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Author Topic: Pain around clitoris!!!  (Read 73071 times)

Bath mum

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Pain around clitoris!!!
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:56:40 PM »

Hi, I'm new to this site. I am 46 and peri menopausal...
I've just got over 6 weeks of thrush...which didn't cause the usual symptoms, but instead an intense pain inside my vagina...and inflammation there..I am now on 6 months of fluconozole..
But just this week..I have developed a horrible pain in my clitoris..I've noticed that one side of my labia, near the top by the clitoris is a bit red, bit otherwise it doesn't look too different. I have read that menopause can cause painful changes in the clitoris..has anyone else had this? Its constant pain...I can't sit, drive or anything...even wearing pants is painful...

to top it all I also have piles!!! I wonder what has happened to me in the last 6 months...

Any experiences or suggestions would be most welcomed...
Thank you
ps. I am seeing my GP later this evening.

Mrs January

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 04:46:22 PM »

oh bugga...not good.

I too am much more red and sore in this area ....I avoid pants in the evenings when I have ma dressing gown on and try to dry carefully etc.....Oh I also wear a small panty liner to catch ant leaks so avoiding being sore for that reason.....Damn Peri is a nuisance but I believe I am nearing the end as the symptoms are getting less.....hang on to one day at a time .......leave tomorrow until it arrives

Mrs January xxx


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2015, 05:38:22 PM »

Hi Bath Mum - welcome to the forum.

I wonder if you could have Vulvodynia - this can cause pain in the clitoris and in the area you describe. I expect you're back from the docs now but it may be worth mentioning it next time?

Let us know how you got on.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 06:22:12 PM »

Hi Bath Mum, I had a spate of this last year and it was horrendous. I still have pelvic pain but the intense pain in my clitoris has now gone. I take 20mg amitriptyline every night as it is supposed to be good for nerve pain. I still have to sit on a donut cushion at work and in restaurants and can only drive for about twenty minutes. Also, I can no longer tolerate sitting on a train. Let us know how you get on with your GP.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 06:42:05 PM »

Hi ,
My advice to you after suffering 1 year of horrendous pain at times which started with thrush and then escalated, is if it is a skin condition to ask to see a vulva dermatologist. I had to pay privately but it was the best money I have spent and I wish I had done it earlier. The NHS took too long . Do not put anything on the area such as soap , shower gel or anything with alcohol. A vulva dermatologist should work in connection with a gynaecologist and sort you out. It cost me £160 and I would have paid double , for the advice and treatment.

good luck Peppermintyxx

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2015, 06:44:14 PM »

Thank you SOO much ladies...this is great....My Dr was very sympathetic...and has advised I take notriptolyne (I'll have to check the spelling)...I took one a few weeks back, and it freaked me out..I felt like a zombie...but I guess thats just becuase I'm new to it. Like loads of other ladies, I hate taking pills...and have never needed to..

He didn't have any explanation for the pain really...other than the inefection I'm getting over could have caused nerve pain/damage....

And although my blood tests are labelled 'perimenopausal profile' he doesn't think its related to hormonal changes? I sort of feel it is....

So....I have to decide now if I take the pills....or see what the next few days bring...the pain is horrendous though...

I can't thank you enough for replying though...I was feeling very isolated about this..I have a demanding full time job, whoch I've been off for nearly two months now, and its not the sort of thing you can discuss with work!!!


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2015, 07:19:15 PM »

Hi , the tablets you have been given are an antidepressant I believe , which can be used for pain . If it doesn't work I really would ask to be referred to a specialist as you shouldn't live your life like that.
Unfortunately the menopause can play havoc with your bits, and they take longer to recover . You have my sympathy.



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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2015, 07:36:50 PM »

Perhaps a bit of local oestrogen would be better than an anti depressant....well worth a try.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2015, 07:43:55 PM »

I'm glad your doctor was sympathetic, the noritriptyline is a stronger version of amitriptyline I think. I had a UTI just before I had the vulval/vaginal/clitoral pain and I think it has caused damage to the pudendal nerve. I saw umpteen specialists last year and had three nerve block injections which didn't really help much. I had to take some time off work too and it was very difficult trying to explain to my male boss what was wrong. I saw a very good vulval dermatologist privately last year and she gave my vulva a thorough MOT. The problem with nerve damage though is that they don't really know what to do. I really hope you start to feel better soon as it is really nasty x x x

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2015, 08:16:30 PM »

Thank you all...its not good to hear that others have had this.. I wouldn't wish it on anyone..but
it is nice to hear your experiences and suggestions. Thank you Judith57 for your helpful insights...I hope you are managing to cope now too...

