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Author Topic: vaginal prolapse  (Read 51609 times)


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2015, 04:41:56 AM »

20032003 - I have the that sort of rigid tissue you describe, must be related to the prolapse I imagine, never used to be like that!

Interesting. I always have such a hard time figuring out if something has changed, or if I just now have noticed it. But I definitely cannot remember having so much "stuff" right inside the opening... But, like I said, the gyno didn't mention anything when she examined me in march. Do you think that it is a sign of vaginal prolapse - that vaginal tissue is "sagging" downwards?

Meanwhile, I'm having a period complete with diarrhea and stomach upset this time  >:(. As I suspected, because of the very noticeable ovulation I had, my period has been the most "normal" it's been in a long time. More bleeding, more cramping, more stomach upset, etc.... I wonder if it will go back to this for a while, or if it was just a fluke...?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 08:12:46 AM by 20032003 »


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #76 on: June 16, 2015, 07:29:48 AM »

Hi Sparkle,

I'm glad you have a lovely GP!

Are you still using the 'Yes' water-based gel? Do you think it helped ease the inflammation and do you feel more comfortable now?

Hope it all goes well next week and your GP will prescribe some vaginal oestrogen!

Jenna x


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2015, 12:12:39 PM »

Yes, Sparkle, I know what you mean, that's why I have an oestrogen cream for the external soreness, as well. The gynae said Vagifem wouldn't be any use, as it wouldn't get to all the areas it was needed!

I have read that you can still use an oestrogen cream even if you have fibroids, as long as you are monitored, so hopefully your GP will prescribe that for you.

I'm pleased to hear you are feeling more comfortable now. :)

Jenna x


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2015, 01:18:55 PM »

Thank you, Sparkle! (But it was probably the hydrocortisone!)

Jenna x


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2015, 08:46:01 PM »

I saw my GP today and she examined me lying down and said things appeared normal. I told her that I sometimes have to place a finger into my vagina to help empty my rectum and she said that was quite common  :-\

She said the walls of my vagina appeared whitish which can be a sign of atrophy and she advised me to stop using the HRT and she has prescribed an oestrogen cream.

Surely it can't be normal to have to intervene to empty my bowels  :'(

She has also prescribed Fybogel Granules to help form my stools and make them easier to pass. I am a bit reluctant to take that though as I don't want to find I become constipated.

If things don't improve I shall go back and ask to be referred to a Gynae.


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2015, 09:15:13 PM »

Fybogel won't make you constipated but will do what the GP said.

I have IBS...the D sort and have used Fybogel on occasions and it actually helps that too.

I'm another one that feels as if things are not quite the way they should be. I have asked a nurse and a GP about a slight prolapse but they have both said they can't see anything. All I know is I feel different.
When I get up in the morning I have a sensation of something being "there" like a tampon that has slipped. When I empty my bowels the feeling goes...not 100% but a good bit.
I'm not sure what things should feel what normal as I really never paid much attention before. All I know's different.



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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #81 on: June 16, 2015, 09:44:32 PM »

That's exactly the same as me HB and the pain specialist I saw last year said I had a rectocele. Sometimes it feels just like a tampon stuck at the wrong angle - we know our own bodies for heavens sake and know if something feels wrong. Sometimes it feels different when I sit down, just a feeling that things aren't in the right place and need sorting out  :-\

When the GP examined me this morning she said she could feel a stool but I had opened my bowels this morning before my appointment, I think some is getting stuck in the 'pouch' - sorry TMI I know  :-X

That's why I am a bit reluctant to take the Fybogel  :'(

Gosh I never knew things like this could happen!


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #82 on: June 17, 2015, 05:25:08 AM »

Judith if you walls appear whitish it is probs VA but can occasionally be a sign of LP lichen Planus I would go back to Dr A for an annual MOT of the vagina I am going back in September.


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #83 on: June 17, 2015, 05:51:52 AM »

I saw my GP today and she examined me lying down and said things appeared normal. I told her that I sometimes have to place a finger into my vagina to help empty my rectum and she said that was quite common  :-\

No, that can't be normal. Common maybe, since I've understood that prolapses are quite common, but not normal as in it should be like that.

