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Author Topic: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !  (Read 6619 times)


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Hi all,
Iam 44 married with 4 kids  I've been getting hot flashes and some mild adult ance outbreaks too :-\ so I went to my gp had blood tests and she has prescribed me rigevedon a combined contraceptive pill coz she said it will cover me for contraception as well and that it works same as hrt.  However I've just googled the name rigevidon and it's got loads of neg reviews!! I haven't started it yet coz Ian kind of scared by reviews saying it's deadly and can cause fatal blood clots! Is anyone else here been given the same as me?  She told me the risks are very low and said coz I don't smoke, and Iam not over weight or with a history of cancer and blood clots in my family that I should be fine. But so many reviews are negative to the extent they want to abolish it alltogether! Then why have I been prescribed it? And why has she said it's safe? My main concern is these acne outbreaks irregular cycle and hot flashes!
So I thought I would be going on hrt or something coz I heard it helps skin and hair and can keep skin clear from outbreaks. Need some serious advice coz Ian so hesitant to take this rigevidon 😕 


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2017, 07:36:17 AM »

Hi Kate75


I don't really know much about the different types of CCP but the warnings you read about are listed on all of them. If the doctor says you are at low risk - and you are otherwise healthy ie not overweight, healthy diet, don't smoke, limit alcohol, plenty of exercise, no genetic pre-disposition - then it's fine to try it.

However that being said there is a newer CCP called QLAIRA (and another called ZOELY)  which are ideal for women in your position ie beginning to get menopausal symptoms, under 50 and still needing contraception. These are much much gentler because they contain estradiol, the same oestrogen as in HRT, and it is the strong synthetic oestrogens of most of the CCP types that can give increased risk of clots and stroke etc in susceptible women.

There is more information about QLAIRA here (scroll down) so I would suggest going back to your doc and asking for one of these two types - don't be fobbed off if you do want to try them and she hasn't come across them - explain why you want to try it (if you decide this).

What did your blood tests show and what has your cycle been like recently - have they been irregular, short/long periods or what?

Let us know what you decide.

Hurdity x


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2017, 01:40:47 PM »

Hello !
Thank you for your reply which Ian really greatful for. It was actually the nurse who prescribed this at the surgery.  Well I've been having irregular periods sometimes with a mini one a week after initial one and so on then sometimes 6 weeks or more later and so on. Blood results showed iam menopausal and hormones imbalanced too. Been getting hot sweats and awful skin :-\ really oily and a bit spotty rather like my puberty days! I wanted something to help with the acne break outs too as Well as the other symptoms.  If i ask my Gp will they know this type of CCP? I certainly don't want to go on this regivedon stuff ! How could they prescribe me it if it's so dangerous to health!!! Thanks for this advice and I will book in next week to see the doc.
Will update.
Kate xx


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2017, 04:39:20 PM »

The combined pill you've been prescribed can often be a simpler way of controlling your cycle rather than just adding in what is missing in the form of low dose HRT.

Why not give it a go and see how you feel, the first week or so you might feel a bit worse but let it settle and see how you go and then you can tell your GP if any side effects to try something else if not.

I found the (right) pill gave me 20 years of feeling much better with than without it, as my own hormones have always been too imbalanced.


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2017, 08:25:30 PM »

Hi Kate75

It is not dangerous to health! They could not prescribe it if it was! However many medication come with increased risk of some conditions and depending of course on the individual. The warnings always have to be put on there - I mean you wouldn't take anything if you worried about the side effects - even aspirin has scary sounding side effects I'm sure.

However if you don't like the sound of it - and it is all synthetic - do ask for either Qlaira or Zoely which will also control your cycle, but do the job of HRT as well. Even if your doc has not heard of them - print out any info you can find - they are both licensed, and be certain about why you want to try one as opposed to the CCP.  Yes go to the doc rather than the nurse.

Not sure what's causing the spots - some women do get these at the time of menopause. Sorry I can't help here.

Let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2017, 06:37:26 PM »

Hi dangerous!
Thanks for your reply. May I ask what pill you have been on all this time? I have decided to start the rigevidon so took the first pill this morning!! 🤗Ian still kinda worried though.  I called my gp and they assured me that it's got the right balance in it for my hormone problem and that it wouldn't be prescribed if it were that dangerous erg.. . So I don't know what to think now 🙃. Ian giving it a shot coz it looks like they all carry similar risks anyway. Just wondering when I will see some visible results any idea?? I hope it does work coz Ian so p*** off right now.  scared too of getting old coz I don't feel it but my hormones are telling me different😕. Wish me luck on this stuff coz Iam going to need it!!


