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Author Topic: Mucus and Staining /Spotting  (Read 276864 times)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #330 on: November 07, 2016, 09:16:16 PM »

Did she not think it was a 'normal' cycle then? I wonder how they can tell that. You're very welcome Sparkle but you don't need to thank me, you do the same for me too and everyone else you speak to on this forum!

Another bad start for me today: it's such a worry because it's only the 7th and I've used up 6 migraine med days already, I've only got 7 left till the end of the month now. Still needs must, I just have to pray that I don't get a hormone surge because then I'll be well and truly scuppered! x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #331 on: November 07, 2016, 09:40:08 PM »

Sparkle so glad you are going to have the tests to find out what is wrong. Thinking of you. At least your period is light and it may well be your last! Sunny days ahead I am sure for you.xx

ER those pesky migraines must be so trying. I hope they stop soon.

I am still very hormonal -feels like PMT but no mucus still, so maybe this really is and not the high oestrogen that can feel the same . No real bleeding but still the very faintest hint of something trying to start.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #332 on: November 07, 2016, 09:56:49 PM »

Most carpets have been ripped up and I've had candles burning and bowls of cut lemons in water in every room, think it's helped a little. I have so many triggers, dust being one of them. Chaos here so thick dust everywhere, I'm going to blitz when all's done tomorrow. Thanks for your concern ladies: it's a pain but honestly it's been so much worse that I can get by. It will get better I feel sure!

Machair I hope it doesn't turn into a proper period, the PMT type symptoms are a pain in the butt! Don't let it get you down, spoil yourself girl, you're on holiday!! xx



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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #333 on: November 07, 2016, 10:23:08 PM »

Only thick dust - like decorators, sanded wood, carpets being ripped up etc, it triggers allergic rhinitis which triggers the migs. Oh such joy! x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #334 on: November 07, 2016, 10:51:20 PM »

Yep but what will I have to moan about!  ;) Night night!! x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #335 on: November 09, 2016, 07:04:50 PM »

How are things Sparkle? Has it turned into a period? I am still full of what feels like pmt. Not too bad as still in my happy place by the sea, but back to reality soon as having to move ferries due to storms coming. ER how are you doing?


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #336 on: November 09, 2016, 07:36:20 PM »

Hi Machair

Oooh, a storm coming, that sounds exciting there!! So do you have to move islands or something in case you have to sit the storm out? Oh this place seems like my perfect location, love a good storm!!  :o

Well this continuing PMT type feeling seems odd, have you kept a note of what's going on when? Are you sure it's not an oestrogen high with accompanying symptoms and that spotting you had, a slight anovulatory bleed? Sometimes you need to see it down on paper to see the pattern. Not that it's going to make any difference of course because our bodies just continue doing their thing but it's good to be able to recognise what is happening.

I'm tickety boo thanks! Hot flushes continue all day every day though not unmanageable. Still wearing my oxford shirts with scarf shawls slung over me which I can quickly dismantle when necessary. Banana at night still seems to reduce the adrenal surge before the night flushes so I'm getting some sleep. Couldn't face eating one the other night after dinner out with friends and I then woke at 3.15 and didn't go back to sleep before 6, I had to get up at 6.45 for the carpet men so it was a huge shock when the alarm went off. I've got to have something really late or wake and can't go back to sleep, trouble is it gives me acid reflux eating that late, I would never in a million years normally eat at bedtime. Oh blah, blah, blah!  ;)

Migs are just grumbling still: haven't had a big one for a couple of days but they've been rumbling in the background which is manageable of course but just a pain in the neck. I put a suppository in about an hour ago as I feel as if things are building and I'm really reluctant to take another Triptan. Same old, same old!

Throw a pebble into the ocean for me! xx


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #337 on: November 09, 2016, 10:25:40 PM »

Carpet men finished late last night. Sitting room and dining rooms sorted with furniture etc back. All other rooms either empty or still have mountains of furniture. Son and his girlfriend coming for weekend again and will help lift furniture back into situ. Carpets look lovely, so pleased BUT boy I need to get this house straight again, it seems to have gone on for so long! Never do more than one room at a time!

