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Author Topic: in dire straits with never ending list  (Read 17814 times)


  • Guest in dire straits with never ending list
« on: November 09, 2017, 09:06:50 AM »

Have been massively struggling.....yesterday and today, just been crying  :'( :'( :'(

1. Hot flushes coming by nearly hourly. It starts at the pit of my stomach, spreads to my chest, neck face and head, finally breaking in to sweat. Face red as a lobster.
2. Heart palpitations, could hear my heart pounding
3. Night sweats, can't get a proper sleep
4. Nauseous, bloating, digestive issues
5. Loss of appetite, turn off by food.
6. Vagina dryness....have resolved this with constant application of moisturiser
7. Skin so dry, it's itchy, painful and scaling....using cream
8. Whenever I sweat, there are rashes
9. Joints aches and pains
10. Low moods / irritated, cranky, sad, crying, scared

Latest additions....started 3 weeks ago, which I have come to a wits end.....

10. Headaches everyday
11. Feeling of dizziness, floating sensation, like off balance, making my nausea worse
12. Anxiety all time high

When all these started, I have seen the dr and I have taken all the exercising, walking everyday, doing yoga, going for therapy, stop taking coffee, look after my diet....still, am back to square one!!!!
Everyday, I am feeling nauseous, dizzy, headache, hot flushes and finally, anxiety..... can't function normally at all. I am so very sad and miserable, just crying at everything!!

Are these symptoms normal or am I the only one??

I really don't know what to do......appreciate if anyone could advise.

Thanks for listening. Bj  :'( :'( :'(



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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2017, 09:24:13 AM »

Hi and welcome

Yes your symptoms are classic menopause symptoms

It's up to you where you go from here, hrt would almost definitely eradicate your physical symptoms x


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2017, 09:36:28 AM »

Thank you Annie0710 for your reply.

My apologies, I forgot to mention that I am a Breast cancer survivor and my oncologist will not put me on HRT. In fact, I am told that I should not take an array of medication or supplements because of containing of oestrogen.
Bottom line is that i can't take anything and what else Can I do?? Just can't cope like this daily..... :'( :'( :'(


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2017, 10:11:17 AM »

Hi bj, I really feel for you. I have every symptom you listed and add chest pain/discomfort. my logical head says its caused by my hiatus hernia but sadly my logical head is hard to find these days.  I tried hrt a few times but with no success. I am now strongly thinking of taking antidepressants just to give my mind and body a rest. I had hysterectomy five years ago and an finding the past year really difficult.  Anxiety is the pits and the dizziness is the worst. Maybe you could take  mild ad just to get you through and give yourself a well deserved rest


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2017, 10:44:16 AM »

It is so difficult when it seems there are no ways to alleviate how you feel.
 At first I was point blank refused hrt due to a oestrogen related DVT, I just couldn't imagine how I could get through this and worried that it would never end. Initially I was put on an AD and although slow to work did take the edge off the doom and despair.
I was lucky eventually my consultant agreed to very low dose hrt but the AD did help me to a place where I could function.
Hope your GP\consultant can help you handle this and we are all here to empathise and reassure


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2017, 10:46:31 AM »

Hello Yammy1....oh dear..... I too feel for you. Missed that on the list....I too have chest pain / tightness and had a CT scan done to chest and heart and All was found alright. The pain and tightness come from my mastectomy area....had a single mastectomy on my left side.
My dr prescribed Alpralozam which I just started 2 days ago, twice a day and was told that to give at least 2 weeks to see the benefits. Otherwise, he will put me on Venlafaxine.
Anxiety is really horrendous and having dizziness, headaches and nausea on top on it ......just can't cope!!
Are you experiencing dizziness daily? What do you do?


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2017, 10:52:28 AM »

Hi - you seem to be doing everything you can.  All you can do is look after the rest of your body and make sure it is working as well as it can.

Do you have enough vitamin D ?  This seems to be something that goes awry in menopause and is worth supplementing (you may need K2 and some magnesium with it).  Levels of around 100 are good. Omega 3s are good too.

For the skin, my husband was prescribed Dermol for deep skin dryness that was not mending well by the dermotologist.  It is £12 from the chemist.  It is a cream that you use for washing (you will need a mat in the shower  :o ) which also helps stop infections - it is used for eczema a lot.  I also use it for my nether regions when I have thrush-like symptoms  ;)

I had night sweats for about 10 - 15 years when I was on the pill (don't ask why I put up with it - it was not until I came off it that I realised it was the cause  ::) ) which stepped up many notches when I got menopausal at 45.  My tips are to: Keep the room and bed a comfortable even temperature (not too hot and not too cold); Keep a glass of water by the bed to replace fluids and help cooling Wear absorbent cotton nightwear, preferably sleeveless so you can stick the appropriate bits out of the bed; change nightwear in the night if necessary - sleeping on a towel can help.  Lots of Laundry  :-X

I would say that it is also a mistake to restrict fluids in the hope of not waking up to go to the loo.  Drink plenty water during the daytime.  This will help get your bladder used to being stretched and urine will be less strong and less irritating.  You are more likely to wake up overheated if you have not drunk enough, as you cannot sweat enough to cool.

