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Author Topic: Gastritis?  (Read 27487 times)


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2018, 09:01:06 AM »

Hi all
thanks for the replies.

I have got an NHS appointment for 24/04, so it must depend on the llocal area?  I am lucky and grateful .

Looking at the diagram I can say it is definitely the stomach area (only other thing it could be is the liver, but the burning makes me sure it is stomach) .  I did panic when I saw the salivery glands, as I have had discomfort in exactly these areas.  Anxiety is rubbish isn't it? I am trying to calm myself down by thinking it is just a side effect of the PPI, and if it was something terrible, it would be there all the time, not come and go.

I have had one of my blood tests back, it was normal (sigh of relief).  I need to look up which one it was.  The others wont be in until Friday/

Sparkle, how long have you had your digestive problems? Sorry to hear you suffer too,. Mine is now 2 and a half weeks, and I just want to be better, its making me feel like I will never get better.
Even with the PPI I still have to be very careful with what I eat and drink, nausea never seems very far away .. :'(



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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2018, 09:20:19 AM »

The bills tests they did were:

Amylase (serum)
Full Blood Count
Liver Function tests
Creatine & aelectrolytes

I think the one that came back was the ferritin, but she called it something else.

Jeepers x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2018, 09:39:12 AM »

Oh Jeepers, I feel your pain!   I am on my third bout of this stomach problem in two years.  I am pretty sure it is stress related as each bout has come after a serious period of stress/anxiety.   It appears to last longer each time - almost as if I lose a little bit more of the ability to rationalise each time, and as each 'cure' [like cutting out caffeine/running/yoga/distraction] loses a little of its efficacy -making me lose faith that I will ever get better.

I have a very big work thing tomorrow and have been worried for weeks - hoping that it goes well and I get some calm.   It is the type of thing my sensible/rational self loves, but my anxiety-monster is ruining it for me...


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2018, 04:55:40 PM »

Hi all

Rebel, are you on any meds?  Do they help? I know what you mean.. its been 3 weeks now, and I just have this dread that it will never goo away.

I rang the doctors today, and they said he blood results are back, but the doctor has not yet, reviewed or commented on them, so I have to ring back on Monday.

sparkle, it must be hard ti cope with it for so long.

Jeppers xx


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2018, 06:39:15 AM »

Hi Sparkle

I hope the wedding went well, and you were able to enjoy it.  I don't know which part of the country you are in, but the weather in the Cotswolds was glorious yesterday,

Jeepers xx


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2018, 12:08:46 PM »

Glad you had  a nice time at the wedding Sparkle, even if you couldn't eat the meal. Hopefully the docs will come up with a plan for you soon.

I had the loveliest of days in Sunday.  I went to a new exercise class (new at my gym anyway) called Barre, based on ballet moves, then I had a nice coffee date, that's looking promising  ;). Then I went to meet my new great nephew, who is gorgeous. 

Yesterday, I felt positive for the first time in ages, quite ebullient actually, and felt like I might be on the mend, and I was on top f the anxiety until the pains came at 3pm.  Maybe it was my fault for having tea and biscuits?  I'm still on the omeprazole, which is making it feel  better, but not yet 100%, 

I got all of my blood tests back, and they were all normal , and negative for h.pylori.  I'm not sure if I am supposed to go back to the doctors or just see how things go with the PPI's?  I have been thinking (worrying) about that, and have been considering reducing to 10mg after 2 weeks, then if that's okay, to 10mg every other day after a week.  So I don't just stop suddenly. 

I have today bought myself some coconut water and some ginger and turmeric tea bags to try to steer clear of tea and coffee.  Sugary things seem to be a trigger for me too. 

I really want to kick this into touch.

Still haven't plucked up the courage to use the Vagifem!

Jeepers x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2018, 02:52:59 PM »

Do be aware that long-term use of Omeprazole can cause problems ......... they can alter the gut flora which brings along other issues.  [read Dr James le Fanu's articles in the Telegraph]


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2018, 06:31:58 PM »

Oh CLKD, I am aware, and it is  fueling my anxiety  :'(

that's why I have decided to start cutting down after 2 weeks.  The GP gave me a 28 day course at 20mg, so I thought I would start reducing after 2 weeks. 

