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Author Topic: 48 yr old newbie ( feels 148)!!! help or advice please on evorel sequi 50 patche  (Read 3329 times)


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After 6 or sonyears of being peri and coping ok in that time, things took a turn for the worst for me in January of this year. Symptoms totally ramped up to the max and I found myself unable to cope. I am normally a fantastic coper, but no more!  Anxiety ,headache, feeling faint, off balance ,fatigue , tired, head fog, feeling wobbly are just a few of the many many symptoms.
It got so bad that I was signed off work and have been off work for 2 months. I have had various tests chest x-ray a,bdominal scan, heart clinic for palpitations and I have an endocrinologist appointment next week . A couple of weeks ago I took myself off to the menopause clinic at Sandyford, i was prescribed Evorel Sequi 50, i have been taking it since 6\5\16. I admit i was probably praying for a miracle as i have no standard of life currently, gone are my days of volunteering, going to the gym 5x a week, socialising with friends, i cant even face wine........ Has anyone else on here been like this? Im wondering how long it takes these patches to kick in too? Also, when i change the patch i feel quite ropey for the rest of the dsy - hot, shaky and faint, i wondered if changing the patch before I go to bed would help? Any advice or tips would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks :)


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Yep.  Yep.  Sounds about 'normal' from where I'm sitting  ::)  :welcomemm:  It ain't called 'the change' for nowt!

Some ladies find that they are unable to tolerate alcohol and I found that chocolate made my body sluggish.

Browse round.  Make notes.  Ask away ……..


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Hi Nellendra


Sorry to hear your symptoms are so bad that you've had to be signed off work :( .

How far into peri-menopause are you in terms of periods and cycle? Are your periods very irregular and have you missed any?  Usually patches start to work within a few days or a couple of weeks - you should notice your flushes diminishing in frequency, although you haven't mentioned these? How old are you?

What is the endocrinologist going to test?

Re the symptoms - and lack of volunteering, exercise and alcohol etc - I have been on HRT for 9 years which I started in very late peri - and I'm now 63 and can honestly say that apart from morning tiredness I feel perfectly well and able to take exercise (twice a week classes) as well as do lots of other stuff like going to festivals as well as drink a limited amount of alcohol :), and work part-time - so there is hope!!

Re alcohol - not sure why you can't face it - is it headaches etc? I find that if I finish all alcohol by 9 pm and especially have it early on eg before or with evening meal (or in the day eg over Christmas or on holiday!) - and then drink loads of water the rest of the evening I'm fine - but obviously I can't drink the quantity I used to :). If I have wine after 9 pm then don't drink water, and ever go to bed still feeling the effect of alcohol - I can develop a 3 day migraine :(

Hope this helps!

Hurdity x



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 Thanks for your reply
I am 48 years old , I would say this all started about six years ago with pretty minor symptoms really ,little bit of insomnia, tiredness ,weight gain around the middle of about a stone and a half which I couldn't shift , but since January is taking a big turn for the worse. I don't really have problems with my periods,  they have got lighter and shorter, I have missed a couple over a year but nothing major. I am actually hot most of the time I have an occasional flush but it's not been anything bad ,the worst of the symptoms are all around anxiety, headache , Brain fog and fatigue . I feel like my body and mind have been taken over...
 My GP wasn't sure what was wrong with me and thought my symptoms were too severe to be menopausal and so arranged for an appointment with an endocrinologist which is next week which I am going to keep. however , whilst waiting seven weeks for the appointment I went to see the menopause clinic and a consultant there thought I was peri and would benefit from hrt for most of the symptoms . Here's hoping eh!!


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Let us know how you get on!


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That's great that you are going to an endocrinologist and I presume your thyroid levels will be tested and hopefully testosterone as well - I do hope so?

PMS symptoms can get much worse in the time leading up to peri-menopause and in the very early stages when only odd periods are skipped so the doctor should be aware of this - but reduced testosterone and thyroid function also contribute variously to fatigue, weight gain, headaches and brain fog ( as well as the hormonal fluctuations of per-menopause also causing these).

Do keep us posted anyway.

Hurdity x


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 Thanks for the advice Hurdity😃
 I have had my thyroid levels checked in a blood test a couple of times over the last 3 years , the last check was in February and it was ok. I have however heard that sometimes the thyroid level can show up as ok in the blood test but actually it's not ok, so I will mention this tomorrow and I will also mention about the testosterone as I don't think this has been checked in a blood test . 😄


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Thats exactly how i feel. Been off work 2 mths now and downs...have an underactive thyroid so have been to an endocrinologist 2 wks ago but no reply as of yet re my bld test. Have this weird internal jitteriness constantly which feels like overactive symptoms but not sure. Ive really weird head symptoms which i found from allergist yest could be sinus related so now on more meds for that!!! Hang in there its a rough ride. My psychotherapist is only one keeping me sane. I live in Dublin Ireland so hrt a lot more backward than UK or US unfortunately and have paid about 2k already as no public serviced...not even a menopause clinic here like UK!!


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Been to see endo,  he was really nice and helpful , . He doesn't think it is a thyroid issue. my 24 hour Urine test all came back ok and then today he did further blood test's and is testing for vitamin d. He also did a short synacthen test and will get results in a couple of wks.
Thanks everyone for your comments and advice.


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How do you feel now?


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Well physically I feel exactly the same but mentally I feel relieved he's checking a few things out. 😀


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That's what I wanted to hear  :tulips: