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Author Topic: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?  (Read 3332 times)


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Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« on: January 11, 2019, 12:09:16 PM »

Please can anyone help me?? I have recently be diagnosed CFS, but I have no idea which symptom relates to CFS or the menopause?
I believe I have been afflicted with both at the same time, so I don't know which path to take?? :'(

My sleep patterns are shocking. I go to sleep ok, but then spring wide awake around 2am. Sometimes I have the joy of what I can best describe as adrenaline rushes.

I get terrible crashing fatigue -especially after excercising or housework, but not always ? My limbs feel like they are made of lead and only rest seems to make things a bit better

I get night sweats - but not every night.

The whole thing is getting me depressed as I have nowhere to turn to. I have looked at various Youtube clips from so called "experts" but they are all just trying to flog their supplements and give no real guidance.

I was given Elleste Duet as hrt in the past, but that made my symptoms worse, so I ditched them.

As you can imagine, chronic lack of sleep and tiredness is making me really teary.....I don't honestly know how much longer I can take this madness. :'( :'(

So sorry to rant on like this, but this is having such a detrimental affect on my life and there is zero guidance, only dodgy quacks on youtube >:(

Thank you for reading.



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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2019, 04:19:29 PM »

CFS hmm, when did you last have your thyroid tested and do you have the results?


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2019, 04:39:49 PM »

SueLW thank you for replying.
I had it checked over a year ago. I cannot get access to the results unless I get an appointment and request them to print them out. My doctor just said it was normal....whatever normal is??

Feeling very teary today and very alone. :'(


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 05:25:37 PM »

I was misdiagnosed with CFS and all my symptoms were actually due to menopause x


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2019, 06:42:58 PM »

Hi Dotty,
I have tried hrt ie Elleste duet and it made my symptoms worse. :'(

My gp is rubbish and due to my symptoms, I ‘m seriously thinking of handing in my notice at work :'(


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2019, 10:43:04 PM »

Sorry you are going through this Prestige  :foryou:

Very long story short, I was referred to a Menopause Specialist who took control and set up a plan - something I was desperate for.

The plan was to take a high dose HRT (I was on HRT anyway) to rule out any possible Menopausal symptoms.
And be tested to find any deficiencies eg Vitamin D and B12 (I was very low in Vit D and marginally in B12)- my other bloods were normal.

Then the symptoms left were down to something else (they mentioned CFS at the first visit).

Six months later, my remaining symptoms were: fatigue, muscle/joint pain, hair shedding and sleep problems.
I was referred to a Rheumatologist with ?fibromyalgia ?CFS.
After taking my history I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Psoriatic Arthritis, which was an amazing relief to finally get an answer.

So, although I don't for one minute think you would have the same condition, I hope it helps you know others have been in a similar boat.
What I felt was most helpful was the Menopause Specialist saying to rule one thing out at a time.

Good luck  :)



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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2019, 12:12:34 AM »

I was diagnosed with CFS in my 30s and I managed to get myself out of it after a couple of years of healing my gut and taking magnesium vitamins d and b12.

The peri menopausal symptoms felt a lot like CFS did but in terms of fog, exhaustion, muscle and joint aches and delayed fatigue after a too busy day - but when shortening cycle, early morning waking, vaginal dryness, rage and panic and migraines are happening too, it isn't CFS.

Evorel 50 makes me feel great but the progesterone makes me feel awful again.

Lots of GPS are unaware of peri menopause and think you get to menopause in a matter of days - not years of unwinding puberty!

See another GP and take a copy of the NICE guidelines with you. Ask if they are familiar with this document and whether this may be what's going on with you.



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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2019, 10:31:11 AM »

You Need a fresh thyroid test.  The 2 conditions are so similar. A “normal” result from a GP is often useless. You need a copy of your results printed with the reference ranges. They are legally obligated to give you a copy now if you ask.  I'd go and ask for a do-over.  Tell them how tired and cold you are (even if you are not).

Once armed with the result you can find out more and see if you need to ask for a trial if Levothyroxin.


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2019, 06:11:05 PM »

Thank you to all the ladies who kindly responded to my plea for help. Apologies for not responding sooner.
I have kept away from the laptop this weekend, as I tend to turn to "Dr Google" which consequently ramps up my health anxiety.

Thank you SueLW - I will take your advice and book a blood test this week. Let's see rule if it's related to my thyroid??

Thanks Dotty &Salad- I will see if I can get a referal to a menopause specialist. I see that CFS and menopause can mimic each other. I'm probably being fobbed of by my wonderful GP. I'm lucky that I don't have any joint pain, but mainly fatigue and sleep problems.

