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Author Topic: Emitophobia  (Read 57275 times)


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2012, 04:54:01 PM »

So sorry you had to miss out on children because of this, I have had two and the morning sickness was hard just willed myself not to be sick!!


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #46 on: June 29, 2012, 04:58:04 PM »

:beaurk:  bit too much information  :o  ......... that's why I avoided childbirth full stop.  Made my mind up at age 8 not to have any. 

Same here.  Once I read about morning s***ness, that was it and I knew motherhood would never be an option for me.  I always wonder how emetophobic mums can put themselves through pregnancy, yet many seem to escape with no emet-episodes at all.


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #47 on: June 29, 2012, 05:45:41 PM »

It doesn't stop there though: travel problems, bugs from school,  :drunk: :stretcher:  ............ yet I managed to clean up after the dog and cats  ::)


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #48 on: June 29, 2012, 07:24:38 PM »

Being a very queasy type of person I was amazed to find that during all three of my pregnancies (and the one I lost at around 10 weeks) I had no sickness at all. In fact, I felt healthier than I had ever done and really enjoyed my food. It was great to feel normal!

Taz x


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #49 on: June 29, 2012, 08:46:06 PM »

I did not have morning sickness....I had all day sickness  ;D

I wanted a family so much that I was prepared to put up with that and the bugs from school. I do know that if I have to then I can.

I dont like being sick but would far rather it was me than anyone else. Once it starts then you just get on with things. Its other people that bothers me and it has got worse as I have got older. My ability to cope has diminished.



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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #50 on: June 29, 2012, 09:46:18 PM »

For several months in the 1990s I couldn't leave the house  :'(   : I dreamt about it   :  I had no respite at all  :-\


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2012, 02:19:53 PM »

CLKD that sounds awful  :(

I didn't have morning sickness just felt tired all the time for the first 3 mths. OH looked after DD if she was ill in the night. During the day I just had to get on with it. TBH I think my phobia has got worse as I've got older.  :-\


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2012, 02:31:08 PM »

Without betablockas which stop the awful lurch in my belly button area I wouldn't leave the house.  Certainly that drug has been a Life Saver  :o


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #53 on: July 16, 2012, 02:21:46 PM »

CLKD, have just been reading this post - i thought i was alone on my suffering? I have had a vomit phobia forever. it has def got worse since i had children, my big thing is one of them being sick, like you, i hunt out the rubbish bins in all shops etc. if one of them cough or are restless at night, a full blown panic attack can occur. it really is so awful. feel really embarrassed telling anyone, they just don't understand.
my daughter is now 16 and thankfully deals with sick herself (not that it happens often) but my son is only 8 and is going through the fascination with body fluid stage. i am trying so hard not to show my phobia when sick is mentioned but it is so hard.  It really does rule my life (along with other stuff lol) .

Good luck to you x


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #54 on: July 16, 2012, 04:57:19 PM »

 :thankyou:  it is probably more common than we realise but I was told that "the Dr would laugh" so I buttoned up and didn't tell anyone - still won't if I know them  :'(

Oh if Himself gets out of bed in the night I've taught him to mutter 'going for a pee' so that I don't think the worst but if I drop off to sleep and then he seems a long while coming back to bed  :-\ ............ and if anyone coughs in the car or goes quiet in the back seat  :o


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2013, 08:21:51 PM »

Bev - here it is, via the 'search' button .........


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2013, 08:23:13 PM »

Bev. wrote in our other thread:

I know I have times when it has taken over & other times when it was in the background. I remember having a carrier bag with me at all times when I was a teenager. I have started that again. I will never eat certain risky foods & going abroad was a bit tricky. ::: tick to the carrier bag, I carried one when I went to the Chelsea Flower Show in case.  Hidden in another bag ........ I won't eat chicken unless DH has cooked it.  I have only in recent years begun to eat 'out', i.e. in Pizza Express or fetching local chish and phipps.  But only when I am not conscious of my gut.

I have been through pregnancy though & didn't let it stop me having kids.  ::: I decided that I wouldn't have children when I was aged 8.

I have only ever got drunk once. ::: I avoided Pubs after around 9.00 p.m. leaving by then or not walking past. :::  I used to be part of an internet group many yrs ago in the 90's when things got really bad ::: (   yep   ;))  ::: so I know I could be a lot worse. I dread the sickness bugs from school & when my eldest daughter was training to be a nurse bringing sick germs home. I won't travel by public transport as I am not in control basically. Do you think it is a control issue?  ::: for me it is deep rooted fear. 

