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Author Topic: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?  (Read 17988 times)


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Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« on: February 22, 2019, 10:00:03 AM »

Hi ladies

Can I check with Oestrogel users whether I need to really rub in the gel or just sort of smooth it onto the inner thigh and wait until it dries?

Also do you put all pumps on one inner thigh and alternate daily or put it on both inner thighs?

Apologies if I'm asking daft questions, I'm just trying to get everything straight in my head before I start.

Thanks x


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2019, 11:10:40 AM »

Hi there's been lots of debate about this and I'm not sure there's a right answer. I rub in till almost dry then wait a few minutes.  I put 2 pimps on each shoulder/outer arm each morning x


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2019, 02:25:17 PM »

No question is daft on here - well....within reason  ::) !

The rubbing of gel....

Well - that is one gel I haven't used - but I have used Sandrena, Testogel and Testim.

It is an interesting question. The instructions for Oestrogel ( as for Testogel) say to spread the gel onto the right area of skin and leave to dry, whereas for Sandrena and Testim they say to rub it in. The gels are all formulated differently - with Testogel and Oestrogel both made by Besins and exactly the same fillers. The others are different. Testogel ( as I presume as Oestrogel) just dries and soaks in, but Sandrena and Testim leave a sticky residue after the initial evaporation which takes somewhat longer to dry.

There is no problem with rubbing in - but it will be that the instructions on dosage will be based on a consistent method of application which in the case of Oestrogel and Testogel is by spreading, and studies looking at oestrogen levels.

I gather some gynaes do suggest rubbing it in like Sandrena and although the Oestrogel is much more slippery - it may be that higher concentrations are attained by doing it this way? I haven't come across research into this, only about the area the gel is spread onto. The most important thing is that the oestrogen needs to be absorbed before it dries so if it dries too quickly more of the active ingredient will remain on the surface, as I understand.

Women are so variable in how much oestrogen they absorb from the different methods that as Stellajane says - you have to do what's best for you - but if more is absorbed by rubbing I would be tempted to start off gentle and slow in your case (ie spread), as you said your periods were still very regular so you may well still be producing a lot of oestrogen - unless the aim in your case is to suppress ovulation and hence the dramatic hormonal fluctuations with a high oestrogen dose (after your op)?

The other thing is, whatever you decide ( rubbing or spreading) to use the same part of the body (left and right) as absorption will differ depending on your skin in different areas.

Hurdity x

Turkish delight

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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2019, 04:26:05 PM »

I just do as I'm told in this regard, the instructions say.

Oestrogel leaflet states:
"Spread the gel over a large area of skin on each shoulder, outer arm or mid-inner thigh."

EstroGel leaflet states:
"Spread the gel as thinly as possible from your wrist to your shoulder.
Do not massage or rub in EstroGel."

So I'm a spreader and get great/enough absorption from 1 pump every other day.

Think you can do it whichever way though it seems without any issue.



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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2019, 08:17:54 PM »

I have been spreading it on the front of my thighs. No wonder it's not working.veryvwell. for an intelligent girl I can be a real numpty at times!!

I have been wondering about something though, and maybe hurdity you might have a thought on this:

're rubbing it in, which I have been doing.

I was once told by a dermatologist to not use hands/fingers to rub in cream as a good proportion of it will be absorbed by your hands, especially if they are dry. That's why expensive face creams come with a little applicator.

With face cream it doesn't matter realy as it just means you're wasting an expensive face cream on your hands but.....

What about with the eastrogel? It's being rubbed into your hand at the same time as your arm/leg but unlike the application site (which you mustnt wash for an hour)its being washed off immediately.


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2019, 08:31:25 PM »

Interesting to read this thread.  I'm on 6 pumps of oestrogel which is A LOT to just leave to dry.  I used to spread it thinly on my legs and leave it to dry (with that much gel it takes more than a few minutes).  After a failed attempt at patches I'm now rubbing the gel into my buttocks until dry and haven't noticed any difference in absorption so far.


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2019, 09:08:31 PM »

Interesting woodpecker. I'm on 4 pumps and have also wondered whether it's better to do 1 pump on each leg. And then another pump on each leg or to just pump out 2 doses at a time.

