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Author Topic: Menopause, bleed, no more stiff joints!  (Read 2544 times)


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Menopause, bleed, no more stiff joints!
« on: October 04, 2015, 05:04:10 PM »

Hi ladies
This is a weird one!
I had my last period March 2014
No hot flushes, sweats or anything. Periods just stopped. I had a few blood tests - the latest in March this year - which confirmed menopause (I'm 44 btw).
I was shocked 2 weeks ago to have a bleed. I've was immediately referred to the hospital where I had a scan and biopsy as womb lining was just very slightly thickened. Consultant was very happy that it is just precautionary as everything looked fine. My ovaries looked capable of still 'doing their job' so it looks like I've just had a 'period'.
To cut to the point! For the last year at least I've been really stiff. Joints ache, my Achilles' tendons, my fingers and wrists. I'm stiff in the morning and walk around like an old woman! BUT!!
Since my bleed this has all but vanished! I was put in Provera to stop the bleeding. Is this just coincidence or is the fact that I've had a bleed increased some hormone and helped with this stiffness? Or the Provera, which contains progesterone...
If anyone has any thoughts I'd be really grateful. Thank you 😊


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Re: Menopause, bleed, no more stiff joints!
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2015, 06:18:36 PM »

Hi mrspinkrat

The reason you felt better with the bleed coming, is that it is likely as you say that your ovaries are still doing their stuff and along with this came an increase in oestrogen which banished the horrible menopausal symptoms you were experiencing (the joint aches etc).

Glad to hear that it was investigated and no problems were found. I'm not sure why you have been given Provera either. I mean if you are having a period then you don't need to stop the bleeding unless it is really heavy - as it means you are not yet at menopause.

If this ends up being the last period then the Provera won't really help your symptoms unless you take oestrogen as well - when the Provera would be needed to protect the womb lining. If you are post-menpausal and cotninue to take provera without oestrogen it could cause overthinning and atrophy of the endometrium (womb lining) which itself can cause ulceration and bleeding. Also at your age if you are near or at menopause you need to take oestrogen replacement at least until age 51-2 - the natural avergae age of menopause - to help protect heart and bones.

I would ask to be referred to a menopause specialist and personally I would want to ask to stop the Provera to see if any other periods appear or symptoms?

Hurdity x


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Re: Menopause, bleed, no more stiff joints!
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2015, 06:28:00 PM »


If your stiffness is still gone it could mean that you are still experiencing slightly higher oestrogen levels than before  - so don't be alarmed if you experience more bleeding as the higher oestrogen levels will stimulate your lining to thicken. It may be a one off or may well stop and start a bit but you have been checked out so you mustn't panic  :)



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Re: Menopause, bleed, no more stiff joints!
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2015, 07:47:09 PM »

Thanks ladies!
That's all really helpful.
They put me on Provera as it was a ridiculously heavy bleed and they wanted it to stop before I had the ultrasound etc
The consultant said to take it for the next few days but then to slowly reduce it.
I'll definitely see my GP about HRT. Until this, I totally didn't connect my joint pains and stiffness to the menopause - d'oh!!


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Re: Menopause, bleed, no more stiff joints!
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2015, 11:11:03 PM »

I am 48 and my periods have been very erratic for the last 12 months. I practice Ashtanga yoga and one thing I have noticed this year is that I am far more bendy & flexible immediately after a period! So much so, that I can get my ankles behind my head!!! 🐙🐙🐙

Unfortunately the flexibility doesn't last... By my next class I could be rigid as a steel girder!!! 😊