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Author Topic: The time has come to ask for help  (Read 2602 times)


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The time has come to ask for help
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:30:11 PM »

I have an appointment with a new female GP in the practice on Wednesday and I have just printed off the menopause scoresheet from the green menu to give her an idea of what symptoms I am still having and what is bothering me.  I scored high on the Psychological but lower on the physical (my flushes and sweats and insomnia are much milder than they were 5 years ago) but I didn't have so many psychological symptoms then.

Of course, at 58 it might not even be menopause related as I am having some personal problems and am looking into going back into therapy for a while but I am rather scared of anti depressants.  I was also diagnosed with ME/CFS in 2004 and have Hashimoto's which was unstable at the beginning of the year so there are a lot of physical, hormonal and psychological issues swirling around and getting mixed up with each other.

I am hoping that a new youngish female doctor might help me look at things with fresh eyes as I have known my other lady GP almost all her life and she knows me probably a bit too well.

Are there any other ladies who considered HRT well into post menopause because they got to the point they had had enough?  And are Anti Depressants as scary as they seem.  Most of the ones I have looked at list suicidal thoughts in the side effects which seems rather like a backward step  :o.

Also are there any ladies with underactive thyroid/Hashimotos who have changed from synthetic thyroxine to Natural Dessicated thyroid hormone?

Thanks for any input/opinions  :)


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 12:34:28 PM »


I didn't want to take ADs as I wanted to know what was causing my depression.  However, eventually I had to take some and we now have a Life again.  I have had some horrendous side-effects though  :-\ but my GP changed and changed until we found something that helped.  I took those for 9 years before my brain pooped out.  The next ADs have worked fine.

The side effect I was unable to tolerate is nausea.  It hasn't 'cured' my depression but enables me to get out of bed each morning and get on with the day.  They can take 10-14 days before one feels benefit and 3-5 months before one realises that the benefit is good!


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2015, 01:06:49 PM »

Thank you for the hug and the benefit of your experience. 

According to the menopause scoresheet I printed off my score for anxiety is quite a bit higher than depression.  I have never been a depressive person and am not convinced that is what I need.  However neither am I sure whether I will be advised to begin HRT at this stage when I haven't had it before.

Seeing a completely new doctor I will be guided by her and check back here as I know there is a wealth of experience here.


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2015, 01:50:44 PM »

If HRT will ease symptoms then ask the GP for a prescription? 

Anxiety and depression are separate for me.


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2015, 03:28:18 PM »

Sometimes it's very difficult to see the wood for the trees symptom wise. If your GP can help you sort out what's causing what because I think some thyroid symptoms can be the same as meno.
With regards to depression/anxiety. Again which is it and what is causing it. I really wonder if it's fluctuating hormones as you are post menopausal.

Perhaps therapy,as you say, would help get you back on an even keel mood wise.

Personally I would explore that option before taking ADs as you have said before you are very sensitive to medication generally.

You may well be offered HRT, and if so a patch would be the best way to go. You can cut them down and start on a very low dose. That may well be enough anyway.

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2015, 04:19:08 PM »

Thank you Honeybun, I will certainlty let you know.  Yes I was thinking of a patch if HRT is suggested.  Thanks for the suggestion to cut it to start with, that could be a good idea.  I wonder what she will say as I don't know her at all  ???


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2015, 06:32:43 PM »

I use Evoril Conti which is quite a large patch so it's easy to cut.

It's always an option, but there are many more.

Let us know what her suggestions are and perhaps there will be more ideas on what suits others.



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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2015, 10:20:48 PM »

Hello. I'm 58 and had periods up until I was 54. I was doing fine, but the last 2 years I just started to suffer very bad anxiety. It got to the stage that last year I couldn't leave the bedroom. I had to really force myself to go out and walk in the garden. My GP said to try citalopram, but couldn't get on with those. I started to swim again and walk around the park. The anxiety was still bad though. For the past 2 months I have used the Everol Conti patch, only a third of a patch each time, I just cut them.
I'm feeling a lot better now. I feel happier and the anxiety is better. I run, swim and do yoga every day. I hope this helps.


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2015, 09:12:51 AM »

Hello babyjane.

I am 59 now and began using HRT about two years ago. Like vickypk I had periods until I was 54 and struggled on for three years but the symptoms were getting worse. After six months of almost constant anxiety I decided I could take no more and asked for HRT. I have tried various kinds and I am now using Evorel Conti 50 mcg patch. I still have issues but I am much better than I was. I also take an AD called Venlafaxine.

I hope you get the help you need from your GP and do let us know how you get on.

Take care.



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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2015, 09:37:52 AM »

thank you both for taking the time to post.  I appreciate it  :)


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2015, 07:26:44 PM »

 :o  :-\


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Re: The time has come to ask for help
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2015, 09:14:41 PM »

BJ, is now a guest and no longer a member. Wish she had stuck around longer.
Maybe she will be back but I wish her luck getting things sorted out.
