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Author Topic: Mucus and Staining /Spotting  (Read 277589 times)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #630 on: February 25, 2017, 11:20:48 AM »

Hello, how's everyone doing? Still all quiet here, not even any flushes or nightsweats for the past week. Having really vivid horrible dreams again and still have on and off stomach pain but not too bad really. Worst thing is that my dreams are causing me to clench my jaw - I have a cracked filling so the pain wakes me up. Really trying to stop moaning to people as it is so incredibly boring to listen to my ailments, so it is great having this place to vent instead!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #631 on: February 25, 2017, 01:59:34 PM »

Hi sparkle, good things are ok with you too, hopefully you're having phantom period pains. I was convinced I was about to start a bleed last week but nothing came of it in the end - 1 period in the last 140 days is a minor miracle for me, never thought I'd get to this stage and just hoping it continues :)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #632 on: February 25, 2017, 03:13:41 PM »

Well despite small niggles things really do seem to be calming for us all at the moment.

Sparkle the mindfulness does seem to be calming and working a treat for you. There was a lack of your usual killing your husband reference there. ;)

Trouble with pelvic aches and period type pains is that they are sometimes indistinguishable from low wind or IBS twinges. Last night was a little chillier, we were walking across Waterloo bridge at about 11 and it felt blowy and today is just miserable weather wise here, chilly and damp!! I always find my flushes are worse in the evening: sat in a restaurant ready to blow a gasket last night, actually felt sweaty which is unusual for me.

nearly50, 140 days is super encouraging, you go girl!! You can buy inexpensive self mouldable mouth guards from most sport shops. I used to have them professionally made for my kids who played rugby and lacrosse, but always bought spare cheap diy ones for the kit bags. If you pop one onto your upper teeth at bedtime it'll stop the pressure on your teeth. It's a whole lot cheaper than getting one made up but if it works, contact a company called Opro who supply home moulds and their ones provide a more comfortable solution. Not terribly sexy though!!  ;D


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #633 on: February 25, 2017, 11:12:43 PM »

Yep I managed Sparkle but I refused to allow them to remove the menu and used it as a fan!! Had to virtually arm wrestle the snotty waitress for it!! Hubby said to her "Don't mess with a menopausal woman" You better believe it!  ;D

I'm pleased all is good, when you feel well it's far easier wresting control! xx


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #634 on: February 26, 2017, 12:20:45 PM »

Good idea about the mouth guard ER - I should look into that. Would have to get a very small one as every dentist I've ever been to has complained about my abnormally small mouth  ;D My family are always amazed when I tell them this, no idea why ;)



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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #635 on: February 27, 2017, 11:06:37 AM »

How are you doing Sparkle any sign of a period after your twinges? I was chatting to a friend the other day- she is 53 and has just made the 12 month mark. I asked her how she felt, and she said as if a period could start any moment. She said this had happened a lot, and her last few periods before she stopped were like ours- pathetic attempts- the last one she said was a couple of pink spots over an hour or so. I really think it is a good couple of years for some of us to really feel this is over.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #636 on: February 28, 2017, 08:55:33 AM »

Still chugging along Sparkle some days moist with mucus, other days just moist but no dryness at all yet. Have you used the Vagifem or are you still keeping it in reserve? I'm on cycle day 53!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #637 on: February 28, 2017, 12:27:09 PM »

Hi ladies

Machair make the most of the no dryness, it's a bugger when that turns up!! However, you may be someone who doesn't struggle with it. I was speaking with my mother about it last night after an uncomfortable couple of days. She has never had discomfort, less mucus than in her younger years but no soreness or problems. Her periods just stopped very suddenly at 45, so you might expect that she may struggle with VA but no not at all. Her heart is brilliant and her bone density really good. I think it's a lottery!

