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Author Topic: Your Favorite "Exercise"???  (Read 6787 times)


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Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« on: September 26, 2018, 09:39:42 PM »

I need some ideas. I know moving and exercise are great for mood but I keep hurting myself it seems! I did some zumba today and had a blast but I now feel like I pulled a muscle in my leg! Seriously, it was a short workout and I don't feel like I did anything really crazy.

I've tried some mild weight lifting, which I LOVE, but I keep ending up with random knots in weird places. Things usually go away in a day or two but I would really like to not hurt myself.

So what do you do to keep moving?

So far walks seem to be something I can handle MOST of the time.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2018, 10:11:59 PM »

It's probably because your not stretching before hand. :o
And your using muscles you don't usually use.
I know it sounds funny, because how many people do you see stretching before
a dance routine? Probably none, but they're probably used to it.
A good warm up 1st is key, then stretch afterwards too. :)

These days all I do is walk, I like it though.
I used to go to the gym regularly, the treadmill and rowing machine were my favourite.
Then onto the weights. I really loved it... ;D
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't super fit, or muscular, just toned with definition.
I'd love to go back, but these days I'm far too  :crutch:


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2018, 11:10:38 PM »

Yes most likely! It's been awhile since I've done much. I used to run, loved the treadmill...but was giving myself stress fractures so stopped to heal and been afraid ever since.

I've lost a lot of weight since everything happened...30+ pounds....I guess over 2 stone would be the equivalent (please correct me if I'm wrong), in 4 months. It's great but terrible at the same time. The anxiety made it terrible to eat and then cutting out sugar and gluten and cutting down on dairy, I've struggled to eat enough it seems. So at least if I exercise, it makes me feel like I have a reason to be losing weight....not to mention the amount of sagging that has shown up!  :o need to get some muscle tone.

I feel like I just need to down a whole pizza myself a few days awake but my digestion would no longer approve of such a thing.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2018, 05:52:49 AM »

You can't beat a long walk every day.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2018, 07:58:24 AM »

I used to love weight training, you definitely need to warm up though, I used to do a few minutes on a bike first then every start every exercise with no additional weights, just the bar or whatever you are using.
It wouldn't hurt to have a regular massage to iron out those knots.

Now I am trying to stick at yoga & walking.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 07:59:59 AM by suziq99 »


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2018, 09:01:08 AM »

I'd love to do yoga.
But I just can't seem to fit in the time to go.
Life's very hectic at the mo.
I used to try and follow Geri Halliwells yoga video years ago. :o
Don't think I'd ever get a body like hers though, lol
But I can always hope.... :'(

Well done on the weight loss, it's good ent it when we achieve something,  ;) :clapping:
and tbh, losing weight is a hard slog, just wish it was the same to put it


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2018, 02:46:31 PM »

I love Tai Chi - despite the slow precise moves it makes me sweat! ;D

Plus it gives you that headspace to de-stress and lose yourself for an hour or so.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2018, 04:42:52 PM »

Sleep ............ ?


I used to swim weekly.
I cycled everywhere from age 7 then we moved here and it's not safe on the busy roads ::)

I used to walk miles every day  :scottie:



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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2018, 06:38:31 PM »

Mine is 'getting up and down off the sofa:.

Only joking. Walking and Tai chi, when I can remember to do it.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2018, 07:24:16 PM »

I need some ideas. I know moving and exercise are great for mood but I keep hurting myself it seems! I did some zumba today and had a blast but I now feel like I pulled a muscle in my leg! Seriously, it was a short workout and I don't feel like I did anything really crazy.

I've tried some mild weight lifting, which I LOVE, but I keep ending up with random knots in weird places. Things usually go away in a day or two but I would really like to not hurt myself.

So what do you do to keep moving?

So far walks seem to be something I can handle MOST of the time.

Yes Zumba is great - if you go to a class then the class will incorporate a proper warm-up and cool down so that should be OK. However if you are taking exercise for the first time for a long time then even with proper stretching you are bound to get aches and pains - after all your muscles are growing! Keep at it - it's brilliant cardio exercise and keeping joints etc mobile.

I also do (Fitness) Pilates which is excellent for mobilising all the muscle group;s and joints in your body as well as balance. If yuo find a good class - I can;t recmooned it highly enough. Again the class will have warm-up and cool down,. Even so - and I;ve been going for several years - I still get aches and pains a couple of days later as each class is different and we are awakening different parts of the body. This will help with muscle tone.

Also make sure you eat sufficient protein if you are taking this sort of exercise - not necessarily carbs and sugar if you are trying to lose weight but build muscle.

In between these sessions - then I do (brisk!) walking which is great (or even proper housework if that's your bag - not mine  ;D ), and gardening too...

Hurdity x


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2018, 07:40:11 PM »

Since my back deciding to really immobilise me in March I have been building up to being able to walk again.  At first it was with trekking poles and what amazed me was how much it helped to tone the upper body but most importantly it had really really started to reduce back fat and the rolls around the waist. I have also been given exercises to do to strengthen my core which is helping the tummy too. So now I can just about manage half an hour without the poles but in the afternoon I walk with them and actually because of the support can walk more quickly too.  I haven't been able to manage inclines yet but it hasn't mattered.  I would really recommend trekking poles and you do see quite a few people using them nowadays so it doesn't look weird


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2018, 03:10:30 PM »

I second that Herdwick, I had a spell of very low iron ( unknown to me at the time) and struggled with any kind of incline. Using the poles made the different between a nice walk or non at all.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2018, 03:23:13 PM »

Whereas I trip over my poles  >:(  ::) and Nordik walking has to be taught so that the poles are used correctly. 



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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2018, 07:57:18 PM »

I love the ideas all, thanks!

Yes warming up is necessary and I try to do that. I just get odd muscle cramps and strain even doing every day things these days. Sewing 2 days ago gave me a knot in my forearm....and not sewing by hand, with the machine and the knot was in my guiding arm.  :o it went away a few hours later.


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Re: Your Favorite "Exercise"???
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2018, 11:21:31 PM »

Everyone - you know that bloke don't you "everyone"  ::)- GP, Consultant, friends, Oracles, husband says - Swimming.  Only problem - I hate swimming pools - hot, humid, small cubicles where gymnastics required to change and smell funny!

I like zumba and or any form of dancing  I tried yoga but my left arm and shoulder are wrecked and I can't "downward dog" with just one arm .... looks like I'm showing off  :lol:  No really - my arms cant take yoga so I gave up.

Consultant Blokey at Pain Clinic swore by swimming and walking - in fact his treatment for everything was to tell us all to walk up and down the swimming pool. Actually it's not as easy as it sounds and very good for your core muscles and calf muscles.  I did try once but it just reminded me why I hate swimming pools!

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