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Author Topic: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..  (Read 14596 times)


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Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« on: May 02, 2017, 08:31:12 PM »

Hi everyone

I'm having loads of weird symptoms and beginning to wonder, as is my general doctor, whether this is peri menopause.

Here's the thing.  I'm not getting hot at all, no hot flush, but I'm getting other symptoms that involve my heart and sensations of surges, etc, so wondered if I shared them here whether you could give me your thoughts/experiences.

*  I'm getting many more skipped heartbeats than I used to
*  I've had the odd racing heart
*  I've been getting red flushed and burning skin on my face (but don't otherwise feel hot)
*  I get the weirdest episode that's hard to describe, like a blow torch in my chest being turned up high, like some kind of energy surge running up through my chest, my neck, feeling like both carotid areas in the neck are being squeezed, but no pain, just a sensation (this latter one comes around the time of my period)
*  Unexpected palpitations sometimes if I eat sugar, especially on an empty stomach
*  I had one delayed period recently and then a 17 day period (its usually only 2 days)
*  Recently I've had a crawling feeling, or like a balloon is being slowly inflated inside my chest, rising up through my neck, it's lasts 3 seconds.
*  Today while sat talking with people I suddenly had a very 'active' feeling in the chest, I can't explain it really as my heart wasn't going fast, but it was like something was 'going to happen' in my chest, and I was just about to brace myself to 'face it' and it was gone and again, lasted about 3 seconds

Does anyone recognise any of these symptoms?  I've had 3 normal ecg's recently.  5 years ago I had a normal basic stress test, normal holter monitor and event monitor of my heart.  My blood count is normal.  BP is normal.  Cholesterol always been low.  Also, I can walk uphill fast and enjoy being active and it never triggers these symptoms, they always occur when sat down at home, or before eating or during/after eating.

I am pretty freaked out about these symptoms because I lost my dad to a heart attack and I was there when it happened and I have been diagnosed with ptsd (but the event was 8 years ago and I have coped in a fashion since then).  That said, I know these symptoms are not caused by anxiety.  But I agree that I am anxious about them when they happen.  I can see that the last symptom I listed sounds like anxiety but I swear it's a new symptom and was very real and I wasn't in the least bit anxious when it happened.

The energy surge feeling, I've heard that could be related to peri menopause, so thought I'd ask you all what you thought.  Thanks so much for reading and please feel free to say whatever you think.  I'm 47 by the way.  :-)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 08:41:11 PM by Rosanna »


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2017, 09:45:47 PM »

Hi Rosanna-  :welcomemm:

If you read some of the threads on here you'll get the gist that all you describe can be attributable to peri/ menopause symptoms. They can be seemingly unrelated and scary but generally speaking they are all caused by hormonal fluctuations/ surges. I've experienced everything that you have described and they can make you feel very unwell and anxious. So, as long as your GP is happy that there is nothing else amiss, it's your hormones!
Talk to your doc, have a browse on here and decide what if any treatment you need. Let us know how you get on x


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2017, 10:12:28 PM »


If it is it's far worse physically than I ever thought it would be, and in some ways I wish I'd have a hot flush because someone said they're 'worth their weight in gold' for your health.  I'm not sure how, but I wonder if they'd lower the other symptoms.

Wishful thinking perhaps, lol.

Another symptom I get is excessive thirst at certain times of the month, but I have been checked for diabetes and don't have it.....ho


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2017, 10:29:53 PM »


Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful.  Prior to my monthly bleed I would have intense thirst, to the point of eating celery which Mum kept in the fridge in a glass of water  ::).  Once the bleed began the thirst would abate.



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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2017, 10:32:41 PM »

As long as you've been checked over (like you have) and nothing showed up they probably are down to menopause

I have arrhythmia and it's been worse through meno, sometimes a short quick cough can regulate the heart as can bearing down as if to push a baby out

They're not nice at all but knowing your heart is fine certainly helps matters


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2017, 11:17:17 PM »

Once the bleed began the thirst would abate.