Hope this helps.   :foryou:


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2017, 10:56:47 AM »

Thank you, Samade for your kind reply.
My oncologist definitely point blank told me a very firm NO many a times.....even for herbal supplements!!  :'(
Even tried talking to my gynaecologist and he too said it's not advisable!
That's why, I am doing yoga, walking, therapy.....etc, etc,
Lately, when the headaches, dizziness and nausea started, I just don't know how to go about handling my life. I am so exhausted.....feel unwell, can't work, can't even think straight.....
Are these symptoms normal?? Or it's just me??


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2017, 11:06:43 AM »

Oh you poor thing.  I find it so sad when women have fought and beat cancer only to then find out they can't get relief for menopause symptoms.  I'm guessing then your cancer was hormone driven ?

I really don't have any advice, I've heard some anti depressants can help with flushes etc - it's so sad there's not been anything made to help women in your situation

Big hugs and I'm not going to moan about my meno anymore (I hope)



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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2017, 11:18:20 AM »

Thanks a lot dahliagirl for your kind advise and flowers.

Dr just put me on Vitamin D3 and C. Will look in to K2, magnesium and Omega 3....thanks!!

Oh gosh......okay I won't ask why you put up the night sweats that long  :-X
Yes, am doing all you mentioned to handle my night sweats. Am drinking loads of water throughout the day and obviously, the pee breaks are very often!
Currently, using Sebamed for shower, menopausal feminine wash and moisturiser, which does help!

When all my symptoms started, I have been trying my best and so far been handling myself pretty ok.
My meltdown started when my hot flushes are coming by the hour, am nauseous, so straw is having headaches, dizzy and anxiety over the roof. After 3 weeks, I just broke down....I really don't know how to go on like this....

Dont even know if that headaches, dizziness, nausea, anxiety are part of menopause..... :'(



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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2017, 11:27:35 AM »

Yes Annie, my Breast cancer was hormone driven.
Am so daft..... when I was diagnosed, I had a single mastectomy, then went through chemotherapy and now on Tamoxifen.....went through with all the side effects and never for a moment expected to handle further side effects from perimenopause.
I am lucky to be alive and to be able to count my blessings but currently, I feel overwhelmed and lost my coping mechanism  :'( :'( :'(

Ohhhhh.....please don't say that Annie......go ahead......moan, grumble as much ....only now I realise how very bad ...horrible it is going through menopause

Big hugs back.....take care. Bj


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2017, 11:27:58 AM »

I have developed migraines,dizziness,nausea and anxiety too along with many other symptoms. I think it is all menopause related. I'm taking vitamin d, magnesium, vitamin b complex and omega 3 and I do think they help a bit. I hope you find some relief soon.


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2017, 11:37:05 AM »

Thank you Kate for your reply. Ahhhhhh..... you just made me feel that I am not so worried and scared when my headaches, dizziness and nausea started.....thought that it may be something else!!! Sorry that you are on the same boat.

Do you have these symptoms daily?
Other than taking vitamins, how do you cope?



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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2017, 11:56:47 AM »

You are inspirational

Nausea and headaches and dizziness were horrendous for me in peri, and if it makes you feel a little better, I was already on hrt for 13 years and still suffered, but now Post meno these symptoms come and go and I can go weeks without any of them xx


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Re: in dire straits with never ending list
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2017, 12:02:59 PM »

Yes I've had these symptoms daily for probably more than five years but I had no idea it was the menopause. I thought I'd lost my mind and probably those around me did too.

I was given one antidepressant after another but I get awful side effects from them especially on my bowel and bladder.

I'm now in the process of trying hrt but as with all medication I get lots of side effects and am struggling to find a progesterone I can use. I'm so sorry that you aren't even able to try it.

I have felt very out of control during this time and am now trying to take back some of that control by:

educating myself (and my husband😬) using this site
eating healthily
taking the supplements
getting some fresh air and exercise when I can. Thats so difficult because of the anxiety but it definitely helps
Therapy to try and deal with it all

I'm sure other ladies will have far more experience than me. Hopefully they will have other suggestions we can try. I have only posted a couple of times so not really got to grips with it all yet. I've mostly been reading through all the posts and other info.
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