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Author Topic: Fed up!  (Read 2773 times)

Toodle Pips

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Fed up!
« on: September 11, 2018, 12:48:31 PM »

I am 54 and still have regular periods, but things have changed with them, such as they were always irregular, now they are every 28 to 32days, they became really heavy a few years ago but have started to get a bit lighter this year. The reason I am so fed up is that I seem to have peri menopause symptoms but regular periods. Can this be so? I get night sweats, some hot flushes before and during my period. I don't get any before period symptoms anymore, apart from wanting to eat the entire range of chocolate in Tesco. But after my period, like now, I get really low. So it's kind of all topsy turvey. I also seem to have increased digestive problems, ear problems and dizziness. If this is life with regular periods, I dread to think what life will be like when they stop! I only have a few days each month when I feel like me again.

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 01:12:12 PM »

Hi Sparkle, thank you for replying.

I never heard of anyone getting PMS symptoms after their periods, so it's good to know that it's not just me. I suspected at my age that it would be peri menopause but wasn't sure. Naive of me to think that really. I keep praying every month that I will miss a period but it just isn't happening yet.

Fingers crossed that I do start to miss some soon, although as I say, I dread to think what that will bring 😢

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2018, 05:22:12 PM »

Ooh that's good to hear Sparkle. Sometimes I just despair with it all. Have started with erratic sleeping habits over this summer too. Along with jittery mornings, although not every morning and it has improved since I started to take Menopace night. I just dread the thought of years of this 😢

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2018, 07:51:07 PM »

Yes, I don't ever expect to have lie ins until 8am ever again. I can cope with the erratic sleep on the whole, as I do tend to at least last till half four or five now. But I have already done my fair share of waking at two or three am and that's being that for the night.

It's good that things are definitely better for you than they were. I think a lot of us will take comfort in that. Can I ask how old you are Sparkle? And are you post menopause now?

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2018, 05:26:43 AM »

Yes, I think mine all starts way before this summer. I was getting night sweats and palpitations in 2015, and anxiety in 2014. All still with regular periods of course. It would be helpful to know when it will be over. 🤨 as I still have regular periods, I guess I have quite a few years more of it all.

I do wonder if normal sleep patterns will ever return. My cousin went through menopause in her 40s and she is 56 now, doesn't have any menopausal symptoms anymore, but her sleeping pattern is terrible, and has been for years.

Wouldn't it be nice to be one of those ladies who just sail through it all 😏

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2018, 06:43:10 AM »

I am not sure if she has always had bad sleeping habits. She just said that she hasn't slept well for years.

I think my worse symptom is anxiety. Well loss of confidence really.  No longer feeling like me, Being scared to do anything on my own, worrying all the time. Saying that, I am fed up of the dizziness this summer, but the docs think I have ear problems. They may well be right but they aren't doing much to clear it up. Also digestive problems are getting me down and make me feel jittery a lot. It's hard to know if anxiety is causing me to have a bad stomach or if having a bad stomach is making me feel nervous. Oh, and because I still have periods, which were heavy for years, and due to miscarriages, I have iron problems too, and have had for years.

Bet you wish you had never asked lol 😉 x

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2018, 07:06:05 AM »

I have had iron troubles for years. They have been tested recently yes. I was told that I was taking too much, so I stopped, was okay for a couple of weeks until I had a period then I was ill again. So I started to take it again and feel better. In fact, I am not even jittery or down in the dumps these past couple of days. Life has felt pretty much like normal really. 

I know you said you don't take HRT Sparkle, but do you take anything at all to help you along? I always carry a bottle of rescue remedy with me, and some Kalms, just in case. Haven't really needed them for a while either x

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2018, 01:26:36 PM »

You have been through the mill Sparkle. Sorry to hear of all your troubles.

I won be able to take HRT as my dad had a deep vein thrombosis when he was the age I am now, and I just dare not take the risk that it won't happen with me.

Toodle Pips

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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2018, 03:49:16 PM »

I don't know to be honest. I really hate having to take anything at all. I have always been like that. I will only take painkillers as a last resort. I have had blood tests to see if I could be susceptible to clots like my dad was,and the tests came back clear, but it's not a risk I am prepared to take.

I don't mind taking herbal supplements though and am already going down this route to help me through all of this.