You'd think someone the manufacturers maybe, they're making enough money from it, would do some clinical trials about all these questions we are raising and come up with a more definitive answer on how to use their product for maximum efficacy.


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2019, 10:51:29 PM »

I wondered that too, is it being rubbed into hands as opposed to thighs?!
I always wash my hands after applying but there must be some getting absorbed
Don't know what we can do about it


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2019, 11:04:06 PM »

Well I've been rubbing it into the front of thighs 1 pump at a time. Before I started my E was 129pmol. I've just had a blood test which I get results on Monday
 So we shall see....
I'll let you all know.

Turkish delight

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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2019, 09:23:13 AM »

Can anyone see a reason why you couldn't use some sort of spatula to spread it?

If your getting through bucket loads of it bcz not absorbing it properly could be worth a go.
Though no mention of it in the manufacturers patient info leaflet.



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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2019, 09:30:19 AM »

TC re your earlier point - yes I have thought that and intuitively I would never use (and never have used)  whole hands (so perhaps not the window-cleaner approach  ::) ) but a finger.

In terms of application area - this is given in the leaflet but actually the very detailed product info I read ( from the company that first produced the gel)  did some trials to show that absorption was reduced if the gel was spread as thinly as possible over a wide area but on medium areas and below there wasn't much difference. I can;t remember the exact areas - but eg the whole of the inside leg (from top of thigh to ankle) was a no-no re absorption. Also will depend on the size of the women and amount of fat (girth) of legs etc!

However whatever works for you. I would started by spreading with one finger on medium sized area as per instructions and if after a given time symptoms return then perhaps try rubbing first - rather than increase the dose?

Another point is that Oestrogel is the only trandermal oestrogen that suggests applying to upper area of body and I see several of you put it on shoulders. Sandrena gel and all the patches say apply on lower abdomen below waist. I don't know why there is this discrepancy unless being ultra-cautious in case women misinterpret and put on upper inner arms etc which could be too close to armpit - breast?

I'm sure spatula would be OK if you could be bothered!

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2019, 09:48:41 AM »

Hurdity thanks for the info about absorption trial.

My thighs are quite generous shall we say but then so are my upper arms.

My gynae originally told me to rub it in my forearm (less fat)  but the instructions say upper arm. I chose legs for the same reason  as you  as  I too was worried about transferring to breasts/armpits.

I do wish they would give an indication of area I.e. square inch or say size of a digestive buiscuit or a saucer or something like that.



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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2019, 10:02:21 AM »

Hurdity thanks for the info about absorption trial.

My thighs are quite generous shall we say but then so are my upper arms.

My gynae originally told me to rub it in my forearm (less fat)  but the instructions say upper arm. I chose legs for the same reason  as you  as  I too was worried about transferring to breasts/armpits.

I do wish they would give an indication of area I.e. square inch or say size of a digestive buiscuit or a saucer or something like that.

Skin area to apply each pump of Oestrogel should be about the size of a sheet of A5. I read this on here somewhere but can't remember where. I think it might have been in one of Conolly's posts. When I used it I was a spreader rather than a rubber (as per instructions at the time). I used to use the back of a tablespoon to spread. It took at least 15 minutes to dry this way. I didn't absorb well though, but perhaps that was just me.

JP x



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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2019, 10:42:05 AM »

It's not about it being absorbed into the hands, at least it would be getting into the system somehow and that would be fine with me . But we wash the hands straight after to stop transfer. However we are told not to wash the application site for an hour presumably because it would interfere with absorption. Therefore we are not getting any benefit from the gel on our hands.

When you're struggling to get your e levels up on 4 pumps you have to consider why.

JP thanks. For that. A5 is roughly what I have been doing
Maybe I just don't absorb well either.


Turkish delight

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Re: Oestrogel - to rub or not to rub?
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2019, 01:29:09 PM »

My gyn was very clear about where I ought to apply it, which was below the abdomen.

I'm a size 16, my inner thigh which is where I spread the gel is in no way thin or void of fat, but not huge either. I still get great absorption from one pump.

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