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Author Topic: 'Over Tired', Anyone?  (Read 10928 times)


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'Over Tired', Anyone?
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:41:06 PM »

Hello ladies.

I wonder if this subject rings a bell with anyone?

I've been fiddling with my HRT again and I'll be seeing a private Gynae next week for an in depth chat. Now whether it was the result of the fiddling, a muggy night or just coincidence but last night I hardly slept. I woke several times hot and bothered and today I feel wired and tired,  basically  on edge but can't relax. I've felt like this before so I wonder if my sleep isn't as good as I thought it was and just because I don't normally wake up that doesn't mean I've had a restful nights sleep, I may have tossed and turned and just not realised it.

All this reminded me of when the children were young and they would get 'over tired'. In other words in need of a sleep but too irritable to relax. I wonder if something similar is happening to us and causes some of our waking anxiety and depression.

Does this resonate with anyone and if so any solutions?  Or is it just early nights all round?

Take care all.



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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 05:35:14 PM »

I have had 3 bad nights due to the hotter, more muggy, weather - I've never been good with humidity. I had a easy day at work today so I'm now shattered. 
I have now accepted that I will never sleep the way I used to - I think as we age it becomes more difficult to sleep generally. DG x


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2016, 05:41:14 PM »

Very interesting. That does resonate. I was wired and tired for months before hrt, now I'm plain tired.  ;D I would think it is similar as you can read about adrenaline rushes and the theory of adrenal fatigue in menopause. My kids seem to wind themselves up when they don't get to sleep at the right time, and it can take days to get them on schedule again and lose the irritability. I wonder if it is adrenaline fueling the mind and wearing us out. Solutions? Perhaps extended midlife vacations should become the norm?


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2016, 06:16:32 PM »

You altered your dosage ………  :-\

I have been too tired to sleep.  Then I get panicky about not getting to sleep at all but eventually I drop off.

Apparently we are in for some muggy weather  ::)


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2016, 01:28:21 AM »

Yes, I very much understand this.  Insomnia is a great burden for women in menopause, being tired but unable to get quality sleep. I personally get very overtired, constantly worrying, the anxiety business has been totally dreadful, experiencing feelings of apprehension, loss of confidence due to the hormonal changes.  I am in awe that we manage as well as we do whilst feeling like this and some of us have a lot of stress issues relating to family, partners, money problems etc.  When I get overtired it is then that the crying bit kicks in, again hormones.  As said before, we are being short changed on advice and assistance in many cases but the NHS seems to be under the cosh at the moment and I am concerned that things may get worse!



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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2016, 01:10:38 AM »

When I was a menstruating, I had no idea what the drop in hormones could do to a woman. I  dont know if we should be better educated or if it would just scare the hell out of us! I am digressing from this thread a bit but the ovaries gradually packing up can cause such major symptoms both mental and physical.  I can feel that my ovaries are becoming less and less responsive to FSH and that affects my body and mind in so many negative ways.



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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2016, 08:32:33 AM »

Hello ladies.

Thank you all for your replies.

I think in addition to the over tiedness, just feeling so awful every day has a depressant effect!

I generally only begin to feel near normal towards the end of the day and that has become very wearing. Knowing it's ' only' hormones is small comfort when you basically feel ill most of the time!

I was going to go to bed early last night but ended up being engrossed in a film so clearly more self discipline is required.

Oh well, onwards and upwards ladies and thank you all once again for your comments.

Wishing everyone a good day.



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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2016, 12:39:57 PM »

Yup - if I get over-tired, my anxiety kicks in which does nothing to improve anything. Very annoying!


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2016, 06:44:52 PM »

Sleep can obviously be affected by our hormones, it's a very common symptom of menopause and peri.

However, it's also very open to habitual patterns that can set in once you've had sleepless nights for a while and where you start to focus too much on trying to force sleep. This will never work as sleep is a natural state that is triggered by relaxation, darkness, a calm mind etc.