I sometimes get things stuck in my rectum that I just can't seem to push out, but if i use my finger to push on the area between the rectum and the vagina it will most often come out. I don't know if this is due to a prolapse or something else weird. I've had two doctors look at my rectum. One of them considered a rectal prolapse, but said that was not what the problem was. But a rectal prolapse is only one type, I guess, and my uterus or something else could probably still be pushing up against my rectum. At that point I was examined laying on my side, and at the gyno laying on my back. I usually don't feel problems then. My worst position is usually sitting, but I don't know if that's common with a prolapse? It feels like everything gets "squished" together when I sit, and that my rectum gets pushed down in an uncomfortable way...

(Sorry for details, but it's difficult to explain/discuss without being somewhat graphic...)


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #84 on: June 17, 2015, 07:26:19 AM »

The symptom of everything being squished together are very typical of a prolapse. A rectal prolapse means that part of the rectum comes out of the body when you have a bowel movement and you have to push it back in. If someone examines your rectum they wont often see a problem with a prolapse which is affecting the vagina. The feeling you have could be caused by a rectocele prolapse where the back wall of the vagina is being pushed inwards by faeces waiting to be expelled. This is why you can push against the back vaginal wall to help - it sort of unkinks the rectum and allows the faeces to be pushed out.

Once one part prolapses it is common for other parts of the vagina to prolapse too.. eventually of course.. not altogether. I started with a cystocele and then developed a uterine prolapse. Now my vaginal walls are weak and because the uterus has been removed this can lead to what's called a vault prolapse where the top of the vagina descends (eek!). This is more likely after hysterectomy as the uterus is an anchor for the top of the vagina.

Have been a bit quick here in my explanation but need to get to work. Hope it's helpful.

Taz x


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #85 on: June 17, 2015, 02:51:55 PM »

My worst position is usually sitting, but I don't know if that's common with a prolapse? It feels like everything gets "squished" together when I sit, and that my rectum gets pushed down in an uncomfortable way...

The above is a quote from 20032003 but I think I did it wrong  :-\

That's exactly how it feels for me.

I am so confused now, I think I will have to start another thread for advice on this. I went to see my GP yesterday and she said she was surprised that no-one had ever offered me oestrogen cream, she said to stop taking my HRT and she was going to prescribe a cream for me to use daily for two weeks and then twice a week after that. I assumed it was akin to Vagifem.

Anyway, I have just picked up the prescription and it is for estradiol gel. It states very clearly that in non-hysterectomised women a progesterone should be administered for twelve days of each month. It also says that the usual dose is once a day and the pump will last four weeks.

I think I may have been given the wrong product....
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 02:54:42 PM by Judith57 »


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #86 on: June 17, 2015, 03:09:45 PM »

Judith - I think she meant to give you Estriol Cream (it is what I use for atrophy). It used to be called Gynest Cream.



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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #87 on: June 17, 2015, 06:22:57 PM »

Judith - do you know why she wants you to stop HRT? My prolapse worsened dreadfully once mine was stopped and I was on Vagifem alone.

Taz x


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #88 on: June 17, 2015, 07:08:07 PM »

No, I don't know Taz, I have got two months left so perhaps I'll carry on taking it. I am just so fed up with it all now, my body seems to be conspiring against me  :'(


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Re: vaginal prolapse
« Reply #89 on: June 21, 2015, 09:50:31 AM »

To add a bit from me from my experiences.....

Fybogel - don't be put off by Fybogel. It is a natural bulking  preparation which really helps keep you regular and shift things along. It is also quite gentle.

Examinations lying down often do not show up a prolapsed organ to the most experienced medics. If you are very uncomfortable, do persist in complaining about it.

Description of how my prolapses felt -
bladder prolapse felt as if I had a tampon hanging out as I walked round
uterine prolapse felt as if I was sitting on an egg
And the rectal prolapse made me feel as if I was sitting on a sausage and as if I had a sausage in my undercarriage.

And I totally agree about hrt helping prolapses - and lack of oestrogen making it worse.

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