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2017, 09:55:48 PM »

I'm not dangerous either  ;D

I was on Brevinor after trying a few others and it suited me for many years. I also went back in it briefly when I hit early peri and also used Loestrin as the progesterone Norethisterone suited me but I wanted a lower dose of oestrogen.

Good luck, think it takes a couple of weeks to properly feel the benefits!


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2017, 12:40:46 AM »

I've been on this rigevidon 2 days but Ian thinking to come off already!! I've actually read that hrt is safer coz it's in lower estrogen doses!! Also Iam over 40 and at a higher risk apparently so Ian sooo not comfortable. I want to ask the gp to give me the hrt patch instead and my husband is agreeing to use condoms for now too. Will I be effected if I have consumed 2 already in my system??? Ian seriously terrified of dying on this !! God Iam so confused  :-\


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2017, 12:30:38 PM »

Hi rigevedon is the same as microgynon and ovranette.  It is the pill that is usually prescribed first (a bit like Elleste with HRT) and is usually fairly well tolerated and a good fit for most people.  It has levenorgestrel which is one of the older progestogens, but it is considered to pretty safe and has a good track record. (It is also used in some HRT and in Mirena which can be used for the progestogen part of hrt as well as contraception)

I was on Femodene for many years.  This has a different progestogen known as a 'third generation' progestogen.  It is also more 'oestrogenic'.  I found it better as I had less of a spot problem, but I think it did kill my libido off when I look back.   This is the sort of pill that has had bad press in recent years (especially the more 'oestrogenic' ones like celeste and yasmin which were really good if you had permanent spots and a few other things) - after that scare, a lot more doctors went back to prescribing microgynon and its friends as a first line.

I found that it did hide lots of symptoms of menopause but not the night sweats (which I think, in this case, was to do with the high progestogen content raising basal body temperature) and not the vaginal dryness/itcing/pube moulting/bladder symptoms.

I would give it a go a bit longer - I am sure the first few days are a bit  :o but it should settle down within the first month and at the end of the first 3 months you should know if it suits you, or if you would like to try another sort.

I don't thing the actual oestrogen content is quite as high as the impression you get from reading scary things.  In the old days it was high, but in the 1980s the oestrogen content was reduced a lot (usually 30 whatevers, as opposed to 40/50 in the old days) but a lot of articles in magazines still seem to talk as if it is the old number!!  It is a different type of oestrogen to HRT because its primary purpose is to work with the progestogen to stop ovulation (and production of your own hormones) so it works more strongly in some ways.

If you decide to try another sort, ask about the new ones containing estrodiol that Hurdity mentioned - these are supposed to be designed with menopause in mind and are the same sort as HRT contains.

In my experience of hormonal stuff, there is not a perfect fit - just the one that suits you best.  There will be some things you put up with because you benefit from the other things it does.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 12:34:10 PM by dahliagirl »


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2017, 12:50:48 PM »

You could Google any pharmaceutical drug you choose - even those available freely a the supermarket without a prescription or even a consult with a pharmacist (paracetamol, etc) - and find terrifying 'reviews' and stories of adverse reactions.  Google is a dangerous place - stick to what your medical professionals tell you.  You really would not have been prescribed this pill if you were considered to be at risk of developing complications.

Remember also that 'reviews' etc on-line are always skewed towards the negative because of human nature - if something works exactly as it should, so well in fact that you forget it's there, you are not very likely to go on-line and shout about how fab it is!  But if it doesn't work as expected, you're far more likely to check out the internet, find other people posting negative comments and join in.  Misery loves company!

Have a chat with your GP or prescribing nurse about the possible side-effects of your pill, reassure yourself that you know any warning signs to be aware of, then take it as directed and give it chance to work ... and you are more than likely going to get the outcome you want (because, despite what you read on-line, most people do).


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Re: Help I've been prescribed combined pill for menopausal symptoms !
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2017, 01:48:52 PM »

Hi scamp,
Wow thanks for your lon g reply and reassurance. Found your advice a real comfort as I've been freaking out since the day I  googled them! Yes I guess your right I shouldn't keep googling and reading all the horror stories it's just making me worse and I don't need that right now. Yeh Iam gonna keep on them for at least the first 3 months. I just hope they help my skin. I don't have big acne spots more like loads of oily kind of sebum making my skin discolered, blotchy and lots of black heads and little white heads mixed in. My hair is dry bristle and at the same time oily. This is almost similar to my puberty years when I did have oily mild acne type skin. Now history is repeating itself :'( get some good days but mostly it's blotchy red and oily . Fingers crossed and I will keep updating here. Thanks all. XXX