Sparkle, you kill me!!!  ;D 'Well, I got it out of the drawer last night and read the leaflet' Haha, you sure as heck wouldn't become a druggie!! It's definitely really helped me internally, that was really not pleasant and so so sudden  :o but I keep getting flare ups just around the vaginal entrance and suspect I'm reacting to something again. My body is so reactive to so much, it's such a pain trying to pinpoint what I'm reacting to. I'm definitely reacting to Sodium Benzoate which is in so much stuff. The Yes WB sent me through the ceiling as did the Vagisil wash and yet others find these products brilliant. I've been using Lactacyd wash and Yes VM both of which have been great and soothing. Blimey it's a minefield!!

One of my very good friends is struggling terribly with VA, I was out with her last week and we had to visit a loo at least every 30 mins. I feel so sorry for her. She uses systemic HRT, Vagifem and estriol daily and still struggles. What we women have to go through!! xx


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #638 on: February 28, 2017, 01:12:24 PM »

BP is a very strange thing Sparkle- how high was it? I'm very familiar with BP as I may have mentioned before I have orthostatic intolerance which means mine is all over the place and blood sugar is too!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #639 on: March 01, 2017, 09:05:06 AM »

I have been wondering something for a while about the last few periods we have before everything shuts down. I wonder how many women stop ovulating and that heralds the end of their oestrogen production to any degree, or at least the end of an amount that stimulates the uterine lining to grow enough to trigger a bleed.The other group of women seem to carry on producing oestrogen, even without ovulation, and then have these anovulatory  bleeds which are lighter and more at random. Of course no one knows, as many women seem to say their last few bleeds become more like spotting anyway, and very few of us just stop without any kind of changes first. Interesting thought to ponder I guess!

BP sounds good now Sparkle 111/65 - good numbers for a lady half your age! Must be the dog walking - what breed have you got? Mine is a Shih Tzu -very naughty but gorgeous and needs a daily walk- so that's me first thing every morning!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #640 on: March 01, 2017, 09:52:07 PM »

My husband would love a lab when he retires in a few years. Yours sounds wonderful. I don't think I could live without a dog. 


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #641 on: March 02, 2017, 11:22:27 AM »

I have been wondering something for a while about the last few periods we have before everything shuts down. I wonder how many women stop ovulating and that heralds the end of their oestrogen production to any degree, or at least the end of an amount that stimulates the uterine lining to grow enough to trigger a bleed.The other group of women seem to carry on producing oestrogen, even without ovulation, and then have these anovulatory  bleeds which are lighter and more at random. Of course no one knows, as many women seem to say their last few bleeds become more like spotting anyway, and very few of us just stop without any kind of changes first. Interesting thought to ponder I guess!

There seems to be so little research into the different ways women's bodies react to this whole process. It seems really unlikely that HRT would suit everyone without first doing detailed testing on what the hormones are up to.

I've been for blood tests this morning to see where my ferritin and vitamin D levels are - just did it privately using Medicheck. Have felt absolutely starving every since!

Anyway, day 59 now for me and everything quiet apart from pretty bad stomach pain this week. So frustrating when there is really no obvious trigger rather than whatever my invisible hormones are up to!

Hope everyone is well.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #642 on: March 02, 2017, 02:14:07 PM »

I do my vitamin D levels privately too from the NHS lab in Birmingham- City Assays. I am doing mine this week again. This will be the 3rd time in a few years. First time I was deficient, then I supplemented and it went up well, and since then I haven't for more than a year so the result will be interesting.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #643 on: March 02, 2017, 02:32:12 PM »

I'll be interested to hear your results Nearly50.  Do you know how long you have to wait?

Should get them online on Tuesday or Wednesday - it tests 51 things in all, including FSH and Oestradiol levels too which will be interesting, even if they won't say anything definitive. I'm really hoping my ferritin levels are at 50 or above now.



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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #644 on: March 02, 2017, 03:40:56 PM »

No Sparkle it isn't but I am aware of the vitamin D benefits and risks when levels are low so I check every now and again. Dr Nancy Klimas world health expert on CFS/ME suggests we aim for at least 60. Mine was way below this when I first tested two or three years ago.
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