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Author Topic: Night sweat - meno or something else :(  (Read 1783 times)


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Night sweat - meno or something else :(
« on: October 09, 2015, 08:12:51 AM »

Well, I thought I'd breezed through menopause without a care in the world!
My last 'official' period was 18 months ago.
Two weeks ago I had a very heavy bleed so being post meno was sent straight to hospital for a scan and biopsy. I am still waiting for the results but the consultant was happy that all is well and that my ovaries had enough life left in them for another period.
However!! Last night!! Oh my goodness!! I thought my hot water bottle had burst (I use it for joint/rib pain). I woke about 1am absolutely sodden! Sweat pouring off me and sheets soaked. The same thing happened again about 2 hours later despite having thrown out the bottle and tried to be half in and half out of our duvet. So now I'm panicking (I am a panicker...)
A quick search of night sweats brought up cancer. Would I have a random night sweat without any other meno symptoms? I've never had a hot flush in my life. Is it because I've recently had a 'period' and my hormones are all over the place? I'd be really grateful if anyone could put my mind at rest please 😕


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Re: Night sweat - meno or something else :(
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 09:03:34 AM »

Hi mrspinkrat
If you haven't had too many meno symptoms thus far then to suddenly get such extreme night sweats does seem odd.  However I wouldn't be at all surprised if the hormones are 'doing the dirty' and a big drop induced these episodes. There are of course other reasons for having sweats and this can simply be a virus or even a mild infection - also we are experiencing particularly mild autumn and if you are clutching a hot water bottle to you this might be your body over heating on a mild night.  Sadly, many women don't actually get flushes and sweats until they get deeper into meno and having had such a long gap between the previous period and this latest one does sound as though you have had a real spike of hormones which could be your ovaries doing some final gasps and perhaps the drop in oestrogen has been more dramatic.
Stop looking up the worst case scenarios on the NET  - I really wouldn't panic - see if things settle - if not go and see your GP.  Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Night sweat - meno or something else :(
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2015, 06:43:34 AM »

Don't panic !  :)

Sweats are thought to be triggered by fluctuations in oestrogen levels which fits in with your recent bleed.

Possibly you have had no symptoms up until now as your levels have just been gently declining.....

You may get more odd bleeds as your hormones have one last party so it may not end up being a 'random' bleed.