If you have insomnia but can fall asleep in front of the TV then this will show you it is possible with the right mind state. Watching something not too overstmilulating on a bedroom TV, reading or slowing down your inner dialogue to a boring and dull rhythm are ways to distract you from a lively mind and to get you into the hypnogogic state (very similar to hypnosis) where you naturally drift off.

Another tip is to lie there with your eyes open and not allow them to blink for around 20 secs, then close for 20 secs, open for 19, close for 19 etc. whilst counting slowly down on every out breath. You will start to really feel the relief each time they close until your eyes and brain find it too exhausting and naturally switch off.

Making the bedroom too 'sleep clean' without a TV etc. can focus you too much on 'trying to sleep'. The distraction can be so much more helpful than the pressure of silence that can allow your mind to fill up with thoughts. If you have a partner then you could go to bed earlier than them or watch your last programme together in bed.

Another option is a pillow speaker to listen to sleep hypnosis recordings. You can also do this if you wake in the night and find your mind is too active to drop back off. You don't need to do these things forever, just to reprogramme your old habits.

Even if hormones and adrenal rushes are keeping you too tense, these will still all help and give you back some control.


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2016, 07:39:51 PM »

...and to add that eating late is definitely not conducive for a good night's sleep especially not with a glass of wine lovely and relaxing though it may be at the time :)

Hurdity x


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2016, 11:26:19 PM »

I know you're not supposed to look at phones etc at night I've got a word game on my old ipod which I play in bed. It actually works better than reading when I've got anxiety as it focuses my brain on the game and I can't think of anything else. It's an anagram game and you have to get the last one with all the letters before you can go up a level. Sometimes you get a really tough one and it takes ages working it out, then I find my brain gets bored and switches off. Quite often I can fall asleep playing it!

At the moment this is working better than reading as I find my mind can still wander whilst in a book, especially the kindle, so I've gone back to a paperback as that is easier to concentrate on.

Last night I had a lot of anxiety which started earlier in the day, OH gone away again :( Anyway, I tried playing some relaxing music on the pod and got through a whole album and heaps of games! Eventually I got stuck on a word and brain gave up, turned off the light and got 5 hours solid, whoo hoo. Had to get up for the loo at 6 but managed to get another hour or so after that.

I also had my liquid herbs, sleepy tea, sprayed the bedroom with lavender and Sleep Rescue Remedy and it's still hard to drop off!

Dangermouse is right, it's all about patterns and the brain. It's like this anxiety I'm getting at the moment, it's forming a pattern which needs to be broken otherwise it becomes the new normal.

Also this weekend I had to do a couple of things; one was going to a concert and the other was an airport. In light of recent events it took me a long time to relax during the concert and stay and have a cup of tea at the airport. Driving home I was reasonably ok and then saw a traffic jam and jeez, I could feel the blood draining from my stomach, felt sick and light headed out of nowhere! Stuffed a muesli bar down in case it was food I needed but felt weird all the way home and it was a long drive in the dark and rain, so no wonder I couldn't wind down at bedtime!

I did eat late as well in the end, I do have a habit of that but no wine. Unfortunately if I have wine now in the evening I get disturbed's not fair!


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2016, 09:59:20 AM »

Yup - if I get over-tired, my anxiety kicks in which does nothing to improve anything. Very annoying!
I have the same tiredness/anxiety problem....then I just start obsessing about my mood and worrying about everything. Finding Rescue Remedy and St Johns Wort helping.


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2016, 11:38:08 AM »

Hello ladies and thank you all for your comments.

I find that when I am very tired I can be almost calm, it's the ' tired and wired ' state that I hate!

Rhibee -  I obsess about my mood too, I think it's my version of health anxiety.

Take care ladies.



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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2016, 03:22:19 AM »

I went to bed early last night as I was shattered, now been wide awake for over an hour. It's going to be a long day...


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Re: 'Over Tired', Anyone?
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2016, 09:40:01 AM »

I had a dreadful nights sleep - got up at 4.30 to pee and then sweated for ages when I was back in bed - awake for at least 2 hours - I think it was humid but I just couldn't control my body temperature at all. Feeling rubbish this morning.  Dg x
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