And yes, the tablets are antidepressants at higher doses, but this lower dose is for nerve pain..
I am a bit scared of taking them someone who has never even taken an aspirin..

I may give it a few more days to see if it settles down at all....

I am so grateful to have found such kind 'strangers'....this is all a new experience for me..but ?i think that shows how much we all feel like we need some kindred spirits going through this...

i will hopefully be able to pass on my advice at some point...



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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2015, 08:17:57 PM »

I am also a member of the painful " nether regions" I went to a vulva pain society day on Saturday with Dr Nunns a top specialist on Vulvodynia, he said to many ladies get "cared" for by the GPs and need referring onto a gynae or vulva dermatologist sooner rather than later.

Our age group require local oestrogen.....and also ladies who have vulva pain, should have there cervix looked at as it can sometimes be coming from there.

There where a 120 ladies there and I would say half where young girls in there early 20s very sad, and the oldest 81 and the rest perimeno/menopause......and yes the pudendal nerve is quite often the culprit......and a very over tight pelvic floor PFD pelvic floor dysfunction.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2015, 08:34:53 PM »

Hi MJ, I was wondering if you would contribute to this thread. I thought of you at your vulval pain day, how many of the poor souls were having to sit on cushions  :'(

Bath Mum, don't worry too much about taking the tablets, I know I couldn't have carried on for much longer with the awful clitoral pain, I used to have to sit with a packet of frozen peas on my bits and I couldn't sleep because of the constant pain.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 08:40:18 PM by Judith57 »


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2015, 08:40:57 PM »

Welcome Bath Mum - if your GP doesn't believe your blood profile is due to menopause, what the H does he think it is due to  :-X …….. send him an e-mail and ask the question.

Ask too for a referral to a vulva dermatologist in the mean-time.

At this time of Life we need to take any medication that will ease symptoms - short or long term, quality ladies, quality  ;)  I take my anti-depressant at night so that it doesn't leave me hung over too much.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2015, 05:54:22 AM »

Hi, ref taking ADs for pain. Doctor's advice is that if you take it at night and still get that hung over feeling , take it a bit earlier at 8 pm , in fact I was told that you can take it as early as 4pm if that suits you better, to avoid the morning tiredness.

Also a vulva dermatologist , will be able to tell you if you have inflammation and dryness down there , which requires topical creams, A lot of ladies are intolerant of anything around the nether regions. You should never use wipes or soap apparently. You can be advised to use steroid cream ,( but only do this if advised by a doctor/specialist) but some ladies can be intolerant to that and an ointment can be better. It is best not to put anything on your bits without specialist advice. Hydromol ointment is tolerated very well down there , which is a moisturiser and is often recommended , by specialists.

Don't rub the area with towels or flannels . Maryjane's advice is right , seek specialist advice sooner rather than later if you see no improvement.

Fingers crossed.



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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2015, 04:46:12 PM »

There are some wonderful baby wipes I have just found in Waitrose called water wipes they are 99.9% water and they have made a huge difference to the whole area down there, there is a webpage to order on line.

The vulva dermo I have seen said Hydromol or yes , I use yes oil based, I also have the Hydromol but it needs warming to put on as it is harder to use, I wipe with the wipes every time and then put yes on each time.

I am off to the dermo on Friday for a second opinion regards LS lichen scerlosie.....vagifem has helped a lot down there and the odd bit of oestrgen cream also.....but don't do anything I have said without consulting a specialist, however what I have suggested is pretty harmless....go buy the wipes there great, go everywhere with them, think the loo roll was irritating the area.

Also if you still have periods use natracare all a 100% pure.....when I shower I use a clean boil washed dry flannel to,pat dry with each time, so the towel which is not washed everyday doesn't  cause any issues either. I no is sounds a faff but it's second nature now......where I have come from belive me its worth it.....also I NEVER wear pants, go shopping, dog walking, days out to London no pants....and if it gets to much ice between the legs.
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