Orangefoot - I am have not had a period in over 12 months, so I guess that makes me Menopausal/post- Menopausal?? I will avoid my current GP and see if I get any sense from another doctor. One that is more worried about saving money and his budget than actually worrying about my health!

Now I have a plan, I feel a littel better....thank you guys!



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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2019, 12:07:06 PM »

Prestige, I can totally relate to your post. The waking up at 2am and feeling adrenaline rushing through.

I too suffer from Chronic fatigue but I'm pretty sure it's because of the quality of my sleep and not getting enough deep sleep. I've had a fit it for 2 years now which confirmed it. I don't need to look at it any longer, I can tell when I wake up that I didn't get enough quality sleep even if I've slept 8h. After over 2 years of poor sleep, I'm totally worn out.

I've tried everything but nothing else more than a week or so. Hrt made no difference so stopped. I decided to try an antidepressant in case it was anxiety related but it made it 5 times worse and made feel awful so had to stop after only a few days.

I'm now totally embrassing mindfulness. I've accepted that there are no miracle drugs and even though I have no doubt the feeling that I just cannot relax and get these adrenalin rush just like others get hot flushes (which I get too but not too badly) are due to hormonal fluctuation, I need to focus on teaching myself to relax naturally.

I work FT which is the main issue but I have no option to stop/reduce my hours. Learning to use mindfulness techbiques to make a difference is likely to take some time and commitment but I now really think its the only way forward to make a lasting difference.


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2019, 01:01:03 PM »

I can totally relate to your symptoms prestige. You are not alone in this and finding your way through it is a nightmare. Take comfort that there are many with very similar symptoms.  My period cycles started changing about 2-3 years ago which co-incided with increased anxiety and sleep issues plus gastro/joint issues. Lack of sleep makes everything so much worse mentally and physically. I still wake at 2-3am most nights.  At its worst I tried Ellestre Duet for a couple of weeks which totally ramped up the anxiety so was told to come off. I have had blood tests (all fine except Iron a bit low) but been refused hormone tests. Seen maybe 8 GPs.  Some thing do help (exercise, walks, eating well, Mindfullness, keeping busy, my SAD lamp, having the radio on) and some don't (alcohol, Googling anything health related, moping around the house, being on the computer/phone, junk food, rainy dark days, stress). I have days I am OK ish then days/weeks I feel very down with it. I have not tried ADs yet.  I am doing CBT via the NHS which is the best external assistance I have had. They are helping me form a mental plan for myself to try and keep the anxiety, hence the adrenaline, cortisone, which I think has much to blame for my symptoms.


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2019, 03:25:09 PM »

I've been reading a bit on adrenal fatigue and menopause's quite interesting. Still sifting through everything but what I'm getting out of it so far is that at peri/meno the adrenal glands start to take over hormone production for your ovaries as they produce less. Obviously not to the same level. So if your adrenals are stressed....this of course effects how well they can produce replacement hormones. And the body does use progesterone to make cortisol. 

I wonder if this is the reason why some women seem to have it easy through meno and others struggle....more the health of the adrenals???

Anyone please correct me if I got information wrong...I'm still trying to understand it all and read through what I can. It at least explains many of the other menopause symptoms (besides the hot flushes, etc that seems to be the classic meno symptoms).


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2019, 04:59:39 PM »

Birdy. Can you give me a few pointers on an adrenal friendly diet. I have been doing some reading and can identify. Anything worth a try!
What should you avoid, increase etc.  Also vits/supplements? Worth a try!


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2019, 05:03:22 PM »

That is really interesting on the flushes. I have more of the warm, face turns red kind vs the sweating.

I had problems in my late 20s after the birth of my daughter. I couldn't do much of anything. I'd clean the house and be out for a week. I was constantly exhausted...not tired but absolutely worn down. I do wonder if that is contributing to my early mess of all these hormone issues. Also why progesterone is my friend right now....lots to think about


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Re: Anyone here dealing with CFS and Menopause symtoms?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2019, 06:32:42 AM »

Just read about adrenal fatigue and it finally all makes sense, mainly why hrt for 3 months didn't help at all. It makes complete sense. I had a period of 1 year of being under massive stress which corresponded to when the peri really hit. I now understand why I ended up totally collapsing. Sadly, despite the stress completely gone from my life, I haven't recovered.

I can totally feel these rushes of adrenalin. I put it down to anxiety despite not feeling anxious. I have read that diet and mindfulness is the way forward. I'll start with cutting down sugar.
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