How is your bedroom coming along Sparkle, are you making progress? x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #338 on: November 09, 2016, 10:39:02 PM »

Sounds like the way to go, at least you don't have to live in total disarray.

How's the acid reflux and the tummy, any improvement? x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #339 on: November 09, 2016, 10:59:29 PM »

I'm sorry to hear that Sparkle. That's a complete bummer having to eat something that you know upsets you. Can you eat the bread early in the day i.e. breakfast so at least you don't have to go to bed on it? Would that make a difference? Oh sorry, you obviously know what you're doing!

The trouble is with a lot of this testing is that we can be reactive to stuffs but not allergic to them. That's much harder to test for. We had friends for dinner not long ago, ten of us and boy what a nightmare it was catering for food intolerances and diets. I had a vegan, a vegetarian who ate fish, someone allergic to tomatoes, someone intolerant to mushrooms, onions, garlic and chicken, a gluten intolerant and somebody who was lactose intolerant. I had to cook so many different dishes because I couldn't settle on any one thing that would suit everyone. I felt like I was running a restaurant. We've been friends for years and were discussing the fact that they all once ate everything

When is your appointment? x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #340 on: November 10, 2016, 05:27:10 PM »

Sparkle does your GP suspect coeliac disease did she do the blood test? I really hope you find answers soon. Has that period attempt stopped?     ER I think you may be so right about this being a high oestrogen pattern as although not having copious mucus I am producing a lot of moist pale yellow secretions that are watery. I often find this leads onto the stretchy mucus within a few days. It is a strange feeling as it is like you could burst- is this how you felt?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 05:42:14 PM by Machair »


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #341 on: November 10, 2016, 06:18:12 PM »

Yep exactly, I feel like I'm going to explode! However, it doesn't help that I bloat desperately, can put on half a stone, even go up a bra size! I haven't had this since the end of June when I had a major plunge of oestrogen, the surges after that were not nearly so violent.

Did you check your charts, are you still doing them? I don't get mucus changes now: stretchy egg white when oestrogen high and nothing when it drops. In fact I'm feeling a little dry at the moment so think I should get this checked out. The reports of VA on here have made me very wary. Trouble is I've reacted so violently in the past when oestrogen is supplemented that it does worry me. I recognise that vaginal oestrogen is not supposed to cause side effects but I was given Premarin once and reacted quite badly. They took me off it. Because the surges create so much cerv muc I've managed to avoid any problems to date but everything seems to have dried up at the moment. Oh blimey, just something else to worry about!

Hope you're still having a lovely holiday, are you home soon? x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #342 on: November 12, 2016, 11:01:07 AM »

Thanks Elizabethrose for telling me about this thread as you all seem to be about the same stage as I am. It has been really good to recognise some of the symptoms I've been experiencing lately and realise I'm not alone. I'll catch up properly on the thread and hopefully post again,  :)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #343 on: November 12, 2016, 11:02:30 AM »

Welcome, join the gang!! x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #344 on: November 13, 2016, 10:13:09 AM »

Hi, have read most of the thread now and recognise so much. I wish I'd found it months (years?) ago. It has explained so much to me about the bloating and the headaches I've been dealing with, as well as the digestive problems. I think (fear) I may be a little while behind you all as I've only skipped one period in March and think I've skipped another one this month. I'm at 34 days and counting  - I usually don't get past 22.

I've been doing much better for the past few months after 18 pretty horrendous months. I do better if I understand what's happening to me so even just reading the posts on here has made me more likely to cope.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is a burning feeling on your face, neck and ear - bizarrely only on the right hand side. I have it just now and it is so odd.Thankfully I don't go red or else I'd be looking like Half Face in Batman  ;D
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