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Author Topic: Overwhelmed with fear.  (Read 16573 times)


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2017, 05:02:55 PM »

You kind of learn to live with it but God forgive you if you do anything different! Payback isn't it xxx


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2017, 05:49:08 PM »

Oh bugger, just starting to feel a bit more able to cope and local news goes and has an ovarian cancer story...  I had the blood test two years ago and really know that all I have is anxiety, but...

But we can't live like that, can we?    I don't even really know what I'm anxious about now, but spend my time scanning for symptoms and then when I find them I obsess.   I bet I haven't taken more than 10 minutes every hour off from worry/fear/what if thoughts.  And that's over a four week period!  No wonder I'm not well!!   I'm exhausted!   It's more time consuming than a full time job!

If you want time off perhaps I could worry for you?  I could set up an agency and we could all put our worrying skills to use by taking on other people's fears!


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2017, 05:56:24 PM »

Haha yes start a worry clinic, that's it half the time it's little things built up to fear.
One good thing is we're not alone 😘💕💕💕


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #63 on: September 12, 2017, 06:33:37 PM »

Oh rebel....during the last few months, I keep getting very uncomfortably bloated and it seems to be just before a bleed then all is OK again but did my mind remind me of that this month? Oh no...naughty little anxiety reminded me that this was a symptom of Ovarian Cancer and so  of course I panicked I had it.  Then along comes a bleed and all is well again. My anxiety does seem to be hightened before a bleed.

Yes have many friends and relatives that have rolled their eyes at my anxiety as if it can be so easily forgotten or tell me I'm mad. I kept it to myself for a very long time and you're correct Yammy, I'm a bubbly character and so being like this is the last thing they expect of me. I don't have any friends with anxiety but I do have family members with it. I do believe it's inherited.

My latest is a few weeks ago at work I heard some ladies in the office talking about high blood pressure and one of them said her mother used to get pain in the top of her head and this was down to high blood pressure. Well of course I've had pain in top of my head since and convinced I  have undiagnosed high blood pressure. And on and on it goes...

Not sure about you all, but I've always had anxiety but only got health anxiety once I had children but I would go back to the previous things I worried about in an instant rather than have health anxiety.  I have read that if you have anxiety it can increase with menopause and mine definitely has. I've never known it so frequent before. It feels like I never get a break from it. Anyway, lets not let the bugger beat us...!


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2017, 07:49:54 PM »

Rebel2, I would be a frequent visitor to your worry clinic, you'd be sick of me lol. Went to local shops an hour or so ago and took a major panic attack, for no apparent reason. I had to take an emergency pill when I got home. I've calmed a bit now but I'm exhausted. Just been on the phone to my sister who pointed out that when my Mam passed seven years ago my panic attacks returned, and as my Dad passed In January she thinks subconsciously this is causing them to return again. I am determined not to let them take over again, some years ago I was house bound for almost two years (shortly after my daughter was born) so it must be hormonal. I'm going to have an early night and try face tomorrow with on a more positive note. Sorry for the long rant x
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 07:55:57 PM by Yammy1 »


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #65 on: September 13, 2017, 08:05:04 AM »

Snooze your so right we must try and not let it take over our lives. It's hard but hopefully everyone get support xxx

That's awful yammy, I do worry if I get one when I'm out as must look like I'm having a heart attack, I just can't breath.
What pills do you take to help xxx


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #66 on: September 13, 2017, 02:42:25 PM »

Lil22 i take xanax, but I break it in half as I feel that's enough to take the edge off. I'm still a bit anxious today but not as bad as yesterday. I posted on another thread that I had started to take evening primrose oil last week, and I don't know if it's  a coincidence but that's when panic attacks reared their ugly head, I can just about cope with feeling anxious but I really don't want to go down the road of sheer panic as I did years ago. I googled evening primrose side effects and it seems a lot of people (including meno women) got severe anxiety while taking this so I stopped today and will see how it goes.will keep you posted x

Suzi Q

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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2017, 03:23:54 PM »

Hi everyone.  Im sorry I keep posting on here with stupid problems that must seem insignificant, but my anxiety is firmly in coontrol and things keep cropping up daily with my health and I am near breaking point.  I wish I knew what to do to help myself.  I have tried hypnotherapy and self hypnosis and mindfulness.  I just cannot shut out the voices......Im starting to wonder if I have some sort of psychosis or something.

I have been having bad acid reflux, that comes and goes but is around all the time at the mo and in spite of taking the dreaded ppis!  Im terrified of that and I also have another piles episode which is not clearing up and is painful, despite using stool softeners and proctosedyl. I am afraid of all the meds, am not supposed to use proctosedyl for more than a week and its a week tomorrow.  I got stung by a bee twice in the last week and the one from last night has swelled my whole foot up and has blistered all across the top of the toe that it stung me stung me underneath, so its pretty weird.  I saw the nurse who gave me antibiotics to take ONLY if the redness moves further up my foot or if i get striations.  In my state I am not the best to decide if I need them or not because I am sure I am going to die from one if not ALL of my health concerns.  I afraid I have cellulitis and afraid to take the abs because last time I had penecillin it started a whole horror story of cystitis kidney infection and months of anxiety.

