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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Insomnia back  (Read 1576 times)


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Insomnia back
« on: September 03, 2018, 06:59:36 AM »

I've had a bad few days sleep and didn't get a wink last night. I don't know how I'll get through all my jobs today and my inlaws are up for the week . My husband is cross with me for keeping him awake. There is nothing lonelier than being up at 3am wide awake and in a panic. Why does this hit up during menopause? I slept like a log for years and never gave it a moments thought.


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2018, 08:14:43 AM »

I'm afraid this is a very common meno symptom and for me is the toughest to cope with. I believe there are various reasons why insomnia is an issue when meno hits, which includes disrupting the hormones to regulate the bodies natural sleep cycle - oestrogen is indeed the fuel that controls so much of our body. When I do sleep, I get horrid vivid dreams that leave me feeling awful the next morning.
I am now in the spare room as my husband adds to the disruption as he comes to bed late when I am either winding myself down or I have just dropped off to sleep so he wakes me, which then means I'm awake for hours. I also have to pee 2-4 times in the night and this disrupts my sleep and my husbands sleep. At least now I have control of my sleep environment and can move around in the bed to get the coolest place. If I know I have a busy day coming up, then I take a Nytol (the one with the antihistamine) which will usually ensure a reasonable night. I do Mindfulness which can help but it is often so difficult to switch the brain off.
You are not alone with this.  When I had had a 3 year break from HRT in my early 50s, I then went back on HRT and the first thing I noticed was the improvement in my sleep. I'm 62 now, stopped HRt 2 years ago as the side effects of progesterone became to troublesome, so I'm just wading through without the oestrogen benefits as best I can.  DG x


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2018, 10:35:50 AM »

I have vivid dreams.  Had 2 last night, woke knackered and have had to alter my plans for the week.

Being cold, hot, hungry, dehydrated can all cause sleep disturbance.


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2018, 01:02:23 PM »

CLDK. You always have good words of wisdom for everyone. You are right there is always a glimmer of learning from the bad times. I had a large glass of wine with my neighbour about two hours before bed and for me (who barely touches the stuff now) that was the trigger for the first bad night. Ditto eating cheese and crackers at 10pm.  I have a good run of weeks then think I can deviate from the ' programme' without consequences. Wrong.... :'(  There are so many wasps here today. One mooching around my feet now.


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2018, 01:06:51 PM »

I love wasps ...... I give ours jars of runny jam and spend ages watching them munching away  ;)

In the early hours ....... no one else about.  Hours seem long.  For years I had the radio on beside the bed  ::).  Fortunately DH sleeps like a log.

How do you feel today?  I used to worry that I wouldn't be able to do my busy job but I was OK!


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2018, 02:22:43 PM »

CLKD. You just made me cry onto my keypad.  No on ever asks how I am. Thanksxxx. You have time for everyone.  I have survived so far given zero sleep last night but inlaws on their way to stay so need to keep stamina up. With a B & B you can't have an off day, there is no let up. I am going to take a sleeping tab for a few days then gradually reduce. I always think I can tough things out without anything, even if it goes against the GP advice, but rarely works out like that. I went and inhaled a wild rose in the garden, so ****ly but the scent is divine. There was a bee in there wiggling his touche around.  A nice moment in an otherwise pants day.


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2018, 02:46:50 PM »

Take time to sniff the roses.  Property didn't sell then it's been difficult across the UK apparently.  You are allowed a night off tha' knows ;-).  I found a couple of sleeping tablets would give me relief, so it didn't worry me as much if I lost a few nights. 

Let your husband deal with his family  ;).  In-laws are that: his, not yours ..........


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Re: Insomnia back
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2018, 05:04:22 PM »

Just wanted to report back that I kicked the bad patch of insomnia into touch and feel so very much better after a week of natural sleep. Took a whole sleeping tablet for 2 nights (Nitrazapam) which took me back into the land of the living then came off them quarter by quarter in six days. I find it just resets my system. I resisted taking sleeping pills for years but I find it impossible to function when anxiety fuelled insomnia kicks in. I have learnt from this site that sometimes you need the meds to help give your mind or body and break and chance to reset.