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Author Topic: So frightened  (Read 7905 times)


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Re: So frightened
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2015, 06:05:25 PM »

Sorry I'm getting a bit confused about what you have been prescribed.
You mentioned your daughter had problems with 'The Pill' - I am referring to the contraceptive pill and contraceptive pills have different types of hormones in them so can give more side effects. Most HRTs now have bio identical oestrogen in them. So when your daughter had problems with the oestrogen in 'The Pill' it would have been a different type of oestrogen to the ones you get in HRT.
Climaval is oestrogen only in pill form I think -  but you said your gynae had given you Cyclogest as well to take 3 times a year and I was confusing this with another HRT which is a combined HRT.  Cyclogest is a bio indentical progesterone usually used for IVF treatment but the HRT version is called Utrogestan (they are essentially the same I think) but I think you use Cyclogest vaginally not orally???.  Essentailly your gynae has given you all bio identical HRT but you might have been better using oestrogen in patch or gel form only and not used pills.  I hope that makes sense?????
Just a thought, do you eat small amounts often - I tend to get headaches if I don't eat every 3 hours.
Considering the contraindication of HRT and migraines, then you need to decide whether the benefits of the HRT outweigh the side effects of more migraines?   DG x
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 06:48:56 PM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: So frightened
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2015, 07:41:05 AM »

Thanks DG, yes, it was the contraceptive pill my daughter went on and it was many years ago. I was only mentioning it as I felt it possible that we were both very sensitive to oestrogen.
The Cyclogest she's given me is vaginal pessaries.
I'm not going to take any more Climaval tablets and I've cut a bit off my patch. I did tell the Gynae that I preferredto have the patch only as I had done my research into migraine and HRT but she wanted me to take the Climaval as well.
HRT didn't solve all my problems, I didn't expect it to, and for me the benefits do not outweigh getting more migraines as I can't function like this. I'm going to attempt to see my GP as I feel I need to get to the bottom of this 'insulin resistance' thing the Gynae keeps going on about. Thanks again for your interest and knowledge. :) I rely on this forum so much for wisdom and information.


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Re: So frightened
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2015, 08:06:13 AM »

marras - have you had a proper glucose test?  I've had this - they take a blood test when you haven't eaten for some while, you then drink high glucose drink and after about an hour they do another blood test. Hopefully your GP will send you to have this done to truly check whether you have insulin problems.
I do think that the benefits mustout weigh the side effects when using HRT so maybe some advice about lifestyle could help you(diet and exercise?) - it's amazing how small things can improve the way you feel - and often small things you hadn't even considered.
Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: So frightened
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2015, 08:31:35 AM »

I have found this on the effects of Metformin on the non-diabetic person. It's interesting to see how it all works although the person writing about it is a male, younger and a weight lifter. It suppresses appetite. It is more popular in America I think where it is prescribed "off label" as it's not licensed for non-diabetics. I found it interesting but it does seem as if you need to take your blood sugar regularly?

I hadn't read much about insulin resistance, although I suppose I should as I have a family history of type 2 diabetes, but I did find this interesting  Maybe we should all be tested for it - might be a reason for my rapidly developing spare tyre!!

Taz x


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Re: So frightened
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2015, 08:50:14 AM »

Some pharmacies will do a glucose test. To buy your own kit is pretty expensive I think.

My hubby always tests before a meal to get an accurate reading before he takes his insulin.



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Re: So frightened
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2015, 11:53:54 AM »

Hi DG, no I haven't had a glucose test but I have had my homocysteine levels done and they are higher than normal which apparently is indicative of a change in insulin sensitivity. My father was a diabetic.
I have today made a double appointment with my GP to discuss things and the way forward but have to wait until next Thursday.
With regard to my diet and lifestyle, to be honest I don't think I can improve. My husband and I are retired and I do a lot of walking and swimming. My diet is good, I don't eat in between meals and I have cut out a lot of sugar. I don't drink or smoke, I have low blood pressure. And I am very slim. imonly have the stresses of everyday life like everyone else.
Thanks Taz for the information, I shall have a look at it shortly. I've actually come off the Metformin as I don't really want to take something if I don't really need to. It's interesting that it's an appetite suppressant as I have no appetite at all!


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Re: So frightened
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2015, 01:29:23 PM »

"The Pill" is for contraceptive use.  There were several 'types' initially, the 1st I took made me really sick ….. the next was OK for 11 years.

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