I feel totally and utterly overwhelmed!  I dont know what way to turn and as some of you will know the climbing the walls anxiety state.  Where does one go from here?  I feel there is not much anyone can do to help me and I dont seem to be able to help myself.  Everything seems catastrophic.  Im so so tired.  Just need to reach out to a few of you who might understand or have made it through the otherside.  xx

Sweetie been there done that and still have relapses.
Go talk to your gp. Your not mad ok xxxxx


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2017, 04:23:28 PM »

Lil22 i take xanax, but I break it in half as I feel that's enough to take the edge off. I'm still a bit anxious today but not as bad as yesterday. I posted on another thread that I had started to take evening primrose oil last week, and I don't know if it's  a coincidence but that's when panic attacks reared their ugly head, I can just about cope with feeling anxious but I really don't want to go down the road of sheer panic as I did years ago. I googled evening primrose side effects and it seems a lot of people (including meno women) got severe anxiety while taking this so I stopped today and will see how it goes.will keep you posted x

Stop googling!! Says me who can't resist. No, seriously, I try to avoid it nowadays. I used to take evening primrose all the time but just got  out of the habit. A lot of women are recommended it but I've never seen anything about it causing anxiety.


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #69 on: September 13, 2017, 05:54:39 PM »

Yammy that's good you have something to take the edge off, I have asked for them in the past but the doctor said no!
It's actually weird but some natural things, vits etc give me side effects, my mum must love me as I buy every vits going and give her 3/4 that I can't take.
Good that you can cut it out though and monitor if it helps.

Snooze I wonder sometimes with google! We all do it yet no we shouldn't. 😂Xxx


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #70 on: September 14, 2017, 12:37:17 PM »

Lil22 I'm the same even with vitamins. I have a press full of miracle cures lol. magnesium, evening primrose oil,  B vits, multi vits, you name it iv'e tried it, but none seem to agree with me :P. My doc will only give me a couple of xanax if I tell her I'm going on hols, and I try keep them for emergencies but my lovely sis in law gave me some a while back so I'm holding onto them for dear life. Surly your doc would prescribe a few just to get you over the really stressful times?


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #71 on: September 14, 2017, 12:45:39 PM »

I also try loads of things in search of the 'magic bullet' that will cure my ills.   But I'm afraid for HA sufferers the cure is in your head, which is the hardest thing of all.   I am constantly 'scanning' my body for my latest ailment, of course I find it - you can find an issue with every part of your body if you concentrate on nothing else!

Try the 4/2 method I devised.   Save all your anxieties until 4pm every day, then get them out and spend no more than 10 minutes on them [you'll find you are often too busy to bother, but tell yourself every time you have a rush of bad thoughts 'go away until 4'].   If after 2 weeks one thing is still an issue, go the doctors.   And stop googling!


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #72 on: September 14, 2017, 01:04:59 PM »

Whilst walking the dogs this morning I decided, that's it, I'm taking control of my life back! Ive had the worst week ever, I feel like I've been absent from everything that's going on around me because I can't stop worrying about my health and I'm totally fed up of it.
Unfortunately by the time I'd finished walking them, I'd called the doctors desperately trying to get another appt (they didn't have any available!) and was in a massive panic about the back ache (between the shoulder blades) that just won't shift. I've come back and once again have been obsessing over whether my eyes have a twinge of yellow. I just help myself, I swear i literally feel like I'm losing the plot and I don't know what to do


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #73 on: September 14, 2017, 01:30:08 PM »

Just to try to reassure you a little...a few years ago I kept getting pain between my shoulder blades when walking..went to Dr and he had a prod then said 'arthritis'. Pain seemed to go after he said that and I rarely get that pain now. One time I was at the Walk In centre with something and I told the nurse I have health anxiety. She told me the thing I was there about (think it was something to do with my ears) was nothing and i said 'why do I keep getting that pain' and she said because your anxiety is letting you fixate on it. Went home, pain went! I truly believe our minds are that powerful, we can make ourselves have all sorts of aches and pains. I do not have a cure for HA. I just plod on with it taking the good days with the bad.
If you are tense a lot with your worries it could be creating tension in your neck and shoulder area making you experience the pain between the shoulders.
Try to distract yourself and keep busy..this seems to work for me.


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #74 on: September 14, 2017, 01:52:09 PM »

Just to try to reassure you a little...a few years ago I kept getting pain between my shoulder blades when walking..went to Dr and he had a prod then said 'arthritis'. Pain seemed to go after he said that and I rarely get that pain now. One time I was at the Walk In centre with something and I told the nurse I have health anxiety. She told me the thing I was there about (think it was something to do with my ears) was nothing and i said 'why do I keep getting that pain' and she said because your anxiety is letting you fixate on it. Went home, pain went! I truly believe our minds are that powerful, we can make ourselves have all sorts of aches and pains. I do not have a cure for HA. I just plod on with it taking the good days with the bad.
If you are tense a lot with your worries it could be creating tension in your neck and shoulder area making you experience the pain between the shoulders.
Try to distract yourself and keep busy..this seems to work for me.
Thank you Snooze. I should know all that, I've been in this position SO many times over the last few years, every time it turns out to be nothing and I promise myself never again, yet here I am 😭!!
I'm so disappointed in myself as I'd been doing really well up until a few months also, since then it's been one thing after another. I have had CBT so have all the tools to stop myself but the blind panic just takes over. I feel like running away from everything, it's just too much x
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