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Author Topic: bleeding on hrt  (Read 1103 times)


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bleeding on hrt
« on: October 07, 2018, 06:23:18 PM »

Hi,i'm new here although i've been reading posts for a couple of years i've never posted and not sure where to post or what to do,sorry. I have been post menopause since age 43,i had my last child at 40,i have been on various hrts until my doctor got quite impatient with me and sent me to a menopause clinic as she couldn't understand why hrt wasn't a miracle cure for me! I started utrogestan oral 100 and estrogel 2 pumps a day both continuous back in January this year but 2 months ago started to bleed quite heavily on and off,i'm now being sent for a scan in 3 weeks and still get bad leg cramps and fell so tired ,i'm beginning to think hrt isn't for me,but suffer from bad uti's and itching and slight low mood and anxiety if i don't take anything and i have tried. I don't really know anyone else in my situation and feel a bit lost with it all,i'm 46 now and feel so old,sorry for the long post but out of desperation i've just plucked up the courage to finally post tonight,any advice would be greatful,thankyou,
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 06:25:38 PM by shell1972 »


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Re: bleeding on hrt
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2018, 09:02:31 PM »

Hi and welcome to mm

I got erratic bleeding with the Oestrogel and Utrogestan regime. Utrogestan also gives quite a strong sedative effect as well, particularly when used on a continuous regime.

Why not try having a Mirena fitted and still use Oestrogel alongside?This should give fewer progesterone side effects and less chance of problematic bleeding. 
You also need some local oestrogen to treat the itchiness and discomfort  - Vagifem is the easiest to use and can be prescribed by your GP. Some vaginal moisturiser is also necessary (SYLK or the YES products are the best and can be bought online).   I would also suggest you get some Multi Gyn Actigel ( buy this online) as this is very good at restoring the flora balance - it will also prevent and treat Bacterial vaginitis and thrush which are often the cause of itching and burning.
Look Under TREATMENTS to see you options for hrt.
DG x


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Re: bleeding on hrt
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2018, 11:52:35 AM »

Thankyou for replying,I never knew you could have the coil instead I will definitely look into that as I think I struggle with progesterone. I have previously used vagifem before and find it helpful but I should have said it's an all over body itch I get,it's so irritating! I also now have a slight prolapse of the bowel and bladder which they think was due to lack of oestrogen and I think this is what has made me feel so low as I felt I was falling apart,this site has been amazing and I've had more help reading what is on these boards than from my doctors who have said they have had very little training on menopause,I feel so guilty feeling like this when I know people have much worse things they suffer with,but thankyou again x


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Re: bleeding on hrt
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2018, 01:25:42 PM »

Hi Shell 1972
I read somewhere (possibly on this site) that anti-histamines can help with the all over itch.
I have just stopped taking mine as the hayfever season is over and my itchy legs came back so I'm going back on the anti-histamines.

Maybe give that a try? I just buy cheap ones from the supermarket, they're a fraction of the price of the branded ones.

Hope it helps  :)


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Re: bleeding on hrt
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2018, 07:58:30 PM »

Thank you both,I'll give that a try,mine also happens on hrt and started in peri menopause x