I am also drinking Keffir every day, to try to keep my digestive system on the right path.  Its so hard to know what to do for the best.


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2018, 05:11:39 PM »


Yes, that sounds like a good idea.   I don't think it would be easy to get hold of my GP, but through my medical insurance, I have phone access to a GP.   I could ring them up and explain everything, and tell them my proposed plan.

today has been a good day, just a couple of really minor , mild/burning and pain.  So hoping that I am definitely going in the right direction.

I have bought myself some D Lux vit D & K2 spray, as I have not taken my vit D tablets for weeks now.  I have ordered myself some enzymes too :-)

Now, I need to start with the Vagifem!  I nearly did yesterday, but then I read the leaflet.

Jeepers x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2018, 05:45:15 PM »

I read the Vagifem leaflet again earlier this week - it's awful - the same info as you get with systemic HRT - so really not appropriate.  They are basically covering their arses - sorry about the language.

Use the Vagifem Jeepers - it's vital to keep urogenital atrophy at bay and will DO LOTS OF GOOD.
DG x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2018, 06:45:39 PM »

I NEVER read the leaflets 'cos they cover everything from difficult lambing births to un-blocking a loo  ::) ........

USE THE VAGIFEM  ;D ............ my GP prescribed Ovestin which is similar and my symptoms have been controlled.  It was like razor blades up there  :-\  >:( but after 3/4 nights of use, symptoms ease ;-). 


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2018, 05:39:14 PM »


Thanks, I did use the Vagifem last night.  I don't know what I expected to happen/... die in the night? Wake up with flowers sprouting from my vagina??   :lol:
 needless to say, I woke up this morning and nothing had changed!

I spoke to the GP on the phone, and he convinced me to finish the course, so I will persevere.  After a chat, I have stopped drinking hot drinks, as this seemed to be a factor in getting pains.  I have been drinking either tepid , or cold water, except for my Keffir and some coconut water.  Today hasn't been bad, just some ultra mild pain, but no burning, so hopefully going in the right direction.

Other news is that I have an appointment in June at a private meno clinic.  I am really nervous about that, as I really am not sure if I want to go down the HRT route at all..

Jeepers xx


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2018, 05:59:56 PM »

Jeepers - the appointment at the meno clinic will not be about ‘making' you go on HRT - it's a chance for you to have a talk with a specialist in an unhurried way.  Write out all your symptoms and questions, print stuff off from this site to aid discussion and ask them to look at you holistically and give you clear options to consider. Ask them to explain the pros and cons to their suggestions. I find writing things down really stops me feeling nervous or anxious at doctors appointment.  After the appointment you can come to this forum for more objective support if need be.  You are welcome to message me if you want.  DG x


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2018, 08:04:16 PM »

Hi all

Just thought I would update this.

So, I decided to cut to 10mg od Omeprazole yesterday, which I did, and had no problems other than the odd twinge.  Then yesterday, I had to work overnight  and when I got in I slept til 10 am, and completely forgot to take my  PPI.  So, today, I have been PPI free and so far, it is no worse than when I took them.  I am still being careful with my diet, but if this continues I will be really pleased.  Not sure how long before I can be sure I have no "rebound", but fingers crossed. IT wasn't my intention to stop yet, but now I have, I want to see if I can stay off them.

Yesterday, I had my first counselling session, and it went well. I m going to be doing CBT, and I have also been signed up for a mindfullness course, which is great, I feel quite positive that I am doing something about my anxiety.  The course also looks at self esteem and self appreciation, so I think that might help too.

I have seen a chiropractor about my shoulder, and am having treatment for the problem I have in that area too.

So, all in all, feeling better than I have in ages, like I am taking control and doing something.

Oh, and I forgot to take my Vagifem as well after working all night, but hopefully that doesn't matter too much.  I have just realised I am supposed to be doing the replens as well, but I haven't started that yet.

Thanks for all the advice and support, I am so grateful,


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Re: Gastritis?
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2018, 09:23:01 AM »

Good news Jeepers, long may it last!

I am, I hope, also getting a bit better.  Due at GP in a while, new practice to me so am hopeful, although worried about doc ‘finding something', which is starting to turn my stomach.  My major issue now is the bladder ache, but have to admit that it's not an issue when I'm truly distracted.
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