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Author Topic: Breast pain  (Read 1859 times)


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Breast pain
« on: May 16, 2018, 04:55:50 PM »

So just getting over my second water infection this month fifth one this year  :'( The results came back from the lab so again I'm on nitrofurontion I've also been having Thackeray pain in my noobs for the last three weeks, I discussed both things with my go and he's told me to stop my emirate solo patches for three weeks to see if the breast pain stops and I'm now going to see a urologist in june. Feeling so fed up and down i have to continue with the vagifem until I go back to see my go in three weeks. Just wondering what anyone thinks it can advise. Xx


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2018, 07:57:23 PM »

I think all you can do Juneo is go with your gps advice and try stopping the patches and see if any improvement.How long have you been on hrt as it can take months for the boob pains to settle I still get pains on and off in left boob this seems to be fairly common.
As far as the utis go you seem to be having an awful lot of them in a short space of time,are you sexually active and if so are you peeing and washing straight after sex as sperm is very acidic and can cause inflammation and infection.are you washing after bowel movements as all our bits are too close together and this can cause infections too.
Are you drinking enough water and no caffeine or fizzy stuff or takes months for the bladder to heal after infections and the only way to help it is by doing all these things until it heals and gets strong again.
Sorry I can't offer much more advice than this,these are all the things I do on a daily basis to keep well and it works for me I've had no utis for well over a year but was exactly like you until I found these things worked for me.its a hard slog getting there but I've had no choice as I'm so allergic to the antibiotics and was terrified of getting another “ infection” which of course it wasn't it was V.A.


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2018, 09:28:20 PM »

What is Thackeray pain?


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2018, 09:48:05 PM »

Think it's just a typo Dorothy.x

Ladybird 2

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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2018, 06:40:31 AM »

Good morning
Breasts very painful starting conti patches evorel pms symptoms tearful & femseven blisters from patches - I didnt have problems with sequi!
I am 54 & after 4 years of asking would like to try micronised progesterone & going to gynae Tuesday - can you take it vaginally??
Sure I have heard this is a way more locally so you dont get so many side effects?
(I also have gastritis) stomach inflammation.
Thank you for reading   :)


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2018, 07:11:21 AM »

Hi daisydot
I was having urine infections for three years literally every month, then ended up in our local emergency hospital and had to had to be given a strong dose of antibiotics intravenously then I was eventually sent to a urologist. It showed my use the was right and my bladder wasn't emptying properly. So I had my uretha stretched that was two years ago and I had no infections and the last five months I've had five infections so I am seeing the urologist in june.i do all the things you said wee after sex i have been married for 36 and my husband is very understanding, I have been on her since January the breast pain has become unbearable, I have acid reflux so haven't had fizzy drinks or alcohol for 3 years since I was diagnosed with reflux and I drink decaff. I think that with the combination of the infections and VA i am in a no win situation, Thank you for your advice it is much appreciated x


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2018, 07:32:05 AM »

Hi juneo sorry to hear that you've had quite a time of it haven't you.
In my mind there always has to be a trigger for these infections so something your eating/drinking/using its all tiresome I know but it can be something so simple like a food colouring or bleached toilet tissue, hair shampoos running down from shower when washing hair just simple everyday things we don't relate to this happening.As you know if your bladders not emptying properly that will also leave you prone to infection so maybe try some physio to work on your pelvic floor areas to see if that'll help.If you suffer from acid reflux try fermented foods/drinks to improve your gut yoghurts in smoothies kefir milk is excellent as is sauerkraut,again in my mind it's all related so I try and go through a process of elimination because if your guts not right then nothings right you feel negative and sluggish.try and get hold if dr Michael Mosleys the clever guts diet book you'll like that it really is an eye opener.i got it on amazon.i assume your on vagifem or similar for the V.A.its a nightmare I know but you have to take it one battle at a time and try by elimination we are all the same it's not easy is it,good luck.xx

Ladybird 2

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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2018, 07:37:19 AM »

Hi Juneo,
Have you tried optibac probiotics for women have shown very good results for the bladder?
Wish we could find breast pain releif ::) I imagine it is holding water retention & have tried dandelion tea which helps for bladder also but doesn't seem to have effect on boobs :o


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2018, 07:54:44 AM »

You may find marshmallow root capsules very helpful too ladies it's anti inflammatory and puts a coating or gooey substance on the bladder so that bacteria cannot bind,logic tells me it may also be beneficial for the breast tissues,it's also used in lung and and chest conditions.xx


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Re: Breast pain
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2018, 04:32:13 PM »

Hi daisy dot and ladybird, I will look for the book and will definitely look into both your suggestions, I as to have my bladder lifted 16 years ago as my pelvic floor literally would not workmates i had my fourth child 23 years ago,I have had physio, cones and do my exercises every day but have next to no feeling in my pelvic floor. I am on vagifem, silk, fish oils and b12 and vitamin c and levothyroxine as I have an interactive thyroid. Thanks again xx