I am very familiar with this! lol.  I don't really mind this symptom though.  It's predictable at least....although the thirst is ridiculous sometimes.   ;D


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2017, 11:22:49 PM »

As long as you've been checked over (like you have) and nothing showed up they probably are down to menopause

I have arrhythmia and it's been worse through meno, sometimes a short quick cough can regulate the heart as can bearing down as if to push a baby out

They're not nice at all but knowing your heart is fine certainly helps matters

Thanks.  I recently saw a cardiologist and he said there's no red flags re the heart symptoms, but to reassure me further and rule out anything he suggested an echocardiogram.  This would show if the structure of the heart is normal.  But my GP says that further testing will just increase my anxiety (i witnessed the death of my dad due to a heart attack, not arrythmia though but my emotional brain can't tell the difference, it's not logical) i'm wondering about it.

I can't believe these symptoms are not a heart problem, even though palpitations, etc, happen in menopause and peri menopause.

The 'surging' feeling is very weird and nothing works to get rid of it, have to wait it out.  it goes usually after 30 mins.

Annie i just saw you mention in another thread that you can't have beta blockers due to asthma.  I couldn't have them either until my doctor tried Bisoprolol, which apparently has less effect on asthma, and I'm totally fine with them, they don't trigger it at all.  Just thought I'd mention that because at the time you discussed this it might not have been an option  :-)  (by the way the Bisoprolol does usually work, for me it's just the last 8 weeks since my hormones went out of control that I've been getting heart symptoms again.  I could increase the dose but I'm trying hard not to)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 11:30:31 PM by Rosanna »


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2017, 11:45:12 PM »

Ooh that's interesting, thank you.  I don't know much about them but a member here also said because I carry epipens for anaphylaxis that beta blockers are a big no as they cancel out the work the epipens give and no dr would prescribe them.  Worrying really as I've only been told it's because of asthma and so I could've potentially been taking them without realising the epipen bit

I know what you mean about your dad (and sorry for your loss) , my dad died from cardiac arrest and when my palps flared up again I did worry.  I had the 24hr monitor and because it picked up the arrythmia they did the scan and exercise test but those were normal


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2017, 09:20:20 PM »

Burning face and skipping heart tonight....and I've blitzed the house.  WTF.

Doctor has offered me Femoston to try for a month.  Anyone tried this?  Did it make you feel better?


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2017, 09:27:06 PM »

Annie, I'm sorry to hear about your loss too.  I thought I'd replied to you last night but I was having trouble with my mobile wifi device. 

I once had an allergic reaction that was severe and so carry an epi pen, but it wasn't full on anaphylaxis.  When I asked my doctor about this in relation to the beta blocker, he again didn't seem worried, but I suppose it's a matter of degree.  I didn't actually have a full on anaphylaxis, just a rather severe allergic reaction and it was years before.  don't know if that helps.  :-)


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2017, 09:36:36 PM »

If you put the product into the 'search' box on here it should show any threads.


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2017, 09:46:34 PM »

Annie, I'm sorry to hear about your loss too.  I thought I'd replied to you last night but I was having trouble with my mobile wifi device. 

I once had an allergic reaction that was severe and so carry an epi pen, but it wasn't full on anaphylaxis.  When I asked my doctor about this in relation to the beta blocker, he again didn't seem worried, but I suppose it's a matter of degree.  I didn't actually have a full on anaphylaxis, just a rather severe allergic reaction and it was years before.  don't know if that helps.  :-)

I have full anaphylaxis unfortunately, and each one I get are getting faster reacting and more severe.  I had a blood test too and they categorised it at the highest level so I don't think any dr would risk it. 


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2017, 10:37:45 PM »

Oh I'm really sorry you had that.  I worry that my mum is developing something, she's very allergic to penicillin and once the doctor gave her amoxycillin by mistake and she was itching all over....luckily that was the extent of it, but I've seen full anaphylaxis in a child with a bee sting.  Glad you have your epi pen and that you're aware of the condition and hope you don't need to use it anymore.


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2017, 10:59:40 PM »

I'm allergic to penicillin too

I've actually never used my epipens (I carry 2 as they've told me I'm high risk of another anaphylaxis soon after the first) I get straight to A&e each time where they jab me plus steroids.  They've drummed it into me so many times to jab myself then get to A&E and I honestly can't explain why I don't use them, fear I guess or unsure whether it's proper anaphylaxis even though they say it is


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Re: Is this Peri Menopause? Can you help me look at this..
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2017, 12:25:46 AM »

I can understand that, I would be reluctant.  Perhaps you just didn't feel you needed to use it enough with the associated risk and concern involved.

I have another question about ectopics, why, when sugar has only just passed my lips, within 30 seconds there's an ectopic?  Not every time, usually at certain times of the month....but can it really affect the heart that quickly!
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