 In the 90's  I went to see a hypnotherapist, I wasn't even sure if it was a con.  ::: I worked with a psychologist who practised hynoptherapy, who told me I was not a suitable candidate.  I believe to thsi day that he knew hyno wouldn't help me :::

After a few sessions we got to the crux right at the end of my hrs appt. I was in my bedroom under eaves cupboard, I must have been under 5 as I knew which house it was & I had a box of marzipan fruits. I knew they must have made me very sick & I got told off. It was a memory I had forgotten, it wasn't one of those family stories but I knew it was real. Sadly  I was too scared to go back & deal with what happened so I didn't go through the details & process them with him it was just too much at the time. I wish I had now. 

This is the worst I have been since the 90's, I know the hormones have started it off again big time but I know most of it is me. If my husband feels nausea he just shrugs it off: ::: he tells you!  Mine wouldn't dare.  He was poorly earlier this year and shut himself intot he bathroom, I've never asked if he was actually ill  :-\  :::

but I spiral down this huge panic/anxiety road. I just want it back in the background again not with me every second of the day. I even went veggie for a number of years to cut down on food poisoning. I am 5 foot 7 & 9 stone, :::  I am 5ft 1" and weighed for years 6st 10lb :::  always been slimmer in the past probably because I don't over eat just in case. I do however eat regular meals as I would hate hunger to make me feel sickly. ::: for years DH would tell me that my stomach was hungry when I was crying due to deep fear.  The fear caused panic attacks.  The longest panic attack lasted 3 days  :'( :::

Sorry for the long post I just wanted to explain the phobia.

Its funny as I am a clean freak but I have 5 dogs (its my job) so I can't be that clean its impossible to keep things spotless doing what I do.  I'm just not sure if I should do hypnotheraphy again or just hope the meds & hormones work/go away a bit. B x
« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 08:29:37 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2013, 08:37:00 PM »

Found it!!! ha ha not so stupid after all.  I can so relate to everything said here the coughing, the children at school who where sick. I was once left in charge of my little brother for an hr when I was a young teenager & he was very sick I ran outside & threw pebbles at his bedroom window so he would look out & I could check he was still alive. I used to belong to gut reaction too, the lady was lovely it was back in the 90's when it made me agoraphobic. I remember so many instances of witnessing sick & hate drunk people.
Funnily though I have been able to deal with the kids, my eldest is 24 & I always managed with her.  Then after trying for 10 years for another baby I had a very late stillbirth it put things into perspective & although a terrible thing to happen it made me stronger as I nearly died, BUT I wasn't sick & some of the things I had to go through for 48 hrs where horrendous. I was even more positive I would have a baby & we ended up with two in 9 months :-* Until now I have coped, my youngest 9 yr old daughter has tetrology of fallot a heart condition so as soon as she went to school she got everything going & then gave it her brother. I use gloves & lots of bleach & anti bacterial wipes etc. They do both have high sleeper beds now that is a worry!!  We have to go to Alder Hey hospital a lot so another hotch potch of worry.
I can't explain how the phobia can be so bad & yet I can deal with them, however this last 2 mths I think I would have had to have help. I think my AD is finally kicking in so I think I will be ok now but we shall see.
I could sit here & list endless things like choking on a fish bone or always having a bowl under the bed but you know all the things. I just need mine to go back into the background again & just be simmering away & not affect my daily life.
This Summer/Autumn though & I don't want to sound glib about it, I was so poorly with these meno/anxiety symptoms I overcame a fear. I am fine with all insects but not wasps, I would probably crash my car if one buzzed in. I have gone out for the day in the past rather than deal with one leaving the kitchen tap on. I felt so crap wasps suddenly seemed like nothing, I either lived with them as we have big glass doors or set them free like I do all other wee beasties. I can't even look at a wasp picture!  So it has taught me something. Not sure what but I need to learn something.
I can do dog sick, I can do dog births & I can do lots of unpleasant things with puppy's & I can obviously do my job as a stud master. So what is it about sick. I think it is about control for me 1000000% Also it is out of the blue & a shock as it is mainly at night. I also have no problem with sick that is not catching so I fear catching it more than anything. Headlines will be Norovirus soon in another few weeks, my daughter is an early warning system working in A & E. I don't let her visit in her scrubs or if she has had something sicky.  I could go on forever & I am rambling now!   B x 


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2013, 08:44:28 PM »

You have hit the nail on the head, bev - emitophobia is about the fear of losing control and usually affects people who have a great need to be in control of all aspects of their lives. Usually it is a manageable fear but the moment that other stresses creep into your day to day life - most of them outside of your control - then the emitophobia increases and becomes all consuming. Well done on the wasp achievement!



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Re: Emetophobia
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2013, 08:50:01 PM »

I'm not sure that it's just about control, although this is often suggested.  Possibly emetophobes are especially sensitive to nausea and I'm sure many of us are quite introspective and regularly analysing ourselves for any symptoms.

Gut Reaction still exists but it's an online forum now due to problems with website hosting when Freeserve became Orange.
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