't breathe). I've had cbt and also hynotheraphy but to be honest, nothing has worked and I think it's something I have to live with now. I am careful what I eat, at what speed I eat it at (as it brings on that fear of choking/not being able to breathe), don't like eating out or going anywhere where I don't have control over what is offered. I'm not a 'foodie' any more as a result, can't get all excited about it and would rather 'eating as a social happening' was completely off the agenda. I've found that consciously relaxing helps, and when my mind is on other things (for example when I heard a friend was seriously ill, all I could think about was her and I ate just fine for a few days) I'm better. Still, I have been better recently, I don't kid myself that it will ever go away but perhaps as the time goes on ..... anyway, chin up CKLD, keep doing the best you can do. Thinking of you.  :-*


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #43 on: May 26, 2011, 02:07:03 PM »

Thank you so much  :thankyou:.  I have fads with food and foods which I only 'fancy' occasionally, i.e. egg with chips.  Otherwise it can be bland or one of Himself's tasty curries with lots of garlic, ginger etc..


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2011, 10:09:10 AM »

 Just catching up on this thread and finding it very interesting and informative.My daughter ( now 16) has suffered from this ever since she was a toddler,but more a phobia about others vomiting than herself.I had no idea it was so widespread.
I used to wonder if it was connected to the fear she had as a child of 'letting go' to empty her bladder or bowels.We had years and years of trauma with that,as well as professional help,and thank God she has grown out of it.

I say I wonder if it was connected because her bowel/bladder probs started after the first time she ever used the potty.When she stood up and saw that she had passed a stool and some urine,she became hysterical which was so upsetting.I think in her little mind she felt she had lost part of her body,if you know how I mean.So ever after that,she got upset and held on for hours if she needed to go,particularly her bowels.The more this happens,the harder it is to pass eventually of course.

Sorry if I've gone OT,but I have always thought that maybe the process of releasing body fluids involuntarily (as in being sick),is what she's fearful of still  ???

Hope everyone having probs with sickness/fear of it is feeling a bit better today  :)

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