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Author Topic: Heart palpitations  (Read 8278 times)


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Heart palpitations
« on: June 14, 2017, 08:23:21 AM »

Hi ladies
I'm on a low dose hrt but I suffer a feeling of unease and a racing funny feeling in my heart. It's been going on 6 months now. I've been trying all relaxation things and supplements. Any ideas?

Suzi Q

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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 09:09:56 AM »

See GP it could be the hrt your on doesnt agree.
Also beta blocas can sort the heebie jeebies out.
Make an appt ok xxxx


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2017, 10:06:29 AM »

did the palps only start when you started hrt? i get them from time to time but i'm convinced they're hormonal and due to meno. I have tried hrt three times and each time I felt worse,  more anxious so i'm taking a break for a while and maybe try a different type in the future. I was on estradot patch. but palps are a meno symptom

Suzi Q

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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2017, 11:40:19 AM »

did the palps only start when you started hrt? i get them from time to time but i'm convinced they're hormonal and due to meno. I have tried hrt three times and each time I felt worse,  more anxious so i'm taking a break for a while and maybe try a different type in the future. I was on estradot patch. but palps are a meno symptom

Yes they are and can be ongoing due to ( i hate the word stress) but day to day anxiety.
Mine started when i was 28 when i came to ozz put 9n indieral lasted few weeks gone.
10 years later they came back one Saturday morning totally out of the blue tests everything ok put back on inderal for a couple of months it went.
About 6 years ago it camr back the skippies as i call them. Always well almost in bad times i now can control it i take 1/3 of a pill morning and even8ng for a couple of weeks
Although 8m 9ver 22 years post meno i still get periods for no reason of hot flushes.
Same withskippies. I never took hrt only mini pill that was months AFTER my last period
Plus creams . Idt it ever goes but imo we know our body better than anyone xxx


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2017, 12:57:03 PM »

Hi, Michelle!

I get this on no HRT at all - and I have no ovaries! I'm starting again on a low dose patch, and they are still there (early days) but maybe slightly less.

I think maybe you may need to go up in dose. Our needs can change as we progress further into menopause and estrogen levels decline further (if in natural meno., like yourself). xxxxx



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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2017, 07:53:06 PM »

Hi Michelle I just read your post. I'm 63yrs and been post menopausal for 4years. The hot flushes and night sweats were awful but the worst thing was the palpitations. I've had ecg's and nothing has shown up. On April the 2nd my doctor put me on Evoril Conti patches. I just put on half a patch for the first six weeks then she told me to go up to full patch. Last week I went down to the nurse because my heart was racing. I'd woken up during the night with it and it continued most of the next day. I was given another ecg and it showed that my heart was going very fast. She said it should settle down and gave me some beta blockers to take ( which I didn't ) 😬. She said to continue with the patches 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Then...last night I changed my patch before bedtime and fell asleep only to wake an hour later with a racing heart and feeling really wired like I had been drinking tons of black coffee!! I also had to run to the loo because my bowels were really jittery? I was wide awake and didn't get back to sleep.
I'm at my wits end as to what to do. Should I go back to half a patch or come off it or what?!?!
How have you been? Are you still on HRT?  Thank goodness for this forum. I have only posted once but I often come on just to see if anyones having the same experience. If anyone out there can give advice I would be very grateful. Carol. 😩


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2017, 08:18:06 PM »

Carol I've been diagnosed twice now with arrythmia BUT if I take higher doses of oestrogen my heart races ridiculously , I haven't drank caffeine since the first diagnosis @ 2006


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2017, 08:30:07 PM »

I've had this too...and I'm on HRT.

I would suggest getting it checked out, it's not good to put everything down to meno.
I had a 24hr monitor and although it picked up literally hundreds of "flutters" I was told everything was fine.
Someone else on the forum....sorry can't remember who....was told they are horrible but harmless.

