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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Weight loss  (Read 1731 times)


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Weight loss
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:58:08 AM »

Well that's it, I'm now down to 10 stone & that's NOT good,going to the loo more than I should,is that the anxiety?
I've lost half a stone in just under 2 weeks which in turn is causing me more anxiety,talk about a viscous cycle  :-\
Got dr on Monday to discuss my blood tests,apparently my c serum reactive test came back high, I think that's inflammation which could indicate I have a bowel disease rather than IBS which I was diagnosed with 30 odd years ago or could just be my diverticulitis again.Has anyone heard of that blood test?
Woke through the night with a sore tummy like I needed the loo,then the butterelies kicked in,like really badly.this morning I'm nauseous & so anxious about everything.
Does all this get better? I can't go on hrt as three close relatives of mine had breast cancer & I'm just not willing to try it.
Can anyone tell me if there's other medication for anxiety?
Thanks guys,you do really help  :)


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2018, 01:06:14 PM »

Yes, that test detects inflammation in the body. Could be connected to your stomach issues right now.

As for anxiety, antidepressants are prescribed often. Rescue meds like diazepam. Or are you looking for something more natural? Magnesium helps some people. L theanine can be helpful as well for some. It's mildly calming for me but not strong enough. There's others as well.

Also keeping blood sugar levels stable does help but it is a challenge when the last thing you want to do is eat.

Anxiety can affect about every part of your body.


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2018, 01:20:46 PM »

Thanks  BlueButterfly a bit worried about antidepressants etc & I definitely don't want anything that comatoses me but guess I'll Chat to dr.if only it was the sweats again,that I could cope with


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2018, 01:46:22 PM »

I'm with you on the antidepressants. I've been avoiding them for months and for awhile I seemed to have things under control. Then I got a stomach bug which really messed my body up for quite awhile and stopped the birth control pill...and well, now I'm just as bad as ever. Im having some blood tests done and looking at getting on a progestin only pill but I can't find out here in the US that has the progesterone that I handle well.

I have xanax for my anxiety and i've avoided using it as well but I can't keep trying to, I took it last night and will probably do the same tonight and a few more days to see if it helps calm me down at least enough to get back into a good place. It seems my body has been so bombarded with the cortisol/adrenaline from all this anxiety I can't come down from it. Last night was the first time I could relax watching TV with the family and I wasn't constantly having to release my tensed muscles. I sadly might need something, at least until I get my hormones figured out. And I've been told because I have attention deficit disorder (caffeine actually calms me down and relaxes me...I can sleep shortly after drinking it) that antidepressants might not help me and could make me feel I would need to treat the ADD to treat my anxiety. That's a whole other group of side effects I don't want to mess with.


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2018, 03:04:31 PM »

Gosh poor you,it seems never ending doesn't it?
And you're so right when you say you can't come down from it,the adrenaline is the problem I think,always get a rush from it just before a sweat but sometimes it doesn't stop.
Have you heard anything about that cannabis oil?perfectly legal  :o Holland & Barrett sell it,it's supposed to calm you down without the “high”


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2018, 03:27:37 PM »

Yup got some CBD oil but I'm not sure what it was at the tine. When I put it under my tongue my sinuses got very stuffy and pressured but I honestly can't say I didn't have similar feelings sometimes from the anxiety. I have similar things happen with vitamins or even Benadryl sometimes! I think my anxiety was too high at the time. I used a very small dose as well.  I can use it topically without any problems so I don't believe it is an allergy. It might have been the flavoring or something in it.  Im looking at better quality stuff to get but yes, the cost is holding me back.

Yes the adrenaline is hard to come down from for me these days. If I keep busy, constantly moving I don't notice it so much but it is hard to do that. I need some projects.


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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2018, 11:33:13 AM »

Hello jaypo.

BlueButterfly is right, a high  CRP blood test result indicates inflammation and this can make you feel rotten because your body is basically fighting an infection.  You are probably aware that IBS does not cause a high CRP test result so your diverticulitis may be the culprit.

I sympathise with the anxiety aspect of all this. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis eight years ago and although it's well controlled I always panic when my tummy is less than calm.

I'm not using any anti anxiety meds though I do have a stash of diazepam if needed plus I am considering CBD oil. Why mother nature is so cruel to us at this stage in our lives is a mystery!

Wishing you well and let us know how you get on when you see your GP.



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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2018, 02:09:29 PM »

Thanks Kathleen, I'm actually feeling a bit better today,anxiety under control a dr thinks I might have an IBD,just been misdiagnosed all those years ago,my daughter has an IBD not sure if it's crohns or colitis yet,she's on granules to keep it under control & they did ask if I had it as it's usually in the family.It was actually her that told me about that CBD oil as she speaks to a lot of people who have IBD & they all rave about it,maybe you should give it a go.😊