Magnesium spray used each morning helped mine and although I still get them when I'm stressed they have reduced to a few a day rather than the hundreds that I had previously.

I would speak to your GP and get things checked but it is is a very common meno symptom.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2017, 07:19:50 PM »

Michelle46 - remind us what sort of HRT you are taking and how long, where in menopause etc? It could be the dose is too low, or the progestogen doesn't agree with you, or your own cycle is kicking in - or you have some irregularity (unlikely) - but always worth getting heart things checked out to put your mind at rest. I get occasional palpitations and last winter I had some weird "funny turns" where I woke up with thumping fast heart rate and high blood pressure but went to the doc and couldn't find anything wrong.

Let us know how you feel and if you sought medical advice?

Hurdity x


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2017, 07:26:03 PM »

Beta blockers have also helped me.

Just a thought.


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2017, 06:43:22 AM »

I have a fast heartrate most of the time, doc gave me beta blockers (Inderal) but I only take 10mg at night. I wonder if this needs to be increased? My blood pressure can be low sometimes so a bit scared to up dose, but 10 mgs doesn't seem to be helping. I went out for meal the other evening with hubby and after I ate had a couple of drinks and heartrate went through the roof, anyone else find if they eat a big meal and have a few drinks heart starts going crazy? I thought I was nice and relaxed lol


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2017, 07:29:46 PM »

I found cutting out sugar, spuds, rice pasta and bread works for me. If I drop of the wagon ( like the other night when I had fish and chips ) then its back and wakes me in the night.



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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2017, 10:26:44 AM »

I had these wretched things for several years, starting in peri.  The episodes lasted for a hour or so at a time, on & off day & night.  Felt very scary, as there often seemed an extra long gap before the beat resumed, giving the unnerving impression the heart was never going to start up again!  Sometimes the sensation of irregularity came with flushes and night sweats, sometimes apparently out of the blue, often when resting or waking me from sleep.  Sometimes the heart seemed to be racing with the irregularity, but often the pace was unchanged. 

Had several ecgs, treadmill test, ultrasound & a 24-hr holter monitor, which confirmed they were harmless ectopics.  Good to know, but it doesn't entirely take away the anxiety they naturally induce.  Beta blockers didn't stop them, but did blunt the sensation of each beat.

The ectopics continued to some extent right up till I began HRT, 3 years post-meno, then stopped to my great relief, though this also coincided with a change to thyroid medication, which muddied the waters a bit.  They returned twice, after changes of HRT regime, which seems to confirm that for me at least, they are probably due to gynae hormone disturbance. 

As already mentioned in this thread, they are notorious as a menopause symptom & a gynae who'd previously worked in Cardiology, once told me many women had presented at the clinic with palpitations, for whom no abnormality could be found, but they were all menopausal.  The most reassuring thing I've heard about them - pity it didn't come till way post-meno, long after I'd had to learn to live with them! 

If any of you are having them for the first time & have not yet had them checked out, it might be wise to do this - they are almost certainly nothing to worry about, but HRT regimes or other meds might need tweaking, or there might just be something else going on (eg an undiagnosed thyroid condition) that once identified & treated, could quickly resolve them.  Hope there's something reassuring in this - I know how unpleasant & worrying they can be!


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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2017, 09:56:32 AM »


Sorry to hear you're suffering.  This meno is a real pain isn't it?

I too used to get palps and racing heart in the middle of the night and I also cut out carbs and it seemed to stop. 

Like Sooby if I treat myself to carbs with a meal it all starts up again.

Hope you manage to get yours sorted as it is such a pain and very frightening when you feel your heart going bananas.

Shazzie x


Suzi Q

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Re: Heart palpitations
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2017, 09:42:17 AM »

Hi ladies
I'm on a low dose hrt but I suffer a feeling of unease and a racing funny feeling in my heart. It's been going on 6 months now. I've been trying all relaxation things and supplements. Any ideas?

I had that GP gave me Beta blocas to settle me down they worked great x